工作经历2016年9月至今,暨南大学经济与社会研究院助理教授。2015年5月2016年8月, 澳大利亚国立大学经济系博士后。教育情况20112015,澳大利亚国立大学经济学,博士。20072010,厦门大学王亚南经济研究院,硕士。20032007,西南财经大学统计学院统计学系,学士。荣誉奖励2016年12月,Journal of Comparative Economics高引论文奖。出版著作图书章节with Xin Meng and Jinjun Xue, \研究领域
with Xin Meng and Kailing Shen, Economic reform, education expansion, and earnings inequality for urban males in China, 1988 - 2009, Journal of Comparative Economics, 41(1), 227-244, 2013.Does contact improve attitudes towards migrants in China? Evidence from urban residents, Economics of Transition, 26(2), 149-200, 2018.with Xin Meng, Social networks and mental health outcomes: Chinese rural-urban migrant experience, Journal of Population Economics, 33(1), 155-195.with Michael Kidd, Anh T. Le, Kathy Kirk and Nick Martin, “The Role of Locus of Control in Adulthood Outcomes: Evidence from Australian Twins”, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, accepted.with Chirok Han and Tue Gorgens, On the Asymptotic Distribution of the Quadratic GMM Estimator of a Dynamic Panel Data Model under a Unit Root, Economic Letters, accepted. 相关热点
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