2023-05-11 07:33
  • 武创
  • 武创 - 副研究员-暨南大学-光子技术研究院-个人资料








1. C. Wu, M. L. V. Tse, Z. Y. Liu, A. P. Zhang, B. O. Guan*, C. Lu, and H. Y. Tam, In-line microfluidic integration of photonic crystal fibres as a highly sensitive refractometer, Analyst, vol. 139, no. 21, pp. 5422-5429, Nov. 2014. (IF 4.1)
2. C. Wu, Z. Y. Liu, A. P. Zhang, B. O. Guan*, and H. Y. Tam, In-line open-cavity Fabry–Pérot interferometer formed by C-shaped fiber for temperature-insensitive refractive index sensing, Optics Express, vol. 22, no. 18, pp. 21757-21766, Sep. 2014. (SCI被引14次)
3. C. Wu, M. L. V. Tse, Z. Y. Liu, B. O. Guan*, C. Lu, and H. Y. Tam, In-line microfluidic refractometer based on C-shaped fiber assisted photonic crystal fiber Sagnac interferometer, Optics Letters, vol. 38, no. 17, pp.3283-3286, Sep. 2013. (SCI被引22次)
4. C. Wu, Z. Y. Liu, K. M. Chung, M. L. V. Tse, F. Y. M. Chan, A. P. T. Lau, C. Lu, and H. Y. Tam, Strong LP01 and LP11 mutual coupling conversion in a two-mode fiber Bragg grating, IEEE Photonics Journal, vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 1080-1086, Aug. 2012. (SCI被引13次)
5. C. Wu, B. O. Guan, C. Lu, and H. Y. Tam, Salinity sensor based on polyimide-coated photonic crystal fiber, Optics Express, vol. 19, no. 21, pp. 20003-20008, Oct. 2011. (SCI被引26次)
6. C. Wu, H. Y. Fu, K. K. Qureshi, B. O. Guan, and H. Y. Tam, High pressure and high temperature characteristics of a Fabry–Perot interferometer based on photonic crystal fiber, Optics Letters, vol. 36, no. 3, pp. 412-414, Feb. 2011. (SCI被引102次,Google Schorlar 128次)
7. C. Wu, J. Li, X. H. Feng, B. O. Guan*, and H. Y. Tam, Side-hole photonic crystal fiber with ultrahigh polarimetric pressure sensitivity, Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 29, no. 7, pp. 943-948, Apr. 2011. (SCI被引18次)
8. C. Wu, B. O. Guan*, Z. Wang and X. Feng, Characterization of pressure response of Bragg gratings in grapefruit microstructured fibers, Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 28, no. 9, pp. 1392-1397, May 2010. (SCI被引33次)
9. Z. Y. Liu, C. Wu, M. L. V. Tse, and H. Y. Tam, Fabrication, characterization, and sensing applications of a high-birefringence suspended-core fiber, Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 31, no. 11, pp. 2113-2122, June 2014.
10. F. Liu, T. Guo, C. Wu, B. O. Guan*, C. Lu, H. Y. Tam, and J. Albert, Wideband-adjustable reflection-suppressed rejection filters using chirped and tilted fiber gratings, Optics Express, vol. 22, no. 20, pp. 24430-24438, Oct. 2014.
11. Z. Y. Liu, C. Wu, M. L. V. Tse, C. Lu, and H. Y. Tam, Ultrahigh birefringence index-guiding photonic crystal fiber and its application for Pressure and temperature discrimination, Optics Letters, vol. 38, no. 9, pp. 1385-1387, April 2013. (SCI被引23次)
12. C. Lyu, C. Wu, H. Y. Tam, C. Lu, and J. Ma, Polarimetric heterodyning fiber laser sensor for directional acoustic signal measurement, Optics Express, vol. 21, no. 15, pp. 18273-18280, 2013.
13. M. J. Yin, C. Wu, L. Y. Shao, A. P. Zhang, and H. Y. Tam, Label-free, disposable fiber-optic biosensor for DNA hybridization detection, Analyst, vol. 138, pp. 1988-1994, 2013. (IF 4.1)
14. T. Guo, L. Shang, F. Liu, C. Wu, B. O. Guan, H. Y. Tam, and J. Albert, Polarization-maintaining fiber-optic-grating vector vibroscope, Optics Letters, vol. 38, no. 4, pp. 531-533, 2013.
15. Z. Y. Liu, M. L. V. Tse, C. Wu, D. R. Chen, C. Lu, and H. Y. Tam, Intermodal coupling of supermodes in a twin-core photonic crystal fiber and its application as a pressure sensor, Optics Express, vol. 20, no. 19, pp. 21749-21757, 2012. (SCI被引25次)
16. H. Y. Fu, C. Wu, M. L. V. Tse, L. Zhang, K. C. Cheng, H. Y. Tam, B. O. Guan, and C. Lu, High pressure sensor based on photonic crystal fiber for downhole application, Applied Optics, vol. 49, no. 14, pp. 2639-2643, May 2010. (SCI被引56次)

