2023-05-11 07:28
  • 屈挺
  • 屈挺 - 教授 博导-暨南大学-智能科学与工程学院-个人资料




2008年12月- 2010年11月:香港大学工程学院 博士后、助理教授/博导
2010年12月- 2016年4月:广东工业大学 “百人计划”特聘教授,工业工程系主任、教授/博导
2016年05月-2018年12月:暨南大学电气信息学院 院长、教授/博导
2019年01月-今:暨南大学智能科学与工程学院 院长、教授/博导




[1]D.X. Nie, T. Qu* (Corresponding Author), Y. Liu, C.D. Li, G.Q. Huang. 2018. Improved ALC for Optimizing Assembly Supply Chains Configuration with Multiple Sharing Elements in an Industrial Cluster. Industrial Management & Data Systems. DOI: IMDS-06-2018-0253.
[2]Kai Zhang, Ting Qu* (Corresponding Author), Dajian Zhou, Matthias Thürer, Yang Liu, Duxian Nie, Congdong Li, George Q Huang. 2018. IoT-enabled Dynamic Lean Control Mechanism for Typical Production Systems. Journal of Ambient Intelligence & Humanized Computing. DOI: 10.1007/s12652-018-1012-z.
[3]Matthias Thürer, Ivan Tomašević, Mark Stevenson, Ting Qu* (Corresponding Author), Don Huisingh. 2017. A Systematic Review of the Literature on Integrating Sustainability into Engineering Curricula. Journal of Cleaner Production. DOI: doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2017.12.130.
[4]Ting Qu, J.H. Zhang, Felix T. S. Chan, R.S. Srivastava, M.K. Tiwari, Woo-Yong Park. 2017. Demand Prediction and Price Optimization for Semi-Luxury Supermarket Segment. Computers & Industrial Engineering. DOI: 10.1016/j.cie.2017.09.004.
[5]Thürer, M., Qu, T., Stevenson, M., Li, C.D., Huang G.Q. 2017. Deconstructing bottleneck shiftiness: the impact of bottleneck position on order release control in pure flow shops. Production Planning & Control, 28(15).
[6]Thürer, M., Pan, Y.H., Qu, T. * (Corresponding Author). 2017. Internet of Things (IoT) driven Reverse Kanban for Reverse Logistic: Solid Waste Collection. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing. DOI:10.1007/s10845-016-1278-y.
[7]Thürer, M., Stevenson, M. Silva, C. and Qu, T.* (Corresponding author), 2017. Drum-Buffer-Rope and Workload Control in High-Variety Flow and Job Shops with Bottlenecks: An Assessment by Simulation. International Journal of Production Economics, 188,116-127.
[8]Qu, T., Nie, D.X., Li, C.D., Thurer Matthias, Huang, G.Q. 2017. Optimal Configuration of Assembly Supply Chains Based on Hybrid Augmented Lagrangian Coordination in an Industrial Cluster. Computers and Industrial Engineering, 112, 511-525.
[9]Qu, T., Pan, Y.H., Liu, X., Kang, K., Li, C.D.*, Thurer Matthias, Huang, G.Q. 2017. IoT-based real-time production logistics synchronization mechanism and method toward customer order dynamics.Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, 39(4), 429–445.
[10]Qu, T., Thürer, M., Wang, J.H., Wang Z.Z., Fu, H., Li, C.D., Huang, G.Q. 2016. System Dynamics Approach for the Performance Evaluation of Internet-of-Things System Implementation in a Dynamic Production Logistics System. International Journal of Production Research, 55(9), 2622-2649.
[11]Shi, Y.,Qu, T.* (Corresponding author), Chu, L.K. 2016. A dynamic Stackelberg game model for portfolio procurement by a risk-averse buyer. Industrial Management and Data Systems, 116(3).
[12]Zhang, T., Qu, T.*(Corresponding author), Huang, G.Q., Chen, X., Wang, Z.Z. 2016. Sizing, pricing and replenishment in a headquarter-managed centralized distribution center. Industrial Management and Data Systems, 116(6) :1086-1104.
[13]Qu, T., Lei S.P., Wang, Z.Z., Nie D.X., Chen X.*, Huang G.Q. 2015. IoT-based Real-time Production Logistics Synchronization System under Intelligent Cloud Manufacturing. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 84(1), 147-164.
[14]Qu, T., Nie D.X., Wang Z.Z., Chen X., Dai Q.Y., and Huang George Q. 2015. Optimal Configuration of Cluster Supply Chains with Augmented Lagrange Coordination. Computers and Industrial Engineering, 84, 43-55.
[15]Li, Z. George Q. Huang, Fang, J. Qu, T.* (Corresponding Author). 2013. Ontology-Based Dynamic Alliance Services (Odas) in Production Service System. International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 27(2), 148-164.
[16]Qu, T, Chen, X.D., Zhang, Y.F., Yang, H.D., Huang, G.Q. 2012. Analytical Target Cascading Enabled Optimal Configuration Platform for Production Service Systems. International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 24(5), 457-470.
[17]Qu, T., Yang, H.D., Huang, G.Q., Zhang, Y.F. Luo. H. Qin, W. 2012. A Case of Implementing RFID-Based Real-Time Shop-Floor Material Management for Household Electrical Appliance Manufacturers. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 23(6), 2343-2356.
[18]Qu, T, Bin, S., Huang, G.Q., Yang, H.D. 2010. Two-stage Product Platform Development for Mass Customization. International Journal of Production Research, 49(8), 2197-2219.
[19]Qu, T. Huang, G.Q., Cung, Van-Dat, Mangione, Fabien. 2010. Optimal Configuration of Assembly Supply Chains Using Analytical Target Cascading. International Journal of Production Research, 48(23), 6883- 6907.
[20]Qu, T., Huang, G.Q., Zhang, Y.F., Dai, Q.Y. 2009. A Generic Analytical Target Cascading Optimization System for Decentralized Supply Chain Configuration over Supply Chain Grid. International Journal of Production Economics, 127, 262-277.
2015年广东特支计划 “科技创新青年拔尖人才”;

