2023-05-11 07:36
  • 文龙
  • 文龙 - 教授-暨南大学-纳米光子学研究院-个人资料




《Journal ofNanomaterials》专题编辑\r
《Journal of MaterialScience and Technology Research》编委\r
《Current Chinese Science: Physics》编委\r




L. Wen#, L. Liang, Xianguang Yang, et al. Multiband and UltrahighFigure-of-Merit Nanoplasmonic Sensing with Direct Electrical Readout in Au-SiNanojunctions. ACS NANO, 2019, 13:6963-6972.\r
L. Wen#, Q. Chen*, X. Hu, H. Wang, L. Jin and Q. Su. Multifunctional Silicon OptoelectronicsIntegrated with Plasmonic Scattering Colors.ACSNANO, 10, 11076 (2016).\r
L. Wen#, Y. Chen, W. Liu, Q. Su, J. Grant, Z. Qi, Q.Wang and Q. Chen*. EnhancedPhotoelectric and Photothermal Responses on SiliconPlatform by Plasmonic Absorber and Omni-Schottky Junction. Laser& Photonics Reviews, 11, 1700059 (2017).\r
L. Wen#, Y. Chen#,L. Liang and Q. Chen*. Hot ElectronHarvesting via Photoelectric Ejection andPhotothermal Heat Relaxation in Hotspots-EnrichedPlasmonic/Photonic Disordered Nano-Composites. ACS Photonics, DOI: 10.1021/acsphotonics.7b01156(2017).\r
L. Liang. X. H, L. Wen*, et al. Unity Integration of Grating Slot Waveguideand Microfluid for Terahertz Sensing. Laser & Photonics Reviews,12(11), pp 1800078, 2018.\r
Qin Chen*, Li Liang, Qilin Zheng, Yanxin Zhang,and Long Wen*. On-chipReadout Plasmonic Mid-IR Gas Sensor. Opto-Electronic Advances 3(7):190040 (2020).\r
Qin Chen, Shichao Song, Huacun Wang, Li Liang,Yajin Dong, and Long Wen*.Ultra-Broadband Spatial Light Modulation with dual-resonance coupledEpsilon-near-zero Materials. Nano ResearchDOI:10.1007/s12274-020-3271-1 (2020).\r
Long Wen, Xianghong Nan, Jiaxiang Li, David R. S.Cumming*, Xin Hu* and Qin Chen*. Broad-band spatial light modulation with dualepsilon-near-zero modes. Opto-Electronic Advances (2021)\r
Long Wen#, Jiaxiang Li, Yajin Dong, Zaizhu Lou, Qin Chen*. High-efficiencynarrow-band plasmonic hot electron conversion from nanoscale sodium–silicon heterostructures.Journalof Applied Physics 2128:153103 (2020).\r
X. Li, T, Chen, B. Zhou, G. Liu, T. Shi*, L. Wen*, H. Cao and Y. Wang. Synthesisof Si/SiO2 core-shell nanowire arrays and broadband anti-reflection effects indiluted Si nanowire arrays by adjusting dielectric shell thickness.Nanotechnology,28,185402, (2017).\r
Z. Qi, Y. Zhai, L. Wen*, Q. Wang*, Q. Chen, et al. Aunanoparticle-decorated silicon pyramids for plasmon-enhanced hot electronnear-infrared photodetection. Nanotechnology,28, 275202, (2017).\r
L. Wen#, Q. Chen*, S. Song, Y. Yu, L. Jin and X. Hu. Photon Harvesting, Coloring and Polarizing inPhotovoltaic Cell integrated Color Filters: efficient energy routing strategies forpower-saving displays. Nanotechnology,26:265203 (2015).\r
