2016.02 – 至今 副研究员,华中农业大学,种子科学与工程教研室
2014.10 – 2015.12 博士后,荷兰瓦赫宁根大学,植物生理系种子实验室
2009.03 – 2009.08 实习,荷兰Royal Van Zanten,花卉公司(百合育种部)
2009.11 – 2014.08 博士,荷兰瓦赫宁根大学,植物生理系种子实验室
2010.10 – 2011.01 交流博士,以色列内盖夫本-古里安大学,雅各布布劳斯坦沙漠研究所,沙漠生物技术系
2007.09 – 2009.09 硕士,荷兰瓦赫宁根大学,植物育种和遗传种质资源专业
2003.09 – 2007.06 本科,华中农业大学园艺林学学院,园艺学
1. 种子发芽和种苗抗逆性的生物学基础研究;2. 种子休眠及耐储性的调控机理研究;3 种子发育成熟的调控机理研究
1. He H, Willems L, Batushansky A, Fait A, Hanson J, Nijveen H, Hilhorst H, Bentsink L (2016) Effects of parental temperature and nitrate on seed performance are reflected by partly overlapping genetic and metabolic pathways. Plant and Cell Physiology 57: 473-487.
2. Dekkers BJW*, He H*, Hanson J, Willems LAJ, Jamar DCL, Cueff G, Rajjou L, Hilhorst HWM, Bentsink L (2016) The Arabidopsis DELAY OF GERMINATION 1 gene affects ABSCISIC ACID INSENSITIVE 5 (ABI5) expression and genetically interacts with ABI3 during Arabidopsis seed development. Plant Journal 85: 451-465. (* co-first author)
3. He H*, de Souza Vidigal D*, Snoek, LB, Hanson, SJ, Schnabel S, Nijveen H, Hilhorst H, Bentsink L. (2014) Interaction between parental environment and genotype affects plant and seed performance in Arabidopsis, Journal of Experimental Botany 65(22):6603-6615. (* co-first author)
4. Liu J, He H, Vitali M, Haider I, Charnikhova T, Schubert A, Ruyter-Spira C, Lovisolo C, Bouwmeester HJ, Cardinale F. (2015) Osmotic stress represses Strigolactone biosynthesisin Lotus japonicusroots: exploring the interaction between Strigolactones and ABA under abiotic stress. Planta 241 (6): 1435-51.
5. Mruphey M, Kovach K, Elnacash T, He H, Bentsink L, Donohue K. (2015) DOG1-imposed dormancy mediates germination responses to temperature cues. Environmental and Experimental Botany 112: 33-43.
6. Marasek-Ciolakowska A, He H, Bijman P, Ramanna M, Arens P, Van Tuyl J. (2012) Assessment of intergenomic recombination through GISH analysis of F1, BC1 and BC2 progenies of Tulipa gesneriana and T. fosteriana. Plant Systematics and Evolution 298: 887-899
7. Zhou G, He H, Ye Z, Li H, Deng Y, Hu Z, Yao F, Wang B, Huang X (2007) Studies on nitrate accumulation in Vigna unguiculata. Abstracts compilation of National conference of Chinese Plant Physiology Society
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