讲授课程: 差分法和有限元,计算方法,数学物理反问题,高等数学等教育经历: 1994.9-1998.7, 吉林大学数学系计算数学专业本科生;1998.9-1999.7 吉林大学数学所硕士研究生;1999.9-2004.7 吉林大学数学所博士研究生;2004.11-2007.11 吉林大学计算机科学与技术学院博士后工作经历: 2000.6-2002.9 吉林大学数学学院助教;2002.10-2006.9 吉林大学数学学院讲师;2006.10-2011.9,吉林大学数学学院副教授;2011.9-现在,吉林大学数学学院教授研究领域
偏微分方程数值解法"科研项目: [1] 手性介质反问题的建模、分析与计算,国家自然科学基金;[2] 手性介质电磁散射与反散射问题的数值分析与计算,国家自然科学基金;[3] Maxwell方程组某些定解问题与反问题的研究,国家自然科学基金;[4] 使用近场数据的电磁学与光学反散射问题数值方法,国家自然科学基金;[5] 电磁散射和反散射问题的建模、分析与计算,国家自然科学基金。"近期论文
[1] Deyue Zhang, Fuming Ma. A Finite Element Method with Perfectly Matched Absorbing Layers for the Wave Scattering by a Periodic Chiral Structure. Journal of Computational Mathematics, 2007, 25(4), 458-472. (SCI)[2] Deyue Zhang,Fuming Ma,Heping Dong. A Finite Element Method with Rectangular Perfectly Matched Layers for the Scattering from Cavities. Journal of Computational Mathematics, 2009,27(6), 812-834. (SCI)[3] Yukun Guo,Fuming Ma , Deyue Zhang. An optimization method for acoustic inverse obstacle scattering problems with multiple incident waves, Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering,2011,19(4),461-484. (SCI)[4] Deyue Zhang, Yukun Guo, Chengchun Gong, Guan Wang. Numerical analysis for the scattering by obstacles in a homogeneous chiral environment,Advances in Computational Mathematics,2012,36(1), 3-20. (SCI)[5] Heping Dong, Fuming Ma, Deyue Zhang. Music algorithm for locating point-like scatterers contained in a sample on flat substrate, Acta Mathematica Scientia, 2012, 32(4), 1647–1661. (SCI)[6] Yao Sun, Deyue Zhang, Fuming Ma. A potential function method for the Cauchy problem of elliptic operators, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2012, 395(1), 164–174. (SCI)[7] Deyue Zhang, Fuming Ma, Enxi Zheng. A Herglotz wavefunction method for solving the inverse Cauchy problem connected with the Helmholtz equation, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics,237(2013),215–222. (SCI)[8] Enxi Zheng, Fuming Ma, Deyue Zhang. A least-squares non-polynomial finite element method for solving the polygonal-line grating problem, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2013, 397(2), 550-560. (SCI)[9] Deyue Zhang, Guimin Zhang and Enxi Zheng. The harmonic polynomial method for solving the Cauchy problem connected with the Laplace equation, Inverse Problems, 29 (2013) 065008 (17pp). (SCI)[10] Yao Sun, Deyue Zhang. An integral equations method for the Cauchy problem connected with the Helmholtz equation, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2013, 218760 (9pp). (SCI) 相关热点
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