L. Wen#, F. Sun, and Q. Chen*. CascadingMetallic Gratings for Broadband Absorption Enhancement in Ultrathin PlasmonicSolar Cells. Applied Physics Letters,104, 151106 (2014).\r
X. Li, T. Shi, G. Liu, L. Wen*, et al. Absorption enhancement of GaInP nanowires by tailoring transparent shell thicknesses andits application in III-V nanowire/Si film two-junction solar cells.OpticsExpress, 23, 25316-25328 (2015).\r
W. Wang, X. Li, L. Wen*, G. Liu, T. Shi et al. Opticaland electrical simulations of silicon nanowire array/Poly(3-hexylthiophene):Phenyl-C61-butyricacid methyl ester hybrid solar cell.AppliedPhysics Letters, 105, 233115 (2014).\r
L. Wen#, Q. Chen*, F. Sun, S. Song, L. Jin and Y. Yu. Theoretical design of multi-coloredsemi-transparent organic solar cells with both efficient color filtering and light harvesting.ScientificReports, 4:7036 (2014).\r
Y. Chen#, L. Wen#, X. Hu, R.Xu, Q. Chen*. Discrete optical field manipulation by Ag-Albilayer gratings for broadband absorption enhancement in thin-film solar cells.Plasmonics, 13(5):1603-1613 (2017).\r
L. Wen# and Q. Chen*. Ultra-thincontinuous lossy metal film for broad-band light absorption and hot electroncollection. Journalof Photonics for Energy, 6, 042503 (2016).\r
Q. Chen*, X. Hu, L. Wen, Y. Yu, D. R. S. Cumming. Nanophotonic image sensor,Small,6, 042503 (2016).\r
L. Wen#, X. Li, Z. Zhao S. Bu and Y. Wang*. Theoretical Consideration of III-V Nanowire/SiTriple Junction Solar Cells. Nanotechnology,23, 505202 (2012).\r
L. Wen#, Z. Zhao, X. Li* and Y. Wang. Theoreticalanalysis and modeling of light trapping in high efficiency GaAs nanowire arraysolar cells. Applied Physics Letters, 99, 143116(2011).\r
[1] Shichao Song, Long Wen, Qin Chen, GrapheneComposites based Photodetectors, Chapter in GRAPHENE BASED POLYMERNANOCOMPOSITES IN ELECTRONICS, Springer, ISBN: 978-3-319-13874-9, 2015.\r
[1] 国家重点研发计划“光电子与微电子器件及集成”专项,基于混合集成的可重构近红外多波长探测器,2019YFB2203402,2020.01至2022.12,515万,参与(2/20),在研;\r
[2] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,基于非金属等离激元材料的硅基近红外热载流子转换研究,11874029,2019.01至2022.12,64万,主持,在研;\r
[3] 国家自然科学基金青年项目,表面等离激元金属纳米结构光致电势效应及其传感器应用研究,11604367,2017.01至2019.12,21万,主持,结题;\r
[4] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,基于Tamm等离极化激元耦合模式的金属-半导体-金属热电子光电探测器,11774099,2018.01至2021.12,22/62万,合作,在研;\r
[5] 广东省国际合作项目,基于等离激元光电转换阵列的近红外片上谱仪研究,2021.01-2022.12,50万,主持,在研;\r
[6] 广东省科技企业特派员项目,红外LED芯片光萃取和光衰减机理研究及其性能增益方案,2020.10-2022.09,18万,主持,在研;\r
[7] 徐州市创新创业项目,关于OLED精细金属蒸镀掩膜版研发与开发,2017.07至2020.06,30万,主持,结题;\r
[8] 江苏省自然科学基金青年项目,基于金属纳米结构的完美吸收体表面光电压行为及其传感器研究,2016.01至2018.12,20万,主持,结题;\r
[9] 苏州产业技术创新专项,完美吸收型金属纳米结构的表面光电压行为及其传感器件应用研究,2015.01至2017.12,主持,结题;\r
[11]英国皇家学会牛顿高级学者项目,Integrated TerahertzSensors,11.1万英镑,参与,结题

