2023-05-11 07:35
  • 王雪梅
  • 王雪梅 - 教授 博导-暨南大学-环境与气候研究院-个人资料




王雪梅,教授,博士生导师。2014年获得国家杰出青年科学基金。目前当任IGBP核心科学计划“陆地生态系统与大气过程综合研究”(iLEAPs)的科学指导委员会(SSC)委员、国际大气化学与全球污染(iCACGP)科学指导委员会委员、美国气象学会城市环境委员会理事、Atmospheric Environment期刊编委、Asian Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Science副编委、GEIA(Global Emissions InitiAtive)全球源排放研究中国工作组成员、中国颗粒学会第六届理事会理事等。主要从事大气边界层与大气化学数值模拟、城镇化对区域气候和空气质量的影响、空气质量模式WRF-CHEM的参数化发展和改进等方面的研究工作,近5年主持与参与国家863、973计划、国家自然科学基金、科技部公益性行业专项、国际合作等项目近14项。共发表学术论文101篇(其中SCI论文约62篇),有4篇论文入选地球科学领域ESI高被引用论文;获软件著作权2项;研究成果分别获得2012年与2016年广东省环境保护科学技术一等奖,并且直接应用于第16届广州2010亚运会、第26届深圳2011年世界大学生夏季运动会空气质量保障方案的制定。




Chen W.H., Wang X.M.*, Cohen J., Zhou Z.Z.*, Zhang Z.S., Chang M., Chan C. Y., 2016. Properties of aerosols and formation mechanisms over southern China during the monsoon season. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 16, 13271–13289, doi:10.5194/acp-16-13271-2016.
Zhou Z.Z , Davy P.K., Wang X.M.*, Cohen J., Liang J.Q., Huang M.J., Fan Q., Chen W.H., Chang M., Ancelet T., Trompetter W., 2016. High time-resolved elemental components in fine and coarse particles in the Pearl River Delta region of Southern China: Dynamic variations and effects of meteorology. Science of the total environment, 572, 634-648. dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2016.05.194.
Fan Q., Lan J., Liu Y.M., Wang X.M.*, Chan P., Hong Y.Y., Feng Y.R., Liu Y.X., Zeng Y. J., Liang G.X., 2015. Process analysis of regional aerosol pollution during spring in the Pearl River Delta region, China.Atmospheric Environment,122, 829-838.
Cui H.Y., Chen W.H., Dai W., Liu H.*,Wang X.M.*,He K.B., 2015. Source apportionment of PM2.5 in Guangzhou combining observation data analysis and chemical transport model simulation. Atmospheric Environment, 116, 262-271.
Liao W.H.,Wang X.M.*,Fan Q., Zhou S.Z., Chang M. Wang Z.M., Wang Y., Tu Q. L., 2015. Long-term Atmospheric Visibility, Sunshine Duration and Precipitation Trends in South China. Atmospheric Environment, 107, 204-216.
Situ, S.P.,Wang X.M. *, Guenther A., Zhang Y.L., Wang X., Huang M., Fan Q., Xiong Z. 2014.Uncertainties of isoprene emissions in the MEGAN model estimated for a coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forest in Southern China. Atmospheric Environment, 98, 105-110.
Wang, X.M., Liao, J.B., Zhang, J., Shen, C., Chen, W.H., Xia, B.C., 2014. A numeric study of regional climate change induced by urban expansion in Pearl River Delta, China. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 53, 346-362.
Wang X.M., Liu H., Pang J.M., Carmichael G., He K.B., Fan Q., Zhong L.J., Wu Z.Y., Zhang J.P., 2013. Reductions in sulfur pollution in the Pearl River Delta region, China: Assessing the effectiveness of emission controls. Atmospheric Environment 76, 113-124.
Situ S.P., Guenther A.,Wang X.M.*, Jiang X.Y., Turnipseed A., Wu Z.Y., Zhou G.Y., Bai J. H., Wang X., 2013. Impacts of seasonal and regional variability in biogenic VOC emissions on surface ozone in the Pearl River Delta region, China, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 13, 11803–11817.
Wang X.M., Situ S.P., Guenther A., Chen F., Wu Z.Y., Xia B.C., Wang T.J., 2011. Spatiotemporal variability of biogenic terpenoid emissions in Pearl River Delta, China, with high-resolution land-cover and meteorological data. Tellus B, 63B, 241-254.

