2023-05-11 07:28
  • 彭青玉
  • 彭青玉 - 教授-暨南大学-信息科学技术学院/网络空间安全学院-个人资料




1997.12 中国科学院 博士研究生毕业
其中1993.09---1994.01 中国科技大学 研究生院 (合肥)学习
1989.08 中国科学院 硕士研究生毕业
1983.08 湖南师范学院涟源分院物理系毕业
1983.08---1986.08 湖南省娄底地区第一中学 物理教师 物理奥林匹克竞赛辅导员
1989.08---1999.10 中国科学院云南天文台研究实习员、助理研究员、副研究员。主要从事 子午天文方法的研究;子午环观测、资料归算与分析(包括图像处理程序设计);大口径望远镜CCD观测、图像处理程序设计和高精度归算方法研究,包括SRT(CCD图像分离读出技术)资料图像分析方法与研究。
1999.11---今天 暨南大学计算机科学系副教授、教授。主要从事图像图形基础、计算机图形学、数字图像处理、数字摄影、高等数值分析 、计算机专业英语、天文概论等课程的教学。也从事太阳系天体高精度定位观测与图像资料的分析与研究;医学图像处理。




Peng Q.Y., Mao W., A Method for Determining Precisely the Barycentric Position of Uranus Observed with CCD systems, 1998,ApSS, 257, 278-281
Peng Q.Y., Vienne A., and Shen K.X., Positional measuring procedure and CCD observations for Saturnian satellites, 2002, A&A 383, 296-301 (IF2005: 4.223; IDS Number: 527JT)
Peng Q.Y., Han Y.B., Zhang C.L. and Li Z.L., Image-processing techniques in precisely measuring positions of Jupiter and its Galilean satellites, 2003, A&A 401, 773-779 (IF2005: 4.223; IDS Number: 658EN)
Peng Q.Y., Image-processing techniques in precisely measuring positions of Saturn and its satellites, 2003, Science in China (G) 46, 362-370 (IF2005: 0.292; IDS Number: 706LY)
Peng Q.Y., Vienne A., Han Y.B. and Li Z.L., Precise calibration of CCD images with a small field of view, 2004, A&A 424, 339-344 (IF2005: 4.223; IDS Number: 857DD)
Peng Q.Y., New confirmation of image-processing techniques for astrometry of Saturn and its satellites, 2005, MNRAS 359, 1597-1600 (IF2005: 5.352; IDS Number: 933NQ)
Peng Q.Y., Zhang Q.F., Precise positions of Phoebe determined with CCD image-overlapping calibration, 2006, MNRAS 366, 208-212 (IF2005: 5.352; IDS Number: 006DW)
Peng Q.Y., Noyelles B., Eclipses and occultations of Galilean satellites observed at Yunnan observatory in 2003, 2007, ChJAA 7, 317-324 (IF2005: 0.672; IDS Number: 162ZY)
Peng Q.Y., Vienne A., Lainey V. and Noyelles B., New evidence of precision premium for Galilean satellites from CCD imaging, 2008, Planetary & Space Science 56. 1807-1811 (SCI, IF2008: 2.506)
Arlot, J. -E.; Jin, W. J.; Zhu, J.; Peng, Q. Y.; Colas, F.; Shen, K. X.; Tang, Z. H.; Zhu, Z.; Lainey, V.; Thuillot, W.; Vienne, A., 2008, A project of teaching ground-based astrometry, 2008, IAUsymp.248, 521-522
Peng Q.Y., Emelyanov N.V., Zhou L., Gu W. R., Astrometry from mutual event and small-separation CCD imaging, 2008, IAUsymp. 248, 114-115
Peng Q.Y., Vienne A., Wu X. P., Gan L. L., and Desmars J., CCD Positions of Saturn and its major satellites in 2002-2006, 2008, AJ 136, 2214-2221 (SCI IF2007: 5.019)
Arlot J.-E. et al. (118 authors,including Peng Q.Y., Vienne A. ), The Phemu03 catalogue of observations of the mutual phemena of the Galilean satellites of Jupiter,2009,A&A 493, 1171-1182 ( SCI IF2007: 4.259; IDS Number: 857DD)
Peng Q.Y., Fan L.Y., Accurate determination of plate model based on CCD images with different orientations, 2010, Chinese Science Bulletin, 55, 791-796
Peng Q.Y., He H. F., Lainey V., & Vienne A., Precise CCD positions of Galilean satellite-pairs, 2012, MNRAS, 419, 1977-1982
Zhang Q.F., Peng Q.Y., Zhu Z., Preliminary results of solving the problem of geometric distortion for the 2.4 m telescope at Yunnan Observatory, 2012,RAA, 12, 1451
Peng Q.Y., Vienne A., Zhang Q.F., Desmars J., Yang C.Y., He H.F., Convenient solution to Geometric Distortion and its application to the observations of Phoebe, 2012, AJ, 144:170
Desmars J., Li S.N., Tajeddine R., Peng Q.Y., and Tang Z.H., Phoebe’s orbit from ground-based and space-based observations, 2013, A&A,553, A36
Peng Q.Y., Wang N., Vienne A., Zhang Q.F., Li Z. and Meng X.H., Precise CCD positions of Phoebe in 2011-2014, 2015, MNRAS, 449, 2638-2642
Wang N., Peng Q.Y.*, Zhang X.L., Zhang Q.F., Li Z., and Meng X.H., Precise CCD positions of Apophis in 2013, 2015, MNRAS 454,3805

