1. 中药炮制原理与中药饮片质量研究2. 中药化学成分体内外代谢研究3. 中药新药开发研究近期论文
1. Jiayu Zhang, Chen Li, Yanyun Che, Jiarui Wu, Zijian Wang, Wei Cai, Yun Li,Zhiguo Ma*, Pengfei Tu*. LTQ-Orbitrap-based strategy for traditionalChinese medicine targeted class discovery,identification and herbomics research: a case studyon phenylethanoid glycosides in three differentspecies of Herba Cistanches . RSC Advances2015, 5, 80816-808282. Rong-Rong Zhang, Dan-Yi Lu, Zhen-Ya Yang, Wen Zhao, Paul Pui-Hay, ButPang-Chui Shaw, Ren-Wang Jiang, Zhi-Guo Ma*. Simultaneous quantification of six alkaloid components from commercial Stemonae Radix by SPE-HPLC-ELSD. Pharmacognosy Magazine .2015, 11 (42)360-3673. Rong-Rong Zhang, Hai-Yan Tian, Yi Wu, Xiao-Hui Sun, Jian-Long Zhang, Zhi-Guo Ma*, Ren-Wang Jiang*. Isolation and chemotaxonomic significance of stenine- and 4 stemoninine-type alkaloids from the roots of Stemona tuberosa.Chinese Chemical Letters. 2014, 25(9):1252–12554. Zhiguo Ma, Zhenya Yang, Danyi Lu, Long Dai, Baojian Wu, Shun Yao. Determination of Bioactive Components of Cistanche deserticola (Roucongrong) by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography with Diode Array and Mass Spec-trometry Detectors, Analytical Letters, 2014, 47:17, 2783-27945. Danyi Lu, Jiayu Zhang, Zhenya Yang, Hongming Liu, Sha Li, Baojian Wu,Zhiguo Ma*. Quantitative analysis of Cistanches Herba using high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with diode array detection and high-resolution mass spectrometry combined with chemometric methods. Journal of Separation Science.2013, 36(12):1945-1952.6. Zhen-ya Yang Dan-yi Lu, Shun Yao, Rong-rong Zhang, Zheng-jin Jiang, Zhi-guo Ma*. Chemical Fingerprint and Quantitative Analysis of Cistanche deserticola by HPLC-DAD-ESI-MS. Journal of Food and Drug Analysis.2013, 21(1):50-57 相关热点
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