2023-05-11 04:39
  • 彭晛
  • 彭晛 - 助理研究员 硕士生导师-华中师范大学-国家数字化学习工程技术研究中心-个人资料




本人具有多学科交叉知识背景,涵盖教育学、计算机、信息科学、心理学等学科,具备扎实的教育教学理论知识和计算机实践基础支撑,熟练掌握心理学问卷、量表等测量工具,并了解基本的心理学研究范式,以及主流的生理神经科学测量工具,如Tobii眼动仪、近红外、脑电ERP/EEP等,主要研究方向为教育数据挖掘、学习分析、基于生理信号感知的学习设计等。近五年,主持国家自然科学青年项目、教育部人文社会科学项目、湖北省自然科学项目等5项,参与国家“十二五”科技支撑计划项目等6项;参与获批专利2项;在国内外学术期刊上发表论文22篇,其中以1作和通讯发表了包括国内外一流期刊Computers & Education、International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education、电化教育研究等11篇。担任C & E、ETHE、BJET、EAIT、JOECR等国际SSCI期刊同行评审,以及AICS 2020技术委员会成员。2019年受邀第五届全国教育实证研究论坛分论坛做主题报告。荣获浙江大学优秀出站博士后,第六届全国杰出专业技术人才先进集体等。
1.2022年主持国家自然科学青年基金项目,基于社会-认知-情感时序主题建模的在线学习者话语交互演化规律研究 (62107016),在研
2.2021年主持教育部人文社会科学青年基金项目,在线学习环境下学习者话语互动质量建构方法与应用研究 (21YJC880057),在研
4.2021年主持中央高校基本科研业务费资助项目, 基于学习者话语行为和内容关联的动态追踪分析及应用研究 (CCNU21XJ034),在研
5.2017年主持华中师范大学优博资助项目,面向课程讨论区的学习者话题检测及其与学习成效关联研(2017YBZZ008), 结项
6.2021年参与教育部人文社会科学青年基金项目,CoP视域下中小学教师网络学习社群的群体动力特征研究 (21YJC880041),在研
7.2021年参与中央高校基本科研业务费资助项目, 儿童游戏化学习效果的可持续性探究 (CCNU21XJ035),在研
2.专利:基于公钥密码体制的软件授权系统(公开号:CN103491097A) 参与
3.软著:编写高校论坛文本情绪分析系统 [简称:论坛文本情绪分析系统] V1.0 登记号2016SR393339 参与
1.2020年度 浙江大学优秀出站博士后
2.2018年度 华中师范大学优秀博士毕业生
3.2017-2018年度 优秀博士论文项目资助
4.2016-2017年度 博士研究生国家奖学金
5.2014-2016 博士研究生连续三年一等学业奖学金




1.Peng Xian*, Xu Qinmei. (2020). Investigating learners' behaviors and discourse content in MOOC course reviews. Computers & Education, 143(01): 1-14. (SCI & SSCI顶刊, TOP 1% in Education & Educational Research, IF=8.538).
2.Peng Xian, Xu Qinmei*, Chen Yufan, Zhou Chenying, Ge Yuqing, Li Na. (2021). An eye tracking study: positive emotional interface design facilitates learning outcomes in multimedia learning?. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education, 18. https://doi.org/10.1186/s41239-021-00274-x. (SSCI Q1, TOP 5%, IF=4.944)
3.Peng Xian*, Han Chengyang, Ou Yang, et al. (2020). Topic tracking model for analyzing student-generated posts in SPOC discussion forums. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education. (SSCI Q1, TOP 5%, IF=4.944).
4.Peng Xian*, Xu Qinmei, Gan Wenbin. (First Published May 26, 2020). SBTM: a joint sentiment and behavior topic model for online course discussion forums. Journal of Information Science. ((SCI & SSCI, Q2, IF=3.282).
5.Liu Sannyuya, Peng Xian*, Hercy N.H. Cheng, Liu Zhi, Sun Jianwen, Yang Chongyang. (2019). Unfolding sentimental and behavioral tendencies of learners' concerned topics from course reviews in a MOOC. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 57(3), 670-696. (SSCI Q2, IF=3.088)
6.Liu Zhi, Zhang Ning*, Peng Xian, Liu Sannyuya, Yang Zongkai, Peng Jiyi, Su Zhu, Chen Jia. (2021). Exploring the relationship between social interaction, cognitive processing and learning achievements in a MOOC discussion forum. Journal of Educational Computing Research. (SSCI Q2, IF=3.088)
7.Liu Sannyuya, Hu Tianhui, Chai Huanyou, Su Zhu, Peng Xian. (2021). Learners' interaction patterns in asynchronous online discussions: An integration of the social and cognitive interactions. British Journal of Educational Technology. (SSCI, Q1, IF=4.926)
8.Liu Zhi, Zhang Ning*, Peng Xian, Liu Sannyuya, Yang Zongkai, Peng Jiyi, Su Zhu, Chen Jia. (2021). Exploring the relationship between social interaction, cognitive processing and learning achievements in a MOOC discussion forum. Journal of Educational Computing Research. (SSCI, Q2)
9.Liu Sannyuya, Hu Tianhui, Chai Huanyou, Su Zhu, Peng Xian. (2021). Learners' interaction patterns in asynchronous online discussions: An integration of the social and cognitive interactions. British Journal of Educational Technology. (SSCI, Q1, IF=4.929)
10.Gan Wenbin*, Sun Yuan, Peng Xian, Yi Sun. (2020). Modeling Students' Dynamic Knowledge Construction Procedure and Cognitive Item Difficulty for Knowledge Tracing. Applied Intelligence. (SCI 3区, IF=5.086)
