2023-05-11 07:12
  • 丁伟
  • 丁伟 - 研究员-暨南大学-光子技术研究院-个人资料




1999年本科毕业于北京大学物理系,1999-2002年在北京大学电子学系区域光纤通信网与新型光通信系统国家重点实验室获得硕士学位。2003-2007年在英国巴斯大学师从光子晶体光纤发明人Philip St. J. Russell教授获得博士学位,共同导师为Stefan Maier教授。其后在法国特鲁瓦工业大学和英国巴斯大学从事两期博士后研究。2011年加入中国科学院物理研究所光物理实验室,任副研究员。2019年加入暨南大学光子技术研究所,任研究员。




1. Ding W,* Wang Y-Y, Gao S-F, Wang M-L, and Wang P “Recent Progress in Low-Loss Hollow-Core Anti-Resonant Fibers and their Applications (invited)”, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics (in production, 2020). (反谐振空芯光纤技术综述)
2. Wang X-C, Ge D-W, Ding W,* Wang Y-Y, Gao S-F, Zhang X, Sun Y-Z, Li J-H, Chen Z-Y, and Wang P “Hollow-core conjoined-tube fiber for penalty-free data transmission under offset launch conditions”, Optics Letters 44(9), 2145-2148 (2019).(空芯光纤通信)
3. Cai LT, Gorbach AV, Wang YW, Hu H, and Ding W,* “Highly efficient broadband second harmonic generation mediated by mode hybridization and nonlinearity patterning in compact fiber-integrated lithium niobate nano-waveguides”, Scientific Reports 8: 12478 (2018).(铌酸锂薄膜波导非线性光学)
4. Sun Y-Z, Wang B-B, Salas-Montiel R, Blaize S, Bachelot R, Feng L-S, and Ding W* “Imaging of guided waves using an all-fiber reflection-based NSOM with self-compensation of a phase drift”, Optics Letters 43(20), 4863-4866 (2018).(全光纤散射式近场光学显微)
5. Ding W*, and Wang YY, “Analytic model for light guidance in single-wall hollow-core anti-resonant fibers”, Opt. Express 22, 27242 (2014).(反谐振空芯光纤导光理论)
6. Ding W, Benton CJ, Gorbach AV, Knight JC, Skryabin DV, Wadsworth WJ, Rue RDeLa, Gnan M, and Sorel M, “Solitons and spectral broadening in long silicon-on-insulator photonic wires”, Opt. Express 16, 3310-3319 (2008).(硅波导非线性光学)
7. Ding W*, Andrews SR, and Maier SA, “Internal excitation and superfocusing of surface plasmon polaritons on a silver-coated optical fiber tip”, Physical Review A 75, 063822-10 (2007).(表面等离激元光学)

