2023-05-11 04:22
  • 杨光圣
  • 杨光圣 - 教授-华中农业大学-植物科学技术学院-个人资料








1.Liwu zhang, Pingwu Liu, Dengfeng Hong, Anqun Huang, Shipeng Li, Qinbiao He, Guangsheng Yang. Inheritance of seeds per silique in Brassica napus L. using joint segregation analysis.Field Crops Research,2010,116:58-67
2.Lili Wan, Xiuyun Xia, Dengfeng Hong, Ji Li, Guangsheng Yang. Abnormal Vacuolization of the Tapetum During the Tetrad Stage is Associated with Male Sterility in the Recessive Genic Male Sterile Brassica napus L. Line 9012A. J. Plant Biol, 2010, 53:121–133
3.B. Yu, P. Liu, D. Hong, Q. He and G. Yang*. Improvement of Sclerotinia resistance of a Polima CMS restorer line of rapeseed via phenotypic selection, marker-assisted background selection and microspore culture. Plant Breeding, 2010,129:39-44
4.Zhenghua Xu, Yanzhou Xie, Dengfeng Hong*, and Guangsheng Yang. Fine mapping of the epistatic suppressor gene (esp) of a recessive genic male sterility in rapeseed (Brassica napus L.). Genome, 2009, 52(9):755-760
5.Faqiang Feng, Pingwu Liu, Dengfeng Hong, Guangsheng Yang*. A major QTL associated with preharvest sprouting in rapeseed(Brassica napus L). Euphytica, 2009, 169:57-68
6.Liwu zhang, Pingwu Liu, Dengfeng Hong and Guangsheng Yang. Genetic analysis of seed number per pod in Brassica napus using augmented North Carolina (NC) Ⅱ. Genes & Genomics, 2008, 30:197-204
7.Y Z Xie, D F Hong, Z H Xu, P W Liu, G S Yang. Identification of AFLP markers linked to the epistatic suppressor gene of a recessive genic male sterility in rapeseed and conversion to SCAR markers. Plant Breeding, 2008, 127:145–149
8.Jun Liu, Denggeng Hong, Wei Lu, Pingwu Liu, Qingbiao He and Guangsheng Yang*. Genetic Analysis and Molecular Mapping of Gene Associated with Dominant Genic Male Sterility in Rapeseed(Brassica napus L.). Gene &Genomics,2008, 30(6):523-532
9.ZQ Zhao, PW Liu and GS Yang*. Identification of AFLP and SCAR markers linked to the fertility restorer gene for the ‘Polima’ CMS in Brassica napus. Gene & Genomics,2008, 30: 191-196
10.JP He, LP Ke, DF Hong, YZ Xie, GC Wang, PW Liu and GS Yang*. Fine mapping of a recessive genic male sterility gene(Bnms3) in rapeseed(Brassica napus) with AFLP- and Ariabidopsis-derived PCR markers. Theor Appl Genet, 2008,117:11-18
11.D. F. Hong, J. Liu, G. S. Yang and Q. B. He. Development and characterization of SCAR markers associated with a dominant genic male sterility in rapeseed. Plant Breeding,2008,127:69-73
12.Y. Z. Xie, D. F. Hong, Z. H. Xu, P. W. Liu and G. S. Yang. Identification of AFLP markers linked to the epistatic suppressor gene of a recessive genic male sterility in rapeseed and conversion to SCAR markers. Plant Breeding,2008,127: 145-149
13.ZX Fan, WX Lei, DF Hong, JP He, LL Wan, ZH Xu, PW Liu and GS Yang. Development and primary genetic analysis of a fertility temperature-sensitive polima cytoplasmic male sterility restorer in Brassica napus. Plant Breeding,2007, 126: 297-301
14.JY Wu, JR Shen, XZ Mao, KD Liu, LP Wei, PW Liu and GS Yang. Isolation and analysis of differentially expressed genes in dominant genic male sterility (DGMS) Brassica napus L. using subtractive PCR and cDNA microarray. Plant Sci.,2007, 172: 204-211
15.Wu Jianyong, Shen Junru, Mao Xizeng, Liu Kede, Wei Liping, Liu Pingwu and Guangsheng Yang*. Isolation and analysis of differentially expressed genes in dominant genic male sterility (DGMS) Brassica napus L. using subtractive PCR and cDNA microarray. Plant Science, 2007, 172(2):204-211
16.Guichun Wang, Junping He, Dengfeng Hong, Yanzhou Xie, Zhenghua Xu,Pingwu Liu & Guangsheng Yang. Development of AFLP and SCAR markers linked to a recessive genic male sterile gene (Bnms3) in rapeseed for marker-assisted selection. The Genetics Society of Korea.2007,29(4):481-487
17.Dengfeng Hong, LiliWan, Pingwu Liu, Guangsheng Yang, Qingbiao He. AFLP and SCAR markers linked to the suppressor gene(Rf ) of a dominant genetic male sterility in rapeseed(Brassica napus L.). Euphytica,2006,151:401–409
18.L Y Yang,P W Liu and G S Yang. Development of temperature-sensitive Polima cytoplasmic male sterile (Pol TCMS) of Brassica napus through isolated microspore culture. Plant breeding, 2006, 125:368-371
19.L.P. Ke, Y.Q. Sun, D.F. Hong, P.W. Liu and G.S. Yang, Identification of AFLP markers linked to one recessive genic male sterility gene in oilseed rape, Brassica napus L., Plant Breeding, 2005,124:367-370
20.Ke LP, Sun YQ, Liu PW, Yang GS,Identification of AFLP fragments linked to one recessive genic male sterility (RGMS) in rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) and conversion to SCAR markers for marker-aided selection,Euphytica, 2004,138(2):163~168
21.Lu GY, Yang GS, Fu TD, Molecular mapping of a dominant genic male sterility gene Ms in rapeseed (Brassica napus), Plant Breeding, 2004, 123:262~265
22.Yuan Mei,Yang Guangsheng,Fu Tingdong,Li Yun. Transcriptional control of orf224/atp6 by the pol CMS restorer Rfp gene in Brassica napus L. Acta Genetica Sinica,2003, 3(5):469-473

