2023-05-11 04:48
  • 杨玉芹
  • 杨玉芹 - 杨玉芹-华中师范大学-教育信息技术学院-个人资料




2016.11- 副教授 华中师范大学 教育信息技术学院
2016.09 The University of Hong Kong(香港大学)博士信息技术研究 (导师:Jan van Aalst和Carol Chan教授)
2009.09-2011.08 Research Associate(研究助理)新加坡 南洋理工大学 国立教育学院 学习科学与技术系
2009.06 华南师范大学 教育学硕士(导师:焦建利 教授)
2006.07 曲阜师范大学 教育学学士
Distinguished Paper Award, 2016 AERA (the American Educational Research Association) Annual Meeting, 04/2016
Best Paper Nomination,14th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education, 2010




杨玉芹 & 陈倩倩 (2018). 知识建构实践的发展过程研究——以香港W中学的“视觉艺术”课程为例. 现代教育技术, 5, 12-18. (CSSCI)
杨玉芹 (2018). 反思性评价在协同知识创新能力培养中的应用研究. 中国电化教育, 1, 42-49. (CSSCI)
Chan, C. K. K & Yang, Y. (2018). Developing scientific inquiry in technology-enhanced learning environments. Handbook of Information Technology in Primary and Secondary Education. Springer
Yang, Y., van Aalst, J., & Chan, C. K. K. (Revision submitted). Toward a framework and tools for analyzing collective features of online discourse in knowledge building. Computers & Education. (SSCI)
Yang, Y., van Aalst, J., & Chan, C. K. K. (Revision Submitted). Dynamics of reflective assessment of knowledge-building discourse by students with low academic achievement. American Educational Research Journal. (SSCI)
Yang, Y., & van Aalst, J. (Under revision). The use of assessment to scaffold students’ learning in technology-enhanced learning environments: A review of assessment-based interventions in K-14 education. Computers & Education. (SSCI)
Yang, Y. (Under revision). Promoting knowledge building through reflective assessment among low achieving students. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning.
Yang, Y., van Aalst, J., Chan, C. K. K., & Tian, W. (2016). Reflective assessment in knowledge building by students with low academic achievement. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, 11, 281-311. (SSCI Impact Factor, 3.469, 2016)
Yang, Y. (2016). Reflective assessment in knowledge building using the Knowledge Connections Analyzer (PhD). Unpublished doctoral dissertation. The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
van Aalst, J., Mu, J., &Yang, Y. (2016). Formative assessment of computer-supported collaborative learning and knowledge building. In P. Reimann, S. Bull, M. Kickmeier-Rust, R. Vatrapu & B. Wasson (Eds.),Measuring and visualizing learning in the information-rich classroom(pp. 154-166). New York, NY: Routledge.
Jiao, J.,Yang, Y., Zhong, H., & Ren, G. (2016). Improving learning in MOOCs through peer feedback:How is learning improved by providing and receiving feedback? In F.-Q. Lai & J. D. Lehman (Eds.),Learning and Knowledge Analytics in Open Education(pp. 69-87). Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.
杨玉芹(2014).启发性挫败的设计研究--翻转课堂的实施策略.中国电化教育,11, 111-115.(CSSCI).
阮全友&杨玉芹(2014).整合技术的学科和教学知识框架的发展:从TPACK、TSACK到TMACK.中国远程教育, 11, 20-26+96.(CSSCI).
杨玉芹&焦建利(2014). MOOC学习者个性化学习生态设计框架.电化教育研究, 8, 32-37+56.(CSSCI).
杨玉芹(2014). MOOC自主个性化学习环境设计的策略研究.现代教育技术, 7, 12-18.(CSSCI).
杨玉芹(2014). MOOC学习者个性化学习模型建构.中国电化教育, 6, 6-10.(CSSCI).
阮全友&杨玉芹(2014).数字时代新读写素养研究的5P模型.远程教育杂志, 1, 40-47.(CSSCI).
杨玉芹&焦建利(2012).教师信息寻求过程研究———以广东省中小学校教师为例.中国电化教育,1, 13-16+32.(CSSCI).
杨玉芹(2012).不同信息交互风格教师的信息寻求行为研究.开放教育研究, 4, 66-74.(CSSCI).
杨玉芹&阮全友(2012).辩论干预应用于科学素养培养的综述研究.远程教育杂志, 1, 52-61.(CSSCI).
Wang, Q., Woo, H.L., Quek, C.L.,Yang, Y., & Liu, M. (2012). Using the Facebook group as a learning management system: An exploratory study.British Journal of Educational Technology, 43(3), 428-438. (SSCI Impact Factor, 1.318, rank, 46/224, Education & Educational Research).
