A.用量子力学手段研究分子性质,如微环境对化学过程立体选择性的影响 B.用经典动力学研究分子受媒介的影响如饮料中的气体扩散行为,用动力学研究生物大分子对于其功能的影响 C.用信息学手段如PCA,NMD,SVD,XNN,SVM等研究化学数据,理解化学并期望得到规律近期论文
1. Ji Lv, Ying Sun, Shaohui Liu, Ya Kun Chen, and Jiali Gao, How Fast CO2 Molecules Diffuse in Carbonated Beverages: a Molecular Dynamics Study (to be submitted) 2. Miguel Angel Garcia-Chavez, Ya Kun Chen, and Yan Alexander Wang, LIST Based on Minimization of Intra-iteration Errors (submitted) 3. Meiyi Liu, Yingjie Wang, Yakun Chen, Martin J.Field, and Jiali Gao, QM/MM through the 1990s: The First Twenty Years of Method Development and Applications,Israel Journal of Chemistry,2014,54(8-9):1250-1263 4. Zhang, Zhan; Chen, Yakun; and Dolphin, David, Diastereoselective generation of triple-stranded helicates induced by gem-dimethyl groups on a linker, DALTON TRANSACTIONS, 2012, 41, 4751-4753 5. Yakun Chen, Yan Alexander Wang, LISTb: a Better Direct Approach to LIST, Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, 2011, 7(10): 3045-3048 6. Yakun Chen, Lei Vincent Liu, Wei Quan Tian, Yan Alexander Wang, Theoretical Studies of Transition-Metal-Doped Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2011, 115: 9306-9311 7. Yakun Chen, Donald G Fleming, Yan Alexander Wang, Theoretical calculations of hyperfine coupling constants for muoniated butyl radicals, Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2011, 115(13): 2765-2777 8. Yakun Chen, Lei Vincent Liu, Yan Alexander Wang, Density Functional Study of Interaction of Atomic Pt with Pristine and Stone-Wales-Defective Single-Walled Boron Nitride Nanotubes, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2010, 114: 12382-12388 相关热点
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