2023-05-11 04:51
  • 赵亮
  • 赵亮 - 博士 副研究员-华中师范大学-国家数字化学习工程技术研究中心-个人资料




2017年6月-至今 :华中师范大学,国家数字化学习工程技术研究中心
2016年2月-至今 :Optik (SCI, IF0.835),栏目编辑(Section Editor)
2015年9月-2017年6月 :都柏林大学(UCD,Ireland),爱尔兰Insight国家大数据分析中心,博士后研究员
专利名称 :“跟踪光声池共振频率的装置及方法”
发明人 :刘先勇;赵亮;王寿全;乐莉;余玉江;袁长迎;胡文;李俊国




[1]Cailbhe Doherty*,Liang Zhao*,John Ryan, Yusuke Komaba, Akihiro Inomata, and Brian Caulfield, “Concussion is associated with altered preparatory postural adjustments during gait initiation,”Human movement science52,160-169(2017) (通信作者).
[2]Inbarasan Muniraj, Changliang Guo, Ra'edA.Malallah,Liang Zhao, Derek Cassidy, James Ryle, JohnJ.Healy, and JohnT.Sheridan,“The choice of optical system is critical for the security of double random phase encryption systems,”Opt. Eng.56(6), 063103(2017).
[3]Liang Zhao, John T. Sheridan*, and John J. Healy, “Unitary algorithm for non-separable linear canonical transforms applied to iterative phase retrieval,”IEEE Sig. Proc. Letters24(6), 814-817 (2017).
[4]Cailbhe Doherty*,Liang Zhao*,John Ryan, Yusuke Komaba, Akihiro Inomata, and Brian Caulfield, “Quantification of postural control deficits in patients withrecentconcussion: an inertial-sensor based approach,”ClinicalBiomechanics42, 79-84 (2017)(通信作者).
[5]Liang Zhao,Yang Wu, Damien P. Kelly*,and John T. Sheridan*,“Iterative reconstruction of digital holograms from three intensity measurements,”Opt. Eng.55(3), 033106(2016).
[6]Liang Zhao, John J. Healy, and John T. Sheridan*, “Thelinearcanonicaltransformand its discrete calculation,”AsianJournal ofPhysics25(1), 1-33 (2016).
[7]Yang Wu*, Matthias Hillenbrand,Liang Zhao,Stefan Sinzinger, and Damien P. Kelly,“Fresnel transform as a projection onto aNijboerZernike basis set,” Opt. Lett.40(15), 3472-3475(2015).
[8]Liang Zhao, John J. Healy, and John T. Sheridan*, “Constrains on the 1Dadditivediscretelinearcanonicaltransform,”Appl. Opt.54(33),9960-9965(2015).
[9]Liang Zhao, John J. Healy, and John T. Sheridan*, “Two-dimensional non-separable linear canonical transform-sampling theorem and unitary discretization,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. A31(12),2631-2641(2014).
[10]Liang Zhao, John J. Healy, and John T. Sheridan*, “Unitary discrete Linear Canonical Transform: analysis and application,” Appl. Opt.52(7),C30-C36 (2013).
[11]袁长迎*;刘先勇;蒙瑰;赵亮, “光声池径向共振模式耦合系数理论分析,”光谱学与光谱分析30(4),879-882 (2010).
[12]赵亮*;刘先勇;袁长迎;李驹光;蒙瑰, “微弱信号调理电路的设计及研究,”西南科技大学学报25(1), 64-67, 84 (2010).
[13]严建锁*;李少甫;刘先勇;王渊;赵亮, “光声检测用半导体激光器温度控制电路,”西南科技大学学报25(1), 60-63 (2010).
[1]Liang Zhao, John J. Healy,Yang Wu,Inbarasan Muniraj, Ra’edA.Malallah, Damien P. Kelly*,and John T. Sheridan*, “Reconstruction of digital holograms by iterative phase retrieval algorithm: Improvements and analysis,” inOSADigital Holography & 3-D Imaging Conference,Jeju Ireland, South Korea,W2A.24,2017.
