主讲课程、教学情况:有限元程序设计, 振动力学荣誉称号、学术兼职、科研奖获:2004年吉林省科技进步一等奖,排名第二研究领域
1.Modal Optimal Control Procedure for near defective Systems J. of Sound and Vibration, 245(1)2.Qualitative measures of medal controllability and observability for defective and near defective systems J. of Sound and Vibration, 248(3 )3.亏损系统模态优化控制Riccati方程求解方法 力学学报33(5)4.Design method for medal controllers for defective systems Proc. of Int. Con. Vibr. Eng.5.亏损系统特征值配置 吉林工业大学学报(学术版). No.36.退化系统的特征值配置 哈尔滨工业大学学报Sup. 337.Design procedure for modal controllers for defective and nearly defective systems STRUCT ENG MECH STRUCT ENG MECH8.tructural modal reanalysis for topological modifications with extended Kirsch methodCOMPUT METHOD APPLM9.亏损系统振动模态的可控可观性 计算力学学报10.不确定性参数系统振动控制闭环特征值的上、下界估计 计算力学学报11.Interval Optimization for Uncertain Structures Finite Elements in Analysis and Design,12.A Method for Estimating Upper and Lower Bounds of Eigenvalues of Closed-loop Systems with Uncertain Parameters, 13.The Standard Deviations for Eigenvalues of the Closed-loop Systems with Random Parameters, Structural Engineering and Mechanics标签: 吉林大学 机械与航空航天工程学院
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