2023-05-11 04:04
  • 范玉玲
  • 范玉玲 - 教授-华中农业大学-信息学院-个人资料




2013.09-2018.02 电气工程博士,南非比勒陀利亚大学
2011.09-2013.06 控制工程硕士,武汉大学
2007.09-2011.06 自动化学士,武汉大学
2018.07- 副研究员,华中农业大学信息学院
2015.11-2017.07 项目经理,比勒陀利亚大学节能评估与认证中心
2014.03-2017.07 高级节能评估与认证工程师,比勒陀利亚大学节能评估与认证中心
2012.11-2013.03 研究助理,比勒陀利亚大学新能源研究中心




1.Y. Fan*and X. Xia, “A multi-objective optimization model for energy-efficiency building envelope retrofitting plan with rooftop PV system installation and maintenance,” Applied Energy, vol. 189, pp. 327–335, 2017. (Q1,IF:7.900,ESI高被引)
2.Y. Fan*and X. Xia, “Energy-efficiency building retrofit planning for green building compliance,” Building and Environment, vol. 136, pp. 312-321, 2018. (Q1,IF:4.539)
3.Y. Fan*and X. Xia, “Building retrofit optimization models using notch test data considering energy performance certificate compliance,” Applied Energy, vol. 228, pp. 2140-2152, 2018. (Q1,IF:7.900)
4.Y. Fan*and X. Xia, “A multi-objective optimization model for building envelope retrofit planning,” Energy Procedia, vol. 75, pp. 1299–1304, 2015. (EI)
5. X. Li *, X. Zhang andY. Fan, “A Two-step Framework for Energy Local Area Network Scheduling Problem with Electric Vehicles based on Global-local Optimization Method,” Energies, 2019, Accepted. (Q3,IF:2.676)
6.Y. Fan*and X. Xia, “A building retrofit optimization model using notch test data,” In: Proceedings of the Control Conference Africa, Johannesburg, South Africa: December 2017. (EI会议)
7.Y. Fan*and X. Xia, “An optimization model for building envelope retrofit considering energy performance certificate,” In: Proceedings of the Chinese Control Conference, Dalian, China: July 2017. (EI会议)
8.Y. Fan*and X. Xia, “An optimal maintenance plan for building envelope insulation materials after retrofitting,” In: Proceedings of the Chinese Automation Congress, Wuhan, China: November 2015. (EI会议)
9.Y. Fan*,L. Zhang and X. Zhuan, “Design and implementation of a synchronized three-phase electricity acquisition module,” In: Proceedings of the 10th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, Beijing, China: July, 2012. (EI会议)
10. L. Zhang, M. Xu,Y. Fanand X. Zhuan, “Models and control methodologies of heavy haul trains toward energy efficiency: A survey,” In: Proceedings of 2012 Chinese Control and Decision Conference, Taiyuan, China: May, 2012. (EI会议)

