Khalgui, Mohamed
2023-05-11 07:19
  • Khalgui, Mohamed
  • Khalgui, Mohamed - 教授-暨南大学-智能科学与工程学院-个人资料




Khalgui教授于2003年在法国亨利庞加莱大学(南锡一大)获计算机科学硕士学位,于2007年在法国洛林国立高等理工学院获计算机科学博士学位,之后在德国马丁路德大学(哈勒-维腾贝格)从事科研和教学训练,并于2012年获计算机科学教授(特许任教)资格(Habilitation Diploma)。

2018至今 暨南大学 电气信息学院 教授
2012-2017 突尼斯 迦太基大学 INSAT国家研究所 教授
2011-2012 突尼斯 迦太基大学 INSAT国家研究所 助理教授
2009至今 西安电子科技大学 系统控制实验室 博士生合作导师
2012 在意大利ITIA-CNR研究所和瑞士的Synesis公司做研究
2007 在意大利ITIA-CNR做研究
2006-2007 与希腊佩特雷大学的SEG团队开展合作




1.J. Zhang#*, M. Khalgui, Z. Li, G. Frey, O. Mosbahi, H. Ben Salah, Reconfigurable Coordination of Distributed Discrete Event Control Systems. IEEE Trans. Control Systems and Technology. 23(1): 323-330, 2015, IF = 4.883, Citations: 96 (google scholar),
2.X. Wang#, I. Khemaissia, M. Khalgui, Z. Li*, O. Mosbahi, M. Zhou, Dynamic Low-Power Reconfiguration of Real-Time Systems with Periodic and Probabilistic Tasks. IEEE Trans. Automation Science and Engineering 12(1): 258-271, 2015, IF = 3.667, Citations: 92 (google scholar),
3.H. Grichi#*, O. Mosbahi, M. Khalgui, Z. Li, RWiN: New Methodology for the Development of Reconfigurable WSN, IEEE Trans. Automation Science and Engineering, Accepted, 2016, DOI: 10.1109/TASE.2016.2608918, IF = 3.667, Citations: 37 (google scholar),
4.M. Gasmi#*, O. Mosbahi, M. Khalgui, L. Gomes and Z. Li, Fellow, IEEE, R-Node: New Pipelined Approach for an Effective Reconfigurable Wireless Sensor Node, IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, DOI: 10.1109/TSMC.2016.2625817, 2016, IF = 5.13, Citations: 31 (google scholar),
5.H. Grichi#*, O. Mosbahi, M. Khalgui, Z. Li, New Power-Oriented Methodology for Dynamic Resizing and Mobility of Reconfigurable Wireless Sensor Networks, IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, DOI: 10.1109/TSMC.2016.2645401, 2017, IF = 5.13, Citations: 29 (google scholar),
6.S. Ben Meskina#*, N. Doggaz, M. Khalgui, Z. Li*, Multi-Agent Framework for Smart Grids Recovery, IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, DOI: 10.1109/TSMC.2016.2573824 , 2016, IF = 5.13, Citations: 23 (google scholar),
7.M. Ben Salem, O. Mosbahi, M. Khalgui, Z. Jlalia, G. Frey, M. Smida, BROMETH: Methodology to Design Safe Reconfigurable Medical Robotic Systems, International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery, 13(3), 2016, IF = 1.47, Citations: 22 (google scholar),
8.W. Lakhdhar, R. Mzid, M. Khalgui, Z. Li, G. Frey, A. Al-Ahmari, Multi-Objective Optimization Approach for a Portable Development of Reconfigurable Real-Time Systems: From Specification to Implementation, IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 49(3), IF = 5.13, Citations: 14 (google scholar),
9.O. Karoui#*, M. Khalgui*, A. Koubaa, E. Guerfala, Zhiwu Li, Eduardo Tovar, Dual Mode for Vehicular Platoon Safety: Simulation and Formal Verification, Information Sciences, Elsevier, IF = 4.832, 2017, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ins.2017.03.016, Citations: 13 (google scholar),
10.M. Khalgui#*, O. Mosbahi, Z. Li*, On Reconfiguration Theory of Discrete-Event Systems: From Initial Specification until Final Deployment, Vol.7, IEEE Access, Q1, DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2891766, IF = 3.5, 2019. This paper describes a global approach based on all our previous papers,

