2023-05-11 05:19
  • 鲍永军
  • 鲍永军 - 副教授-吉林大学-超硬材料国家重点实验室-个人资料




鲍永军,理学博士,副教授。2002年6月于吉林大学物理系获得学士学位,2008年3月于南京大学物理系获得博士学位,2008年7月至2010年6月在美国西北大学机械工程系进行博士后研究。2010年10月至今,在吉林大学超硬材料国家重点实验室从事教学和科研工作。主要从事表面等离激元与超构材料等领域的研究,已在Physical Review Letters、Applied Physics Letters、Physical Review B和Scientific Reports等SCI期刊上发表多篇学术论文。目前,致力于高压力条件下微纳光学的研究。


表面等离激元与超构材料 高压力条件下微纳光学的研究


[1] Bao Y. J., Peng R. W., Shu D. J., Wang M., Lv X., Shao J., Lv W. and Ming N. B. Role of interference between localized and propagating surface waves on the extraordinary optical transmission through a subwavelength-aperture array. Physical Review Letters 101, 087401(2008) [2] Bao Y. J., Hou D. J., Tang X. Y., Zhao B., Peng R. W., Lu X., Shao J., Cui T. and Wang M. Tuning the polarization of transmitted light through a double-layered gold film of U-shaped apertures by changing the chiral configuration. Applied Physics Letters 105, 251903(2014) [3] u F., Stuart C., and Sun C. A realistic design of three-dimensional full cloak at terahertz frequencies. Applied Physics Letters 101, 031910 (2012) [4] Bao Y. J., Li H. M., Chen X. C., Peng R. W., Wang M., Lu X., Shao J., Ming N. B. Tailoring the resonances of surface plasmas on fractal-featured metal film by adjusting aperture configuration. Applied Physics Letters, 92, 151902(2008) [5] Bao Y. J., Zhang B., Wu Z., Si J. W., Wang M., Peng R. W., Lu X., Shao J., L Z. F., Hao X. P., Ming NB. Surface-plasmon-enhanced transmission through metallic film perforated with fractal-featured aperture array. Applied Physics Letters 90,251914(2007)