11.Liu Zhi, Liu Sannyuya*, Liu Lin, Sun Jianwen, Peng Xian, Wang Tai. (2016). Sentiment recognition of online course reviews using multi-swarm optimization-based selected features. Neurocomputing, 185, 11-20. (SCI 2区, IF=5.719)
12.Peng Xian, Liu Sannyuya*, Liu Zhi*, Gan Wenbin, Sun Jianwen. (2016). Mining learners’ topic interests in course reviews based on like-LDA model. International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, 12(6), 2099-2110. (ESCI)
13.Liu Sannyuya, Hu Zhenfan, Peng Xian*, Liu Zhi, Hercy N.H. Cheng, Sun Jianwen. (2017). Mining learning behavioral patterns of students by sequence analysis in cloud classroom. International Journal of Distance Education Technologies (IJDET), 15(1), 15-27. (ESCI - Top 20% EI)
14.Ouyang, Fan*, Li Xu, Jiao, P., Peng Xian, & Chen, W. (2021). The three-iterative design and implementation of a student-facing social learning analytics tool. International Journal of Distance Education Technologies. (ESCI)
15.Liu Sannyuya, Ni Cheng*, Liu Zhi, Peng Xian, Hercy N. H. Cheng. (2017). Mining individual learning topics in course reviews based on author topic model. International Journal of Distance Education Technologies, (02): 1~10. (ESCI & EI)
16.彭晛*, 王伟, 何珍珍, 杨重阳, 刘智. (2020). 高校SPOC讨论区的学习者话题演化分析研究. 现代远距离教育, (03), 42-50. (CSSCI)
17.刘三女牙,彭晛*,沈筱譞,孙建文,李卿. (2021). 数据新要素视域下的智能教育:模型、路径和挑战, 电化教育研究.(CSSCI, 中文核心)
18.刘三女牙, 彭晛*, 刘智, 孙建文, 刘林, 郑年亨. (2016). 基于文本挖掘的学习分析应用研究. 电化教育研究, 37(02): 23-30. (CSSCI, 中文核心)
19.刘三女牙, 彭晛*, 刘智, 孙建文, 刘海. (2017). 面向MOOC课程评论的学习者话题挖掘研究. 电化教育研究, 38(10): 30-36. (CSSCI, 中文核心)
20.刘智, 杨重阳*, 彭晛, 刘三女牙, 粟柱, 章广涛. (2018). SPOC论坛互动中学习者情绪特征及其与学习效果的关系研究. 中国电化教育, (04): 102-110. (CSSCI, 中文核心)
21.刘三女牙, 石月凤, 刘智, 彭晛, 孙建文. (2017). 网络环境下群体互动学习分析的应用研究——基于社会网络分析的视角. 中国电化教育, (02): 30~36. (CSSCI, 中文核心)
22.刘智, 张文静, 孙建文, 刘三女牙, 彭晛, 张浩. (2016). 云课堂论坛中的学习者互动话语行为分析研究, 电化教育研究, 37(09): 95~102.(CSSCI, 中文核心)
23.石月凤,刘三(女牙),刘智,韩继辉, 彭晛. (2019). 基于社会网络分析的在线学习行为分析实证研究. 中国教育信息化, (01), 5-10.
24.Liu Lin, Peng Xian*, Sun Jianwen, Liu Zhi, Wang Yani, Zhang Wenjing. (2017). Sentiment Analysis of Chinese Short Reviews based on Random Subspace with Multi-grained Features. Proceedings of the 2017 International Conference of Artificial Intelligence Science and Technology (pp. 575-581). Shanghai, China.
25.Yingjie Liusheng, Jianwen Sun, Zhi Liu, Xian Peng, Sannyuya Liu. Query-Directed Probing LSH for Cosine Similarity. 2016 Fifth International Conference on Network, Communication and Computing, Xiamen, China, 2016.12.16-16.12.18. (EI)
26.Liu Zhi, Zhang Wenjing*, Sun Jianwen, Hercy N. H. Cheng, Peng Xian, Liu Sannyuya. (2016). Emotion and Associated Topic Detection for Course Comments in a MOOC Platform. 2016 International Conference on Educational Innovation through Technology (pp. 15-19). Tainan, doi: 10.1109/EITT.2016.11. (EI会议)
27.Liu Zhi, Mu Rui*, Liu Sannyuya, Peng Xian, Liu Shiqi. (2021, June). Modeling Temporal Association of Cognition-Topic in MOOC Discussion to Track Learners' Cognitive Engagement Dynamics. In Proceedings of the Eighth ACM Conference on Learning@ Scale (pp. 319-322).
28.彭晛*, 徐琴美. (2019). 面向MOOC评论区的学习者话语行为和话语内容分析. 第五届全国教育研究实证论坛. 上海, 中国.(主讲人报告)
29.彭晛. (2019). 融合积极情感元素的多媒体学习设计—基于眼动实证研究. 第二十二届全国心理学学术会议. 杭州, 中国.(口头报告)
1.Computers & Education 期刊审稿人
2.British Journal of Educational Technology 期刊审稿人
3.International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education 期刊审稿人
4.Education and Information Technology 期刊审稿人
5.Journal of Educational Computing Research 期刊审稿人
6.American Journal of Education and Information Technology 期刊审稿人
7.2nd Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science (AICS 2020) 技术委员会成员

