教育背景\r2014/10 - 2018/10,英国帝国理工学院(Imperial College London),信息论与编码专业,博士学位,导师:Cong Ling(凌聪)\r2011/9 - 2014/7,华南理工大学,信号处理专业,硕士学位,导师:冯久超\r2007/9 - 2011/7,华南理工大学,信息工程专业,学士学位\r\r工作经历\r(1)2016年4月-10月:Imperial College研究助理;欧盟项目:PHYLAWS(Physical Layer Wireless Security), 项目号FP7-ICT(4百万欧元);工作内容:研究基于代数数论的物理层编码方案\r(2)2015年春季学期:Imperial College本科生课程“EE2-LABE E2 Electronics Lab”助教\r(3)2015年秋季学期:Imperial College本科生课程“EE2-19 Computer Architecture I”助教\r(4)2016、2017年秋季学期:Imperial College研究生课程“EE9-SLAB Communications and Signal Processing Laboratory”助教\r曾访问英国牛津大学Justin Coon教授课题组、法国里昂高师Damien Stehlé和Guillian Hanrot教授课题组、清华大学宋健教授课题组研究领域
Shanxiang Lyu, Antonio Capello, Cong Ling. Ring Compute-and-Forward over Block Fading Channels. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 2019, 65(11): 6931-6949.\r\rShanxiang Lyu, Cong Ling. Hybrid Vector Perturbation Precoding: The Blessing of Approximate Message Passing. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 2018, 67(1): 178-193.\r\rShanxiang Lyu, Cong Ling. Boosted KZ and LLL Algorithms. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 2017, 65(18):4784-4796.\r\rShanxiang Lyu, Jinming Wen, Jian Weng, Cong Ling. On Low Complexity Lattice Reduction Algorithms for Large-Scale MIMO Detection: The Blessing of Sequential Reduction. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 2020, 68: 257-269.\r\rShanxiang Lyu, Christian Porter, Cong Ling. Lattice Reduction over Imaginary Quadratic Fields. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 2020, 68: 6380-6393.\r\rShanxiang Lyu, Zheng Wang, Zhen Gao, Hongliang He, Lajos Hanzo. Lattice-Based mmWave Hybrid Beamforming. IEEE Transactions on Comminications, [Second Round Revision], 2021.\r\rShanxiang Lyu, Zheng Wang, Ling Liu. On Solving the Shortest Basis Problem Based on Sequential Reduction. IEEE Communications Letters, 2020.\r\rShanxiang Lyu, Zhaoshan Wang, Zhihui Hu, Jiuchao Feng. Gradient method for blind chaotic signal separation based on proliferation exponent. Chinese Physics B, 2014, 23(1):010506.\r\rHongliang He, Shanxiang Lyu, Qinghao He, Dongyang Xu. Network Coding Assisted Secure Transmission in Full-Duplex Relay Networks. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2020, Jun.\r\rZheng Wang, Shanxiang Lyu, Yili Xia, Qihui Wu. Expectation Propagation-based Sampling Decoding: Enhancement and Optimization. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 2020, to appear.\r\rZheng Wang, Yang Huang, Shanxiang Lyu. Lattice-Reduction-Aided Gibbs Algorithm for Lattice Gaussian Sampling: Convergence Enhancement and Decoding Optimization. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing. 67(16): 4342-4356 (2019)\r\rLyu Shanxiang, Wang Zheng, Ling W.K, Wen Jinming. Enhanced Vector Perturbation Precoding based on Adaptive Query Points. IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM2019). Waikoloa, HI, USA.\r\rLyu Shanxiang, Christian Porter, Ling Cong. Performance Limits of Lattice Reduction over Imaginary Quadratic Fields with Applications to Compute-and-Forward. IEEE Information Theory Workshop (ITW2018). Guangzhou, China.\r\rLyu Shanxiang, Antonio Campello, Ling Cong, J-C Belfiore. Compute-and-Forward over BlockFading Channels Using Algebraic Lattices. IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT2017). Aachen, Germany.\r\rLyu Shanxiang, Ling Cong Sequential Lattice Reduction. Proc. 8th International Conference on Wireless Communications & Signal Processing (WCSP2016). Yangzhou, China.\r\rChristian Porter, Lyu Shanxiang, Ling Cong. On the Optimality of Gauss's Algorithm over Euclidean Imaginary Quadratic Fields. IEEE Information Theory Workshop (ITW2019). Visby, Gotland, Sweden. 相关热点
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