1 研究受生物启发的高分子表/界面材料上的细胞粘附行为;2 基于特殊浸润表面构建生物芯片;3 应用各种响应性高分子材料制备智能表/界面材料.近期论文
1 Wenlong Song* and J. F. Mano*, Interactions between cells or proteins and surfaces exhibiting extreme wettabilities, Soft Matter, 2013, 11, 2985-2999. 2 M. B. Oliveira, C. L. Salgado, Wenlong Song and J. F. Mano, Combinatorial On-Chip Study of Miniaturized 3D Porous Scaffolds Using a Patterned Superhydrophobic Platform, Small, 2013, 9(5), 768-778; 3 A. I. Neto, C. A. Custódio, Wenlong Song*, J. F. Mano*, High-throughput evaluation of interactions between biomaterials, proteins and cells using patterned superhydrophobic substrates, Soft Matter, 2011, 7, 4147-4151. 4 M. B. Oliveira, Wenlong Song, L. Martín, S. M. Oliveira, S. G. Caridade, M. Alonso, J. C. Rodríguez-Cabello and J. F. Mano, Development of an injectable system based on elastin-like recombinamer particles for tissue engineering applications, Soft Matter, 2011, 7, 6426-6434. 5 S. M. Oliveira, Wenlong Song, N. M. Alves, J. F. Mano, Chemical modification of bioinspired superhydrophobic polystyrene surfaces to control cell attachment/proliferation, Soft Matter, 2011, 7, 8932-8941. 6 A. C. Lima, Wenlong Song, B. Blanco-Fernandez, C. Alvarez-Lorenzo, J. F. Mano, Synthesis of Temperature-Responsive Dextran-MA/PNIPAAm Particles for Controlled Drug Delivery Using Superhydrophobic Surfaces, Pharmaceutical Research, 2011, 28(6), 1294-1305. 7 Wenlong Song, Ana C. Lima, J. F. Mano, Bioinspired Methodology to Fabricate Hydrogel Spheres for Multi-applications Using Superhydrophobic Substrates, Soft Matter, 2010, 6, 5868-5871. 8 Wenlong Song, V. S. Gaware, Ögmundur V. Rúnarsson, M. Masson, J. F. Mano, Functionalized superhydrophobic biomimetic chitosan-based films, Carbohydrate Polymers, 2010, 81, 140-144. 9 Wenlong Song, D. D. Veiga, C. A. Custódio, J. F. Mano, Bioinspired Degradable Substrates with Extreme Wettability Properties, Advanced Materials, 2009, 21, 1830-1834. 10 Wenlong Song, Fan Xia, Yubai Bai, Fengqi Liu, Taolei Sun, Lei Jiang, Controllable Water Permeation on the Poly (N- isopropylacrylamide) Modified Nanostructured Copper Mesh Film, Langmuir, 2007, 23, 327-331.标签: 超分子结构与材料国家重点实验室 吉林大学
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