教育经历1997~2001 华中师范大学 计算机软件与理论 学士2002~2005 华中科技大学 计算机技术 硕士2008~ 华中农业大学 资源环境信息工程 博士2016~2017 美国密苏里科技大学 访问学者主要职历2001~2006 华中农业大学理学院计算机科学系 助教2007~2013 华中农业大学理学院计算机科学系 讲师2014~ 华中农业大学信息学院计算机科学系 副教授研究领域
1.Zhang Ying, Wang Yi, Ye Yingze. Wireless sensor network localization algorithm based on hop-count and distributed learning. Advanced Materials Research, v 940, p 457-460, 2014, Machinery, Materials Science and Engineering Applications 2014, EI2. Zhang Ying, Ye Ying-Ze, Ren Wei. Analysis and research about the service flow model for highway communication. Source: Environment, Energy and Sustainable Development ICFEEE 2013, v 2, p 619-622, 2014, Environment, Energy and Sustainable Development, EI3.向金海,樊恒,杨申,章英等. 基于稀疏表示的烟叶分级研究. 农业机械学报, 2013, 44(11):287-292 , EI4. Ye Yingze,Zhang Ying*. Delaying function construction based on triple DES. Information and Electronics Engineering 2012-01-01 3483-3486 , EI5.Ying ZHANG, Liyuan HE*. A preliminary Study on the Near Infrared Spectral Characteristics of Purchased Flue-cured Tobacco. Advanced Material Research, 2012-01-01 2027-2032, EI6.章英,贺立源. 基于近红外光谱的烤烟烟叶自动分组方法. 农业工程学报. 2011-04-01 350-354, EI7.章英. 基于收购质量的烤烟烟叶无损检测技术研究综述. 湖北农业科学. 2011-04-01 1-28.Zhang Ying, He Liyuan. Identification of producing area of tobacco leaf based on spectrometric analysis and LS-SVM Computer Technology and Development 2011-11-25 617-622, EI9. 章英,贺立源. 带宽分配中效率与公平性问题研究. 计算机工程与科学. 2010-02-01 4-6,26, CSCD10.Zhang Ying, He Liyuan. A new application-oriented definition of fairness and its algorithm. Journal of Information and Computational Science, 2008-05-01 1135-1145, EI 相关热点
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