曾获省数学学会优秀论文一等奖,省统计科研优秀成果二等奖,曾主持完成过世界银行贷款的关于国家自然基金、计算机教学课程改革的教改项目、省教委自然科学基金项目、江苏省“十一五”教育研究课题等;并申请授权发明专利1项。应邀参加国际、国内学术会议多次并作报告;在Journal of Applied Mathematics、BioMed Research International 、Chinese Physics B、物理学报、数学学报、数学年刊等国内外期刊发表专业学术论文50多篇,同时论文也被多次引用;曾荣获“省学科带头人培养对象”、“省三八红旗手标兵”、“江淮十大女杰”、“荣智权奖教金”等荣誉称号。兼任中国交叉科学学会理事、江苏省数学学会理事、江苏省统计学会理事、无锡市统计学会副会长、江苏省生物信息学专业委员会委员等。工作及研究经历1998.6-至今 在无锡轻工大学、江南大学任教,并开展科研工作研究领域
(1) Yang Li, Qi-Hao Liang, Meng-Meng Sun, Xu-Qing Tang, Ping Zhu*, Construction of multi-level structure for avian influenza virus system based on granular computing, BioMed Research International[J],Volume 2017, https:// doi.org/ 10.1155/ 2017/5404180.(SCI)(2) Chengjie Tan,Yanyan Yan,Ping Zhu*,The Research and application of the p53 tumor suppressor gene based on the H*-distanse, Journal of Biomathematics [J], 2016, 31(2): 137-146. (3) Chengjie Tan,Shanshan Li,Ping Zhu*,4D Graphical representation research of DNA sequences, International Journal of Biomathematics[J],2015, 08(1): 47-58. (SCI).(4) Y. L. Fan, Z. J. Guo*, P. Zhu*, X. J. Yang, X. D. Yang, B. Yu, L. H. Li,Assessing the interactions between the associations of common genetic variants on 2q35 and 16q12 with breast cancer risk, Neoplasma[J], 2015, 62(2):315-325 .(SCI). (5) Wang Qi-Qiang Tan Cheng-Jie Zhu Ping*,Relation between the 3-base periodicity of P53 gene and codon usage bias,2014,(4):048701.(SCI)(6) Xu Hong-lin, Yan Han-bing, Gao Cui-fang, and Zhu Ping*,Social Network Analysis Based on Network Motifs, JOURNAL OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS[J], 2014(2):1-6. (SCI) (7) Xu-Qing Tang, Zhu Ping. Hierarchical clustering problems and analysis of fuzzy proximity relation on granular space, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 2013, 21(5): 814-824. (SCI)(8) Yan Yanyan, Zhu Ping*, Extended triplet set C343 of DNA sequences and its application to the p53 gene, The Chinese Physics B, 2011,20(1): 018701. (SCI) 相关热点
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