学习经历1987年,哈尔滨工业大学,应用化学系,环境科学与工程专业研究生毕业工作经历1993.10起,暨南大学任教, 广东省分析测试学会,常务理事;广东省突发事件应急管理化学专家研究领域
1. Effects of individual and combined toxicity of bisphenol A, dibutyl phthalate and cadmium on oxidative stress and genotoxicity in HepG 2 cellsFood and Chemical Toxicology二区2. Toxic effect of Nonylphenol on the marine macroalgae Gracilaria lemaneiformis (Gracilariales, Rhodophyta): antioxidant system and antitumor activity, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, SCI三区3. Estrogenicityassessment of membrane concentrates of landfill leachate treated by UV-Fenton process using human breast carcinoma cell line, Chemosphere, JCR二区4. XiaohuiLia , Pinghe Yinb*, Ling Zhaoc** Phthalate esters in Water and Surface Sediments of the Pearl River Estuary: Distribution, Ecological and Human health risks,Environmental Science and Pollution Research, DOI10.1007/s11356-016-7143-x,23(19), 19341-193495. Mingqin Zhong, Pinghe Yin, Ling ZhaoNonylphenol and Octylphenol in Riverine Waters and Surface sediments of the Pearl River Estuaries, South China: Occurrence, ecological and human health risks,Water Science and Technology, doi: 10.2166/ws.2017.0026. Meiying Songa, Pinghe Yinab*, Ling Zhaoc*, Zepeng Jiaob ,Shunshan Duand Distribution and Potential toxic risk of heavy metals in sediments of the Pearl River Estuary, SouthernChina,Soil and Sediment Contamination,2016 vol 25, no 2,DOI:10.1080/15320383.2014.916251,SCI7. Ling Zhao, Lina Chen, Pinghe Yin*. Algicidal metabolites produced by Bacillus sp. strain B1 against Phaeocystis globosa. Journal of Industrial Mcirobiology & Biotechnology, vol.41,p.593,2013, DOI: 10.1007/s10295-013-1393-0SCI8. Shuo Tan, Xiaoli Hu, Pinghe Yin*, Ling zhao, Photosynthetic inhibition and oxidative stress to the toxic Phaeocystis globosa caused by a diketopiperazine isolated from products of algicidal bacterium metabolismJournal of Microbiology(2016) Vol. 54, No. 5, pp. 364–375pISSN 1225-8873 DOI 10.1007/s12275-016-6012-0,SCI9. Shaoling Hou, Wanjiao Shua,Shuo Tanc, Ling Zhao, Pinghe Yin*Exploration in antioxidant and photosynthetic system of a marine algicidal Bacillus on four HABs speciesCanadian Journal of Microbiology.62(1): 49-59 (2016),doi.org/10.1139/cjm-2015-0425,SCI10. Guifang Wang,Gang Lu, Pinghe Yin*, LingZhao, Removing genotoxicity of membrane concentrates before/after advanced oxidation treatment: A study on a human hepatoma cell Journal of Hazardous Materials, (2016), pp. 154-162,DOI:10.1016/j.jhazmat.2015.12.069,SCI11. Guifang Wang1, Jiandi Zhao2, Pinghe Yin3*, Ling Zhao4**, Gang Lu,Valuating the toxicity of the landfill concentrated leachate during advanced treatment:Chemical analysis and bioanalytical tools,Environmental Science and Pollution Research,DOI:10.1007/s11356-016-6669-2, SCI12. ShuoTan,PingheYin,Death of the toxic phaeocystis globasa induced by marine algicidal bacterium shewanella sp. ts-6: programmed cell death or necrosis?Journal of Phycology,(submited on 2015.10.25, accepted on 2016.2.25),SCI13. Jiandi Zhao, Pinghe Yin*, Ling Zhao,Qiming Yu, and Gang Lu. Spatial and Seasonal Variations of Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon in Surface Water and Sediment in Pearl River Delta,Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 2015,DOI: 10.1007/s00128-015-1590-9, SCI14. Ting Li,Pinghe Yin*, Ling Zhao , Guifang Wang, Qiming Jimmy Yu , Huanyong Li, Shunshan Duan,Spatial-Temporal Distribution and Risk Assessment of Phthalate Esters from Riverine Outlets of Pearl River Delta in China,Water Science & Technology | 71.2 | 2015,183-190,doi:10.2166/wst.2014.485,SCI15. Meiying Songa, Pinghe Yin*, Ling Zhao, Zepeng Jiaob ,Shunshan Duand Distribution and Potential toxic risk of heavy metals in sediments of the Pearl River Estuary, SouthernChina, Soil and Sediment Contamination,2016,vol 25, no 2,DOI:10.1080/15320383.2014.91625116. Xiaoli Hu,Pinghe Yin*, Ling Zhao, and Qiming Yu,Characterization of Cell Viability in Phaeocystis globosa CulturesExposed to Marine Algicidal Bacteria. Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering 20: 58-66 (2015)DOI 10.1007/s12257-014-0437-2. SCI17. Qiuchan Yang, Lina Chen, Xiaoli Hu, Ling Zhao, Pinghe Yin*, Qiang Li,Toxic effect of a marine bacterium on aquatic organisms and its algicidal substances against Phaeocystis globosa,PLOS ONE,No. PONE-D-14-32552 2014 DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0114933,SCI18. 索俊昌1,2,赵玲1,2,*,尹平河3,* 陆刚,刘鹏,MCF-7细胞评价老龄渗滤液经IME-Fenton处理后酚类提取物的雌激素效应 环境科学学报 2016 Vol.36 No.31121-112819. 杨秋婵,赵玲,尹平河,谭烁,舒万姣,溶藻活性物质对棕囊藻溶藻及其胞内脂肪酸影响的模拟研究,环境科学,2015,36(9):3255-326120. Ru Chen, Pinghe Yin*, Ling Zhao, Qiming Yu, Aihua Hong, Shunshan Duan5,Environmental concentrations and ecological risk assessment of nonlyphenol and octylphenol in riverine outlets of the Pearl River in China,Journal of Environmental Sciences(2014)26 ,2340-2347DOI:10.1016/j.jes.2014.09.019, SCI 相关热点
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