2023-05-11 04:36
  • 廖长彦
  • 廖长彦 - 博士 副教授-华中师范大学-国家数字化学习工程技术研究中心-个人资料




2007.09-2011.07 台湾中央大学 网络学习科技研究所 博士
2005.09-2007.06 台湾中央大学 网络学习科技研究所 硕士
2001.09-2005.06 台湾淡江大学 资讯工程学系 学士
2016.08-至今 华中师范大学 国家数字化学习工程技术研究中心 副教授
2014.07-2016.07台湾中央大学 网路学习科技研究所 兼任助理教授
2015.02-2016.02 台湾元智大学 信息传播学系 兼任助理教授
2012.08-2016.07 台湾中央大学 学习科技研究中心 博士后研究员
2011.08-2012.07 台湾中央大学 网路学习科技研究所 博士后研究员


1. 智慧学习环境设计与发展
2. 游戏式学习
3. 计算机辅助语言学习
4. 学习分析与教育大数据技术应用""


1. Liao, C. C. Y., Chang, W. C.*, Chen, Y. H., Ku Y. M., Ko, H. W., & Chan, T. W.(accepted). Design and Evaluation of Computer Assisted Logical Sentence Composing Learning on the Students’ Performance and Motivation. International Journal on Digital Learning Technology.(TSSCI)
2. Liao, C. C. Y.*, Cheng, H. N. H., Chang, W. C., Chien, T. C., & Chan, T. W.(accepted). The Practice and Prospect of Digital School. Journal of Research in Education Science.(TSSCI)
3. Liao, C. C. Y., Chang, W. C.*, & Chan, T. W.(accepted). Development and Evaluation of Interest-Driven Theme-based Enquiry Reading Model. Education Journal.(TSSCI)
4. Chang, W. C.,Liao, C. C. Y.*, & Chan, T. W. (2016). Explore the Effect of “Tomorrow’s Creating” Activity on Elementary School Students: The Experience from BYOD School to Practical School. International Journal on Digital Learning Technology,8(1), 25-49.(TSSCI)
5. Cheng, H. N. H.*, Yang, E. F. Y., Liao, C. C. Y., Chang, B., Huang, Y. C. Y., & Chan, T. W. (2015). Scaffold seeking: A reverse design of scaffolding in computer-supported word problem solving. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 53(3), 409-435. doi:10.1177/0735633115601598(SSCI)
6. Shih, C. Y.,Liao, C. C. Y.*, Lee, Y. C., & Chan, T. W. (2014). From Drawing to Writing to Promote Children’s Development of Language and Communication Skills: An Applied Perspective. International Journal on Digital Learning Technology. 6(1), 61-82.(TSSCI)
7. Liao, C. C. Y.*, Lee, Y. C., & Chan, T. W. (2013). Building a Self-Generated Drawing Environment to Improve Children’s Performance in Writing and Storytelling. Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning, 8(3), 449-464.
8. Liu, E. C. C.,Liao, C. C. Y.*, & Chan, T. W. (2013). My-Pet-Typing: Design and Evaluation of Flow-based Typing Game. International Journal on Digital Learning Technology. 5(2), 27-44.(TSSCI)
9. Liao, C. C. Y.*, Chen, Z. H., Cheng, H. N. H., & Chan, T. W. (2012). Unfolding Learning Behaviors: A Sequential Analysis Approach in A Game-based Learning Environment. Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning, 7(1), 25-44.
10. Chen, Z. H.,Liao, C. C. Y., Cheng, H. N. H., Yeh, C. Y. C., & Chan, T. W. (2012). Influence of Game Quests on Pupils’ Enjoyment and Goal-pursuing in Math Learning. Educational Technology & Society, 15(2), 317–327.(SSCI)
11. Chen, Z. H.,Liao, C. C. Y., Chien, T. C., & Chan, T. W. (2011). Animal companions: Fostering children's effort-making by nurturing virtual pets. British Journal of Educational Technology, 42(1), 166-180. doi:10.1111/j.1467-8535.2009.01003.x(SSCI)
12. Liao, C. C. Y.*, Chen, Z. H., Cheng, H. N. H., Chen, F. C., & Chan, T. W. (2011). My-Mini-Pet: a handheld pet-nurturing game to engage students in arithmetic practices. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 27(1), 76-89. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2729.2010.00367.x(SSCI)
13. Cheng, H. N. H., Wu, W. M. C.,Liao, C. C. Y., & Chan, T. W. (2009). Equal opportunity tactic: Redesigning and applying competition games in classrooms. Computers & Education, 53(3), 866-876. doi: 10.1016/j.compedu.2009.05.006.(SSCI)
14. Yang, E. F. Y.,Liao, C. C. Y.(2009). Exploring Online Community Formation and Identity Trajectory from MMORPG Players’ Motivation. Journal of Cyber Culture and Information Society, 17, 185-204.
Journal of Computer Assisted Learning(JCAL, 2011~)
Computers & Education(C&E, 2012~)
The International Journal of Distance Education Technologies(ijDET, 2015~)
Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning(RPTEL, 2015~)
British Journal of Educational Technology(BJET, 2015~)
International Journal on Digital Learning Technology(ijDLT, 2015~)
Journal of Computers in Education(JCE, 2016~)
Interactive Learning Environments(ILE, 2016~)
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education(AIED, 2009)
Game Learning Society(GLS, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012)
International Conference on Computers in Education(ICCE, 2010~)
Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning Conference(CSCL, 2009, 2011, 2013, 2015, 2017)
International Conference of the Learning Sciences(ICLS, 2012, 2014, 2016)
The Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education(GCCCE, 2011~)
The International Conference on Educational Innovation through Technology(EITT, 2016~)