[2]Damien P. Kelly, James Ryle,Liang Zhao,andJohn T. Sheridan,“Measuring optical phase digitally in coherent metrology systems,”in SPIEDefense+Commercial SensingConference,Anaheim,California, United States,Proc.ofSPIE10220, Dimensional Optical Metrology and Inspection for Practical Applications VI, 102200B, 2017.
[3]Liang Zhao*, Inbarasan Muniraj,John J. Healy, and John T. Sheridan, “2D Non-separable Linear Canonical Transformbased cryptography,” SPIE Optics + Optoelectronics Conference, Prague, Czech Republic,Proc. of SPIE10233,Holography: Advances and Modern Trends V, 102331B, 2017.
[4]Liang Zhao*, John J. Healy, Inbarasan Muniraj,and John T. Sheridan, “Constraints to solve parallelogram grid problems in 2D non separable linear canonical transform,” in SPIE Optics + Optoelectronics Conference, Prague, Czech Republic,Proc. of SPIE10233,Holography: Advances and Modern Trends V, 102331V,2017.
[5]Ra'ed A. Malallah, Derek J. Cassidy, Inbarasan Muniraj,Liang Zhao, James Ryle,andJohn T. Sheridan,“Investigating nonlinear distortion in the photopolymer materials,” in SPIE Optics + Optoelectronics Conference, Prague, Czech Republic,Proc. of SPIE10228,Nonlinear Optics and Applications X, 1022805,2017.
[6]Min Wan, Inbarasan Muniraj, Ra'ed A. Malallah,Liang Zhao, James P. Ryle, Lu Rong, John J. Healy, Dayong Wang,andJohn T. Sheridan,“Sparsity based Terahertz reflective off-axis digital holography,” SPIE Optics + Optoelectronics Conference, Prague, Czech Republic,Proc. of SPIE10233,Holography: Advances and Modern Trends V, 102330T, 2017.
[7]Cailbhe Doherty, Brian Caulfield,John Ryan, Yusuke Komaba, Akihiro Inomata, andLiang Zhao, “Quantification of postural control deficits in patients withrecentconcussion: an inertial-sensor based approach,”British Journal of Sports Medicine,51(11),A8-A9(2017);
[8]Cailbhe Doherty, John Ryan, Yusuke Komaba, Akihiro Inomata,Liang Zhao,and Brian Caulfield, “Concussion is associated with altered preparatory postural adjustments during gait initiation,”British Journal of Sports Medicine,51(11),A49(2017).
[9]Liang Zhao, Inbarasan Muniraj, John J. Healy, and JohnT. Sheridan*, “Sampling rate chosen to ensure unitary and additive properties for the 2D Non-separable linear canonical transform,” in OSA Frontiers in Optics2015Conference, San Jose, United States,OSA Technical Digest (OSA 2015), paperFTh4D.7,2015.
[10]Liang Zhao, Yang Wu,Chang-Liang Guo,Damien P. Kelly,and John T. Sheridan*,“Reconstruction of digital holograms from three intensity measurements,”inSPIE Optics & PhotonicsConference, San Diego, California, United States,Proc. of SPIE9599,2015.
[11]Liang Zhao, John J. Healy,Chang-Liang Guo,and John T. Sheridan*, “Additive discrete 1D linear canonical transform,”inSPIE Optics & PhotonicsConference, San Diego, California, United States,Proc. of SPIE9599,2015.
[12]Liang Zhao, John J. Healy, and JohnT. Sheridan*, “Fast algorithms for some particular paraxial images,” in Photonics Ireland 2015 Conference, Cork, Ireland, 2015.
[13]Liang Zhao, John J. Healy, and John T. Sheridan*, “Unitary implementation of the discrete 2D non-separablelinearcanonicaltransform,” in SPIE Optics and Photonics Conference, San Diego, California, United States, Proc. of SPIE9216,2014.
[14]Liang Zhao, John J. Healy, and John T. Sheridan*, “Sampling of the two dimensional non-separable linear canonical transform,” in SPIE Photonics Europe Conference, Brussels, Belgium, Proc. of SPIE9131, 2014.
[15]John T. Sheridan*,Liang Zhao, and John J. Healy, “The condition number and first order optical systems,” inOSA Imaging and Applied Optics Conference, Monterey, California, United States, 2012 OSA Technical Digest, paperITu3C.4, 2012.

