2023-05-11 07:08
  • 宾亮华
  • 宾亮华 - 教授-暨南大学-生物医学转化研究院-个人资料




1987-1992: 湖南医科大学临床医学系本科生, 获医学学士学位.
1992-1995: 湖南医科大学病理教研室硕士生, 获医学病理学硕士学位.
1997-2000: 湖南医科大学肿瘤研究所分子遗传室博士研究生, 获医学病理生理学博士学位.
1995-1997: 湖南医科大学病理教研室教师
2000-2005 博士后培训. Department of Immunology, National Jewish Medical
and Research Center, Denver, Colorado, USA.
2005-2007: 研究助理. Department of Pharmacology, University of Colorado in Denver,
Denver, Colorado, USA.
2007-2010: 研究助理. Department of Pediatrics, NatioalJewish Health, Denver, Colorado, USA
2011-2012: Instructor. Department of Pediatrics, Natioal Jewish Health, Denver, Colorado, USA
2012-至今: 助理教授. Department of Pediatrics, National Jewish,Health, Denver, Colorado, USA


1. Kim BE, Bin LH, Leung DYM. IL-25 Enhances HSV-1 Replication by Inhibiting Filaggrin Expression, and Acts Synergistically with TH2 Cytokines to Enhance HSV-1 Replication. Journal of Investigative Dermatology. 2013 May 8. doi: 10.1038/jid.2013.223. [Epub ahead of print]
2. Brauweiler AM, Bin LH, Kim BE, Schlievert PM, Oyoshi MK, Geha RS, Goleva E, Leung DYM. Filaggrin dependent secretion of sphingomyelinase protects against Staphylococcal alpha toxin induced keratinocyte death. Journal of Allergy Clinical Immunology. 2013 Feb; 131(2):421-7.e1-2.
3. Bin LH, Kim BE, Brauweiler A, Goleva E, Streib J, Ji Y, Schlievert PM, Donald Leung DYM. Staphylococcus aureus Alpha-toxin Modulates Skin Host Response to Viral Infection. Journal of Allergy Clinical Immunology 2012 Sep;130(3):683-691.e2. (IF=11.4)
4. Bin LH, Howell MD, Kim BE, Hall CF, Streib JE, Zaccaro DJ and Leung DY. Specificity protein 1 is pivotal in skin’s anti viral response. Journal of Allergy Clinical Immunology 2011 Feb; 127(2): 430-438. e1-2. (IF=11.4)
5. Bin LH, Hall C, Leung DY. Inhibition of transcription factor specificity protein 1 alters gene expression profile of keratinocytes leading to up-regulation of kallikrein-related peptidases and TSLP. Journal of Investigative Dermatology 2011 Nov; 131(11): 2213-22. (IF=6.3)

