2023-05-11 06:37
  • 覃映雪
  • 覃映雪 - 博士 教授 硕士研究生导师-集美大学-水产学院-个人资料




● 2000/7 - 2005/8,厦门大学,海洋系,硕博连读,获博士学位
● 1995/9 - 1999/7,厦门大学,海洋系,学士
● 2016/11 – 至今,集美大学,水产学院,教授
● 2014/08 - 2015/8,Public Health Research Institute Center, Dept. Microbiology & Molecular Genetics, New Jersey Medical School Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey,访问学者
● 2008/11 – 2016/11, 集美大学,水产学院,副教授
● 2005/08 – 2008/11,集美大学,水产学院,讲师

● LuxR家族调控蛋白对嗜水气单胞菌在鳗鲡巨噬细胞内存活的调控及机制研究(国家
● 细菌分泌系统对嗜水气单胞菌在吞噬细胞内存活的影响和调控(省自然科学基金项
● 斜带石斑TRL2介导的MyD88依赖型信号通路对肠道菌群变化的响应(福建省自然科
● rpoS基因在溶藻弧菌感染过程中的功能及其调控机制(国家自然科学基金项目,
● 国家海洋局:海洋药源生物种质资源库建设课题子课题(12PYY001SF08-JMDX-1),
2015.01-2016.12, 经费额40万元
● 溶藻弧菌对大黄鱼粘附作用的基因调控研究(国家自然科学基金,31272699),
● 海洋渔用疫苗工程技术研究中心(海洋经济区域创新发展示范项目,14PYY050SF03),
● 海水鱼益生菌及海水净化微生物制剂开发与产业化(厦门市海洋经济发展专项资金项




●Meimei Zhang QingpiYan LeileiMao SuyunWang LixingHuang XiaojinXu YingxueQin(Correspondent author). KatG plays an important role in Aeromonas hydrophila survival in fish macrophages and escape for further infection. Gene,2018, 672: 156-164.
● 宋素霞; 丁少雄; 鄢庆枇; 覃映雪(通讯作者).中国沿海光裸方格星虫6个地理群体遗多样性分析. 水产学报,2017:42(8):1183-1191.
● Yingxeu Qin, Guifang Lin, Wenbo Chen, Xiaojin Xu, Qingpi Yan. Flagellar motility is necessary for Aeromonas hydrophila adhesion. Microbial Pathogenesis, 2016, 98:160-166
● Ying-Xue Qin, Gui-Fang Lin, Wen-Bo Chen, Bei Huang, Wenshu Huang, Qing-pi Yan. Flagellar motility contributes to the invasion and survival of Aeromonas hydrophila in Anguilla japonica macrophage. Fish and Shellfish Immunology, 2014,39(2): 273-279
● Song S X, Ding S X, Yan Q P, Qin Y X (Correspondent author). Complete mitochondrial genome of Sipunculus nudus (Sipuncula, Sipunculidae)[J]. Mitochondrial DNA, 2016,27(2):1022-1023.
●W.B. Zeng, W.B. Chen, Q.P. Yan, G.F. Lin, Y.X. Qin(Correspondent author). Hemerythrin is required for Aeromonas hydraphlia to survive in macrophages of Anguilla japonica. Genetics and Molecular Research, 2016, 15(2): DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.4238/ gmr. 15028074. (2016. 05)
● Y.X. Qin, Q.P. Yan, X.X. Mao, Z. Chen, Y.Q.Su. Role of MshQ in MSHA pili biosynthesis and biofilm formation of Aeromonas hydrophila. Genetics and Molecular Research, 2014, 13(4): 8982 -8996.
● Qin Yingxue, Yan Qingpi, Su Yongquan, Li Haiping, Zou Wenzheng. Disruption of chemotaxis-related genes affects multiple cellular processes and the virulence of pathogenic Vibrio harveyi. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2013, 32(8): 55-60.
● Lu Wang, Lixing Huang, Yongquan Su, Yingxue Qin, Wendi Kong, Ying Ma, Xiaojin Xu, Mao Lin, Qingpi Yan*. Involvement of the flagellar assembly pathway in Vibrio alginolyticus adhesion under environmental stresses. Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology, 2015, 5, article 59: 1-9.
● Lixing Huang, Jiao Hu, Yongquan Su, Yingxue Qin, Wendi Kong, Lingmin Zhao, Ying Ma, Xiaojin Xu, Mao Lin, Jiang Zheng, Qingpi Yan*. Genome-wide detection of predicted non-coding RNAs related to the adhesion process in Vibrio alginolyticus using high-throughput sequencing. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2016, 7, article 619: 1-10
● Lixing Huang, Li Huang, Qingpi Yan*, Yingxue Qin, Ying Ma, Mao Lin, Xiaojin Xu, Jiang Zheng. The TCA Pathway is an Important Player in the Regulatory Network Governing Vibrio alginolyticus Adhesion Under Adversity. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2016, 7, article 40: 1-13
● Lixing Huang, JiaoHu, YongquanSu, YingxueQin, WendiKong, YingMa, Xiaojin Xu, MaoLin and Qingpi Yan*. Identification and characterization of three Vibrio alginolyticus non-coding RNAs involved in adhesion, chemotaxis, and motility processes. Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology, 2015, 5, article 56: 1-13.
● Xiaojin Xu, Yingxue Qin, Gang Luo, Xi Huang, Wen-zheng Zou, Jun Wang , Yongquan Su. Ontogeny of digestive organs during early developmental stages of the tropical whitespotted bamboo shark, Chiloscyllium plagiosum – a histological study. Marine and Freshwater Behaviour and Physiology, 2015 48(4): 253-266.
● Li Huang, Yingxue Qin, Qingpi Yan, Guifang Lin, Lixing Huang, Bei Huang, Wenshu Huang. MinD plays an important role in Aeromonas hydrophila adherence to Anguilla japonica mucus. Gene, 2015,565(2):275-281.
● Wendi Kong, Lixing Huang, Yongquan Su, Yingxue Qin, Ying Ma, Xiaojin Xu, Mao Lin, Jiang Zheng. Qingpi Yan. Ivestigation of possible molecular mechanisms underlying the regulation of adhesion in Vibrio alginolyticus with comparative transcriptome analysis. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, 2015, 107:1197-1206.

