2023-05-11 07:29
  • 冉洋
  • 冉洋 - 副研究员-暨南大学-光子技术研究院-个人资料








1. P.Strobbia#, Y. Ran #(Co-first author), B. Crawford, V. Cupil-Garcia, R. Zentella, H-N Wang, T.-P. Sun, and T. Vo-Dinh*, Inverse Molecular Sentinel-Integrated Fiberoptic Sensor for Direct and in Situ Detection of miRNA Targets, Analytical Chemistry 91, 6345-6352 (2019).
2. Y. Ran, P. Strobbia, V. Cupil-Garciab, T. Vo-Dinh*, Fiber-optrode SERS probes using plasmonic silver-coated gold nanostars, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 287, 95-101 (2019).
3. Y. H. Zha, Z.Y Xu, P. Xiao, F. R. Feng, Y. Ran *, and B.-O Guan, Phase-shifted type-IIa fiber Bragg gratings for high-temperature laser applications, Optics Express 27, 4346-4353 (2019).
4. T. Liu, L.-L. Liang, P. Xiao, L.-P. Sun, Y.-Y. Huang, Y. Ran*, L. Jin, and B.-O. Guan, A label-free cardiac biomarker immunosensor based on phase-shifted microfiber Bragg grating, Biosensors and Bioelectronics100, 155-160 (2018).
5. P. Xiao, T. Liu, F.-R. Feng, L.-P. Sun, H. Liang, Y. Ran*, L. Jin, and B.-O. Guan, Spectral tuning of the diameter-dependent-chirped Bragg gratings written in microfibers, Optics Express 24, 29749-29759 (2016).
6. F.-R. Feng, T. Liu, P. Xiao, Y. Ran*, H. Liang, L. Jin, and B.-O. Guan, 1-μm-wavelength ytterbium-doped fiber laser based on the third harmonic reflection in secondary-type-In Bragg gratings, Optics Letters41, 4999-5002 (2016).
7. F.-R. Feng, Y. Ran*, Y.-Z. Liang, S. Gao, Y.-H. Feng, L. Jin, and B.-O. Guan, Thermally triggered fiber lasers based on secondary-type-In Bragg gratings, Optics Letters 41, 2470-2473 (2016).
8. Y. Ran, F.-R. Feng, Y.-Z. Liang, L. Jin, and B.-O. Guan, Type IIa Bragg grating based ultra-short DBR fiber laser with high temperature resistance, Optics Letters 40, 5706-5709 (2015).
9. Y. Ran, L. Jin, S. Gao, L.-P. Sun, Y.-Y. Huang, J. Li, and B.-O. Guan, Type IIa Bragg gratings formed in microfibers, Optics Letters 40, 3802-3805 (2015).
10. Y. Ran, L. Jin, L. P. Sun, J. Li, and B. O. Guan, Temperature-Compensated Refractive-Index Sensing Using a Single Bragg Grating in an Abrupt Fiber Taper, IEEE Photonics Journal 5, 7100208-7100208 (2013).
11. Y. Ran, L. Jin, L.-P. Sun, J. Li, and B.-O. Guan, Bragg gratings in rectangular microfiber for temperature independent refractive index sensing, Optics Letters 37, 2649-2651 (2012).
12. Y. Ran, L. Jin, Y. N. Tan, L. P. Sun, J. Li, and B. O. Guan, High-efficiency ultraviolet inscription of Bragg gratings in microfibers, IEEE Photonics Journal 4, 181-186 (2012).
13. Y. Ran, Y.-N. Tan, L.-P. Sun, S. Gao, J. Li, L. Jin, and B.-O. Guan, 193nm excimer laser inscribed Bragg gratings in microfibers for refractive index sensing, Optics Express 19, 18577-18583 (2011).
14. B.-O. Guan, Y. Ran, F.-R. Feng, and L. Jin, Formation and Applications of the Secondary Fiber Bragg Grating, Sensors 17,398 (2017). (Invited Paper)
15. B.-O. Guan, J. Li, L. Jin, and Y. Ran, Fiber Bragg gratings in optical microfibers, Optical Fiber Technology 19, 793-801 (2013). (Invited Paper)
16. D. D. Sun, T. Guo, Y. Ran, Y. Y. Huang, and B. O. Guan*, In-situ DNA hybridization detection with a reflective microfiber grating biosensor, Biosensors and Bioelectronics 61, 541-546 (2014).

