2009年 暨南大学生命科学技术学院生物学流动站博士后2013年起 暨南大学环境学院生态学流动站博士后副研究员研究领域
1. Mei, X.Q., Yang, Y., Tam, N.F.Y., Wang, Y.W., Li, L. Roles of root porosity, radial oxygen loss, Fe plaque formation on nutrient remova-l and tolerance of wetland plants to domestic wastewater. Water Research, 50: 147-159. 2014. 2. Mei, X.Q., Li, S.S., Li, Q.S., Yang, Y.F., Luo, X., He, B.Y., Li, H., Xu, Z.M. Sodium chloride salinity reduces Cd uptake by edible amaran-th (Amaranthus mangostanus L.) via competition for Ca channels. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 105: 59-64. 2014. 3. Mei, X.Q., Wong, M.H., Yang, Y., Dong, H.Y., Qiu, R.L., Ye, Z.H. The effects of radial oxygen loss on arsenic tolerance and uptake in rice and on its rhizosphere. Environmental Pollution, 165: 109-117. 2012. 4. Mei, X.Q., Ye, Z.H., Wong, M.H. The relationship of root porosity and radial oxygen loss on arsenic tolerance and uptake in rice grains and straw. Environmental Pollution, 157: 2550-2557. 2009. 5. Mei, X.Q., Ye, Z.H., Wong, M.H. Arsenic accumulation in rice grains negative correlation with rates of ROL and root porosity. (Abstract) 20th New Phytologist Symposium on Arsenic: unravelling its metabolism and speciation in plants. Douglas Hotel, Aberdeen, Scotland, UK. 26-27 June 2008, pp: 19.6. Li, L., Yang, Y., Tam, N.F.Y., Yang, L., Mei, X.Q., Yang, F.J. Growth characteristics of six wetland plants and their influence on domesti-c wastewater treatment efficiency. Ecological Engineering, 60: 382-392, 2013.7. Chu, B., Chen, X.J., Li, Q.S., Yang, Y.F., Mei, X.Q., He, B.Y., Li, H., Tan, L. Effects of salinity on the transformation of heavy metals in tropical estuary wetland soil. Chemistry and Ecology, 2014.8. He, B.Y., Ling, L., Zhang, L.Y., Li, M.R., Li, Q.S., Mei, X.Q., Li, H., Tan, L. Cultivar-specific differences in heavy metal (Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb, and Zn) concentrations in water spinach (Ipomoea aquatic‘Forsk’) grown on metal-contaminated soil. Plant and Soil, 386: 251-262, 2014.9. 谭玲, 李取生, 梅秀芹, 何宝燕, 李慧, 凌玲. 菜心Cd累积的品种差异及其与营养元素的关系. 科技论文在线, http://www.paper.edu.cn, 2014. 相关热点
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