2023-05-11 07:30
  • 施政
  • 施政 - 讲师-暨南大学-智能科学与工程学院-个人资料




阿卜杜拉国王科技大学, 沙特,访学,2016 年 09 月 ∼ 2017 年 02 月
澳门大学,电机与电脑工程,博士, 2013 年 09 月 ∼ 2017 年 07 月
南京邮电大学, 通信与信息系统,硕士, 2010 年 09 月 ∼ 2013 年 04 月
安徽师范大学, 通信工程,学士, 2006 年 09 月 ∼ 2010 年 06 月


无线通信中的信号处理和性能分析,混合自动重发请求(HARQ), 非正交多址编码(NOMA), 毫米波(Millimeter Wave),自由空间光通信(FSO),下一代无线通信技术等


Hong Wang, Yaru Fu, Zheng Shi, Rongfang Song. Fractional Power Control for Small Cell Uplinks With Opportunistic NOMA Transmissions. In Proc. International Conference on Communications (ICC’2019).
Zheng Shi, Huan Zhang, Shenke Zhong, Guanghua Yang, Xinrong Ye, and Shaodan Ma, On the Performance of Variable-Rate HARQ-IR over Beckmann Fading Channels. In Proc. International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing (WCSP’18), Oct. 2018, pp.1-6.
Zheng Shi, Guanghua Yang, Yaru Fu, Hong Wang, and Shaodan Ma, Performance Analysis of MIMO-NOMA Systems with Randomly Deployed Users. In Proc. IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM’18), Dec. 2018.
Zheng Shi, Shaodan Ma, Guanghua Yang, Kam-Weng Tam, and Minghua Xia, A General Analytical Approach for Outage Analysis of HARQ-IR over Correlated Fading Channels, In Proc. the Ninth International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing (WCSP’17), Oct. 2017, pp.1-6.
Zheng Shi, Shaodan Ma, Fen Hou, Kam-Weng Tam, and Yik-Chung Wu, Optimal Power Allocation for HARQ Schemes over Time-Correlated Nakagami-m Fading Channels, In Proc. IEEE International Conference on Communication Systems (ICCS’16), Dec. 2016, pp.1-6. (Invited paper)
Junjuan Feng, Zheng Shi, and Shaodan Ma, Sum Rate of Full-duplex Two-way Massive MIMO Relay Systems with Channel Aging, In Proc. IEEE International Conference on Communication Systems (ICCS’16), Dec. 2016, pp.1-6.
Guokai Chen, Zheng Shi, and ShaodanMa, Passive Target Localization in Non-Line-of-Sight Environments, In Proc. IEEE International Conference on Communication Systems (ICCS’16), Dec. 2016, pp.1-6.
Zheng Shi, Haichuan Ding, Shaodan Ma, Kam-Weng Tam, and Su Pan, Outage Analysis of Cooperative HARQ-IR over Time-Correlated Fading Channels Based on Inverse Moments, In Proc. IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM’16), Dec. 2016, pp.1-6.
Zheng Shi, Shaodan Ma, and Kam-Weng Tam, Outage Analysis on Type I HARQ over Time-Correlated Rayleigh Fading Channels, In Proc. IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China (ICCC’15), Nov. 2015, pp.1-6. (Invited paper)
Zheng Shi, Shaodan Ma, and Kam-Weng Tam, Rate selection for cooperative HARQ-CC systems over time-correlated Nakagami-m fading channels, In Proc. IEEE International Conference on Communication Workshop (ICCW’15), Jun. 2015, pp.919-924.
Zheng Shi, Shaodan Ma, Fen Hou, and Kam-Weng Tam, Analysis on Full Duplex Amplify-and-Forward Relay Networks under Nakagami Fading Channels, In Proc. IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM’15), Dec. 2015, pp.1-6.
Xuanxuan Yang, Zheng Shi, Zheng Shi, Shaodan Ma, and Kam-Weng Tam, Performance analysis of cooperative HARQ-IR over time-correlated Nakagami-m fading channels, In Proc. IEEE International Conference on Communication Systems (ICCS’14), Nov. 2014, pp.404-408.
Xuanxuan Yang, Zheng Shi, Haichuan Ding, Zheng Shi, Shaodan Ma, and Su Pan, Analysis of Outage and Throughput for Opportunistic Cooperative HARQ Systems over Time Correlated Fading Channels, In Proc. IEEE 80th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2014-Fall), Sep. 2014, pp.1-5.
Khuzairi Mohd Zaini, Azizul Rahman Mohd Shariff and Zheng Shi, Traffic offloading and its application in CRRM, 2014 IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Wireless and Mobile, Bali, 2014, pp. 132-137.
Zheng Shi, and Qi Zhu, A calculation method for handoff rate based on angle mobility mod- el, In Proc. IEEE International Conference on Systems and Informatics (ICSAI’12), May 2012, pp. 1389-1392.

