2023-05-11 07:19
  • 金卫红
  • 金卫红 - 副研究员 博士生导师-暨南大学-先进耐磨蚀与功能材料研究院-个人资料




金卫红博士,暨南大学副研究员,博士生导师。以第一作者在Biomaterials、Corrosion Science、Journal of Power Sources等期刊上发表论文12篇,曾为Elsevier出版社的专著Encyclopedia of Biomedical Engineering撰写其中的Orthopedic Implants一章。承担广东省自然科学基金博士科研启动项目一项。2015年获欧洲材料研究学会(European Materials Research Society)授予青年科学家奖(Young Scientist Award)。

医用镁合金表面纳米复合结构的构建及其耐蚀生物相容抗菌性的研究,广东省自然科学基金博士科研启动项目,2018 - 2021

W. Jin, P.K. Chu, Orthopedic Implants, in Encyclopedia of Biomedical Engineering, Volume 2, R. Narayan (Editor), Elsevier, 2019, 425-439.

1. W. Jin, G. Wang, A. M. Qasim, P. K. Chu, Enhanced corrosion resistance and biocompatibility of magnesium alloys by plasma-based techniques, 14th International Conference on Plasma Based Ion Implantation & Deposition (PBII&D), Shanghai, China, October 17 – 20, 2017.
2. W. Jin, P. K. Chu, Ion implantation for modification of biomaterials, International Union of Materials Research Societies (IUMRS) - International Conference on Electronic Materials (ICEM2016), Singapore, July 4 – 8, 2016.
3. W. Jin, G. Wu, H. Feng, A. Gao, P. K. Chu, Hafnium-implanted WE43 magnesium alloy for enhanced corrosion protection and biocompatibility performance, 19th International Conference on Surface Modification of Materials by Ion Beams (SMMIB-19), Chiang Mai, Thailand, November 22 – 27, 2015.
4. W. Jin, G. Wu, H. Feng, A. Gao, H. Wu, X. Peng, P. K. Chu, Improvement of corrosion resistance and biocompatibility of rare-earth WE43 magnesium alloy by neodymium self-ion implantation, European-Materials Research Society (E-MRS) Spring Meeting, Symposium V, Lille, France, May 11 – 15, 2015.
5. W. Jin, Q. Wang, G. Wu, G. Tang, P. K. Chu, Rare-earth-incorporated polymeric vector for enhanced gene delivery, European-Materials Research Society (E-MRS) Spring Meeting, Symposium V, Lille, France, May 11 – 15, 2015.
6. W. Jin, G. Wu, P. Li, P. K. Chu, Improved corrosion resistance of Mg-Y-RE alloy coated with niobium nitride, Proceedings International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films (ICMCTF), San Diego, California, USA, April 28 – May 2, 2014 .





1. W. Jin, G. Wang, A.M. Qasim, S. Mo, Q. Ruan, H. Zhou, W. Li, P.K. Chu, Corrosion protection and enhanced biocompatibility of biomedical Mg-Y-RE alloy coated with tin dioxide, Surface and Coatings Technology, 357 (2019) 78 – 82.
2. W. Jin, G. Wang, X. Peng, W. Li, A.M. Qasim, P.K. Chu, Tantalum nitride films for corrosion protection of biomedical Mg-Y-RE alloy, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 764 (2018) 947-958.
3. W. Jin, P.K. Chu, Surface functionalization of biomaterials by plasma and ion beam, Surface and Coatings Technology, 336 (2018) 2-8.
4. W. Jin, Q. Wang, M. Wu, Y. Li, G. Tang, Y. Ping, P.K. Chu, Lanthanide-integrated supramolecular polymeric nanoassembly with multiple regulation characteristics for multidrug-resistant cancer therapy, Biomaterials, 129 (2017) 83-97.
5. W. Jin, G. Wang, Z. Lin, H. Feng, W. Li, X. Peng, A.M. Qasim, P.K. Chu, Corrosion resistance and cytocompatibility of tantalum-surface-functionalized biomedical ZK60 Mg alloy, Corrosion Science, 114 (2017) 45-56.
6. W. Jin, G. Wu, A. Gao, H. Feng, X. Peng, P.K. Chu, Hafnium-implanted WE43 magnesium alloy for enhanced corrosion protection and biocompatibility, Surface and Coatings Technology, 306 (2016) 11-15.
7. W. Jin, Q. Hao, X. Peng, P.K. Chu, Enhanced corrosion resistance and biocompatibility of PMMA-coated ZK60 magnesium alloy, Materials Letters, 173 (2016) 178-181.
8. W. Jin, G. Wu, H. Feng, W. Wang, X. Zhang, P.K. Chu, Improvement of corrosion resistance and biocompatibility of rare-earth WE43 magnesium alloy by neodymium self-ion implantation, Corrosion Science, 94 (2015) 142-155.
9. Q. Wang, W. Jin, G. Wu, Y. Zhao, X. Jin, X. Hu, J. Zhou, G. Tang, P.K. Chu, Rare-earth-incorporated polymeric vector for enhanced gene delivery,Biomaterials, 35 (2014) 479-488. (Co-First Author)
10. W. Jin, G. Wu, P. Li, P.K. Chu, Improved corrosion resistance of Mg-Y-RE alloy coated with niobium nitride, Thin Solid Films, 572 (2014) 85-90.
11. W. Jin, K. Feng, Z. Li, X. Cai, L. Yu, D. Zhou, P.K. Chu, Properties of carbon film deposited on stainless steel by close field unbalanced magnetron sputter ion plating, Thin Solid Films, 531 (2013) 320-327.
12. W. Jin, K. Feng, Z. Li, X. Cai, L. Yu, D. Zhou, Improvement of corrosion resistance and electrical conductivity of 304 stainless steel using close field unbalanced magnetron sputtered carbon film, Journal of Power Sources, 196 (2011) 10032-10037.

