2010年毕业于中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所,获得博士学位,期间在英国Glasgow大学Jenkins I. Gareth教授实验室交流学习3个月;毕业后在中国科学院遗传与发育研究所农业资源研究中心工作,2015年9月份加入华中农业大学植物科技学院研究领域
1. Ji H*, Wang Y*, Cloix C*, Li K*, Jenkins I, Wang S, Shang Z, Shi Y, Yang S, Li X. (2015). The Arabidopsis RCC1 family protein TCF1 regulates freezing tolerance and cold acclimation through modulating lignin biosynthesis. PloS Genet. 11: e1005471. 2. Wang Z*, Ji H*, Yuan B, Wang S, Yao B, Su C, Li X.(2015) ABA signalling is fine-tuned by antagonistic HAB1 variants. Nat. Commun. 6, 8138. 3. Ji H, Wang S, Li K, Szakonyi D, Koncz C, and Li X. (2014) PRL1 modulates root stem cell niche activity and meristem size through WOX5 and PLTs in Arabidopsis. Plant J. 81: 399-412.4. Ji H, Liu L, Li K, Xie Q, Wang Z, Zhao X and Li X. (2014) PEG-mediated osmotic stress induces premature differentiation of the root apical meristem and outgrowth of lateral roots in wheat. J. Exp. Bot. 65, 4863-4872. 5. Ji H and Li X. (2014) ABA mediates PEG-mediated premature differentiation of root apical meristem in plants. Plant Signal. Behav. 9:e977720.6. Ji H, Pardo JM, Batelli G, Van Oosten MJ, Bressan RA, and Li X. (2013) The Salt Overly Sensitive (SOS) Pathway: Established and Emerging Roles. Mol Plant 2013 6:275-86.7. Liu L, Guo G, Wang Z, Ji H, Mu F, Li X. (2014) Auxin in Plant growth and stress responses. Phytohormones: A window to metabolism, signaling and biotechnological application. Ed. By Lam-Son Phan Tran and Sikander Pal, Springer Science, New York, USA, pp1-35.8. Kong D, Li M, Dong Z, Ji H, and Li X. (2014) Identification of TaWD40D, a wheat WD40 repeat-containing protein that is associated with plant tolerance to abiotic stresses. Plant Cell Rep. 34:395-410.9. Luo Y, Wang Z, Ji H, Fang H, Wang S, Tian L, and Li X. (2013) An Arabidopsis homolog of importin beta 1 is required for ABA response and drought tolerance. Plant J. 2013 75: 377-389. 相关热点
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