毕业学校,专业,学位(本科)吉林建筑工程学院 建筑学 学士毕业学校,专业,学位(硕士)吉林建筑工程学院 建筑学 硕士研究领域
1992.7 本科毕业于吉林建筑工程学院建筑学专业,获学士学位;2005.12 研究生毕业于吉林建筑工程学院建筑设计及其理论专业,获硕士学位;1994.07——现在 工作于吉林建筑大学土木工程学院房建教研室,从事建筑专业的教学工作及研究生培养工作;近期论文
1、The Scheme Analysis of Integration of Solar Energy Heater and Architectural in Residential Building,The Open Fuels and Energy Science Journal,Vols. 9,(2015.9),pp168-171,EI(JA);2、A Study on Construction System Selection to Optimize the Integration of Solar Energy Heating within the Architecture of Residential Building,World Association for Science and Engineering Researchers,International Journal of Simulation System, Science & Technology, Vol.17(44), pp25.1-25.5 (2016.9.15),EI(JA);3、Analysis on Design Principle and Current Situation about the Integral Combination of the Solar Water,International Journal of Simulation System, Science & Technology, Vol.17(46), pp22.1-22.4 (2016.9.15),EI(JA);4、A Study on Advanced Design Technologies for the Efficient Use of Material Resources in Green Resident Building,International Journal of Simulation System, Science & Technology, Vol.17(47), pp30.1-30.4 (2016.9.15),EI(JA);5、Application and design of split solar water heater with conversion of soler energy into thermal energy through chemical methods,Chemical Engineering Transsctions, Vol62. 2017, pp397-402, EI(JA)。 相关热点
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