Yang, Y., Wang, Q., Woo, H. L., & Quek, C. L. (2011). Using Facebook for teaching and learning: A review of the literature.International Journal of Continuing Engineering Education and Life-long learning, 21(1), 72-86.(EI)
Yang, Y., & Wang, Q. (2011). Mobile learning in China. In A. G. Abdel-Wahab & A. A. El-Masry (Eds.),Mobile information communication technologies adoption in developing countries(pp. 79-90). US; Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
杨玉芹&蔡永(2011).强健式学习研究新进展.开放教育研究, 06, 22-33.(CSSCI).
Yang, Y., Jiao, J. L., & Wang, Q. (2010). Investigating information seeking processes of teachers with different interaction styles.Asian Journal of Educational Research and Synergy, 2 (1), 83-95.
杨玉芹&钟洪蕊(2008).国家精品课程网上资源教学设计与开发的内容分析研究.中国远程教育, 11, 52-57+80.(CSSCI).
杨玉芹(2008).学习对象的生态设计.中国电化教育, 10, 10-13.(CSSCI).
杨玉芹(2008).远程学习者信息寻求行为模型分析与评价.中国电化教育, 05, 38-42.(CSSCI).
杨玉芹(2008).网络信息寻求行为研究理论框架之活动理论.远程教育杂志, 05, 19-22.
Yang, Y., van Aalst, J., & Chan., C. K. K. (2017). Dynamics of reflective assessment of knowledge building discourse by students with low academic achievement. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of American Educational Research Association (AERA 2017), San Antonio, TX.
Yang, Y., van Aalst, J., & Chan, C. K. K. (2016). Fostering collective learning through knowledge building among students with low academic achievement. In C. K. Looi, J. L. Polman, U. Cress & P. Reimann (Eds.), Transforming learning, empowering learners: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Learning Sciences (ICLS 2016) (Vol. 2, pp. 819-822). Singapore: The International Society of the Learning Sciences.
Yang, Y., van Aalst, J., Tian. W., & Chan., C. K. K. (2015).Exploring self-directed reflective assessment among low-achieving students. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of American Educational Research Association (AERA 2015), Chicago, IL.
Yang, Y., & van Aalst, J. (2015). Assessment and collaborative inquiry: A review of assessment-based interventions in technology-enhanced K-14 education. In O. Lindwall, P. Häkkinen, T. Koschman, P. Tchounikine & S. Ludvigsen (Eds.),Exploring the Material Conditions of Learning: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL 2015)(Vol. 1, pp. 190-197). Gothenburg, Sweden: The International Society of the Learning Sciences.
Yang, Y., van Aalst, J., & Chan, C. K. K. (2012).Exploring patterns of interaction in Knowledge Forum databases using Knowledge Connections Analyzer (KCA).Paper presented at the 16th Annual Knowledge Building Summer Institute, Toronto, Canada.
Wang, Q., Woo, H. L., Quek, C. L., &Yang, Y.(2010).Use of Facebook for teaching and learning: A review of the literature. In Q.Y. Wang, S.C. Kong, et al (Eds.), InProceedings of the 14th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education (GCCCE) (pp. 776-780).Singapore.
Loveless, A. M. (2009).创造力、技术与学习研究新进展(李阳,吉喆&杨玉芹译).远程教育杂志,2009,04, 35-40+28.
Fox, E. (2009).利用功能情境主义建构学习和教学的务实科学(杨玉芹译).远程教育杂志,2009, 02, 38-42.
Selwyn, N. (2009).技术支持的公民教育新进展(钟洪蕊, &杨玉芹译).远程教育杂志,2009, 01, 35-39+24.
O’Malley, C., & Fraser, D. S.(2008).有形技术支持的学习新进展(杨玉芹&焦建利译).远程教育杂志,2008,06, 4-13.
Abbott, C. (2008).电子包容:学习困难与数字技术研究新进展(杨玉芹&焦建利译).远程教育杂志,2008,3, 4-11.
Martzoukou, K. (2008).网络信息寻求行为研究新进展(杨玉芹译).远程教育杂志,2008, 02, 10-16.
Naismith, L., Lonsdale, P., Vavoula, G., & Sharples, M. (2008).移动技术支持的学习新进展(杨玉芹,钟洪蕊, &焦建利译).远程教育杂志,01, 4-13.
Sefton-Green, J. (2007).技术支持的“非正规学习”研究新进展(侯小杏,杨玉芹, &焦建利译).远程教育杂志,2007, 06, 4-15.
Kirriemuir, J., & McFarlane, A. (2007).游戏与学习研究新进展(侯小杏,杨玉芹, &焦建利译).远程教育杂志,2007, 05, 4-15.
Kim. K.-S. (2007).熟练Web用户的搜索行为:关注控制与情感控制的影响(杨玉芹&焦建利译).远程教育杂志,2007, 02, 31-34.

