教育背景方面 1沈张帆博士,副教授,东南大学工业设计博士,美国卡耐基梅隆大学联合培养博士,参与国家自然基金项目3项:“基于认知负荷和态势感知均衡的人机交互数字界面设计研究”、“数字界面视觉信息认知的脑机制研究”、“面向大数据信息可视化设计方法研究”。发表论文10余篇,其中以第一作者发表论文5篇,2篇SSCI,3篇EI。负责或参与多个横向课题,主要涉及:产品造型设计、用户界面设计、系统可用性评价、产品市场研究、企业VI设计等。研究领域
[1] Shen, Zhangfan; Popov, Vencislav; Delahay, Anita; Reder, Lynne. Item strength affects working memory capacity. Memory & Cognition, 2018, 46(2): 204-215. [2] Shen, Zhangfan; Xue, Chengqi; Wang, Haiyan. Effects of users’ familiarity with the objects depicted in icons on the cognitive performance of icon identification. i-Perception, 2018, 9(3): 1-17. [3] Shen, Zhangfan; Xue, Chengqi; Zhang, Jing; Wang, Haiyan. Research on the style of product shape based on NURBS curve. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2017, 10288: 298-305. [4] Shen, Zhangfan; Xue, Chengqi; Wang, Haiyan; Niu, Yafeng; Shao, Jiang; Zhang, Jing. The computer-aided design method of cabinet based on style imagery. Journal of Southeast University (English Edition), 2015, 31(3): 369-374. [5] Shen, Zhangfan; Xue, Chengqi; Li, Jing; Zhou, Xiaozhou. Effect of icon density and color contrast on users’ visual perception in human computer interaction. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 2015, 9174: 66-76. 相关热点
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