2023-05-11 07:14
  • 郭柏松
  • 郭柏松 - 讲师-暨南大学-先进耐磨蚀与功能材料研究院-个人资料




1.碳纳米管增强Al基复合材料的制备及力学性能研究,湖南省研究生自主创新项目,2016/7-2018/7, 3万元,CX2016B042
2. 国家自然科学基金国际(地区)合作与交流项目,铝合金时效全过程中多尺度三维结构演变及其与力学性能相关性的量化规律,2019/01-2023/12,246万元,51820105001
4.云南省新材料制备与加工重点实验室创新研究课题项目,碳纳米管增强铝、铜基复合材料的界面表征与控制,2018/1-2018/12,5 万元




1.Baisong Guo, Xinming Zhang, Xi Cen, Biao Chen, Xinhua Wang, Min Song*, Song Ni, Jianhong Yi, Tao Shen, Yong Du,Enhanced mechanical properties of aluminum based composites reinforced by chemically oxidized carbon nanotubes, Carbon, 2018(139): 459-471
2.Baisong Guo, Biao Chen, Xinming Zhang, Xi Cen, Xinhua Wang, Min Song*, Song Ni, Jianhong Yi, Tao Shen, Yong Du, Exploring the size effects of Al4C3 on the mechanical properties and thermal behaviors of Al based composites reinforced by SiC and carbon nanotubes, Carbon, 2018(135):224-235
3.Baisong Guo, Xinhua Wang, Rujuan Shen, Yong Du, Jianhong Yi, Nie Yan, Min Song*, Mechanical properties and microstructures of Al-Mg-Si matrix composites reinforced by carbon nanotubes, Journal of alloy and compounds,2019(792): 860-868
4.Baisong Guo, Min Song*, Jianhong Yi, Song Ni, Tao Shen, Yong Du,Improving the mechanical properties of carbon nanotubes reinforced pure aluminum matrix composites by achieving non-equilibrium interface, Materials & Design, 2017(120):56-65

5.Baisong Guo, Song Ni, Jianhong Yi, Zhonghua Tang, Yong Du, Min Song*, Microstructures and mechanical properties of carbon nanotubes reinforced pure aluminum composites synthesized by spark plasma sintering and hot rolling, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2017(698):282-288
6.Baisong Guo, Song Ni, Rujuan Shen, Min Song*, Fabrication of Ti–Al3Ti core–shell structured particle reinforced Al based composite with promising mechanical properties, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2015(639):269-273
7.Baisong Guo, Xinming Zhang, Xi Cen, Xinhua Wang, Min Song*, Song Ni, Jianhong Yi, Tao Shen, Yong Du, Ameliorated mechanical and thermal properties of SiC reinforced Al matrix composites through hybridizing carbon nanotubes,Materials Characterization, 2018(136):272–280
8.Baisong Guo, Jianhong Yi, Song Ni, Rujuan Shen, Min Song*,Factors affecting the microstructure and mechanical properties of Ti-Al3Ti core-shell structured particle-reinforced Al matrix composites, Philosophical Magazine, 2016(96):1197-1211
9.Xinhua Wang, Baisong Guo*, Song Ni*, Jianhong Yi, Min Song, Acquiring well balanced strength and ductility of Cu/CNTs composites with uniform dispersion of CNTs and strong interfacial bonding, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2018(733):144-152
10.Wenqian Wu, Lin Guo, Baisong Guo*, Yong Liu, Min Song*, Altered microstructural evolution and mechanical properties of CoCrFeNiMo0.15 High-entropy alloy by cryogenic rolling, Materials Science and Engineering: A 2019(759):574-582
11.Yihan Wang, Lixin Zhang, Baisong Guo, Kai Li, Song Ni, Yong Du and Min Song*,Effects of hot rolling, intermediate annealing and cold rolling on microstructure, texture and mechanical properties of an Al-Mg-Si-Cu alloy,Materials Research Express , 2018,5:106521

