1. Fu X.H.(付新华), Ohba Nobuyoshi, Fredric V. Vencl, Lei Chaoliang. 2005. Structure, behavior and the life cycle of an aquatic firefly, Luciola substriata (Coleoptera: Lampyridae), in China. Canadian Entomologist. 137:83-90.(SCI)。2. Fu X.H. (付新华), Yuyong Wang, Ohba Noboyushi, Chaoliang lei. 2005. The swimming behavior of aquatic firefly larvae, Luciola substriata (Coleoptera: Lampyridae). Coleopterists Bulletin. 59 (4): 501-505.(SCI)。3. Fu X.H. (付新华), Lesley Ballantyne. 2006. Luciola Leii Sp. Nov., A New Species Of Aquatic Firefly From Mainland China (Coleoptera: Lampyridae: Luciolinae). Canadian Entomologist. 138(3):339-347.(SCI)。4. Fu X.H. (付新华), Ohba Nobuyoshi, Ying Zhang, Chaoliang Lei. 2006. A Rearing Apparatus and Diet for the Aquatic Firefly, Luciola leii (Coleoptera: Lampyridae). Canadian Entomologist. 138(3):399-406.(SCI)。5. Fu X.H. (付新华), Ohba N, Meyer-Rochow VB, Wang YY, Lei CL. 2006. Reflex-bleeding in the firefly Pyrocoelia pectoralis (Coleoptera: Lampyridae): Morphological basis and possible function. Coleopterist Bulletin. 60 (3): 207-215.(SCI)。6. Fu X.H. (付新华), Ohba Nobuyoshi, Fredric V. Vencl, Chaoliang Lei. 2006. Life cycle and behavior of aquatic firefly, Luciola leii (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) from Mainland China. Canadian Entomologist. 138 (6): 860-870.(SCI)。7. Fu X. H (付新华), Fredric V. Vencl, Ohba Nobuyoshi, V. Benno Meyer-Rochow , Lei C. L., Zhang Z. N . 2007. Structure and function of the eversible glands of the aquatic firefly Luciola leii (Coleoptera: Lampyridae). Chemoecology. 17 (2): 117-124.(SCI)。8. Fu X. H (付新华), Ballantyne L.2008. Taxonomy and behaviour of lucioline fireflies (Coleoptera: Lampyridae: Luciolinae) with redefinition and new species of Pygoluciola Wittmer from mainland China and review of Luciola LaPorte. Zootaxa 1733: 1–44.(SCI)。9. Fu X. H (付新华). 2008. The fine structure of larval light organ in the aquatic firefly Luciola leii. Luminescence, 23(2), 68.(SCI)10. Yuyong Wang, Fu X.H. (付新华), Chaoliang Lei, Minglun Jeng, Ohba N. 2007. Biological characteristics of the terrestrial firefly Pyrocliealis pectoralis (Coleoptera: Lampyridae). Coleopterist Bulletin. 61(1):85-93 . (SCI)11. Zheng X.L., Fu X.H. (付新华), Zhang S.C., and Lei C.L. 2008. Larval Behavior Probably Associated with Respiration in Luciola substriata Gorham (Coleoptera: Lampyridae). The Coleopterists Bulletin. 62(4):550-559. (SCI)12. Fu X.H. (付新华), Meyer-Rochow V. B., Tyler J., Suzuki H., De Cock R. 2009. Structure and function of the eversible organs of several genera of larval firefly (Coleoptera: Lampyridae). Chemoecology.19:155–168 (SCI)13. Fu X.H (付新华),Ballantyne L., Lambkin C.L. 2010. Aquatica gen. nov. from mainland China with a description of Aquatica Wuhana sp. nov. (Coleoptera: Lampyridae: Luciolinae). Zootaxa 2530: 1–18.(SCI)14. Fu, X.H.(付新华), and V. B. Meyer-Rochow. 2012. An investigation into the morphological and behavioral adaptations of the aquatic larvae of Aquatica leii (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) to prey upon freshwater snails that serve as intermediate hosts for the liver fluke. Biological Control 62(3).127-134.(SCI)15.Fu, X.H (付新华), Ballantyne L., Lambkin C.L. 2012. The external larval morphology of aquatic and terrestrial Luciolinae fireflies (Coleoptera: Lampyridae). Zootaxa 3405: 1–34..(SCI)16.Fu, X.H (付新华), Ballantyne L., Lambkin C.L. 2012.Emeia gen. nov., a new genus of Luciolinae fireflies from China (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) with an unusual trilobite-like larva, and a redescription of the genus Curtos Motschulsky. Zootaxa. 3403: 1- 53.(SCI)17. Fu, X.H.(付新华), South, A., Lewis, S.M. 2012. Sexual dimorphism, mating systems, and nuptial gifts in two Asian fireflies (Coleoptera: Lampyridae). Journal of Insect Physiology. 58:1485-1492.18. Fu, X.H.(付新华), and V. B. Meyer-Rochow. 2013.Larvae of the firefly Pyrocoelia pectoralis (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) as possible biological agents to control the land snail Bradybaena ravida.Biological Control 65(3).176-183.(SCI)19. Ballantyne, L., Fu, X.H. (付新华) et al. (2013). Studies on South-east Asian fireflies: Abscondita, a new genus with details of life history, flashing patterns and behaviour of Abs. chinensis (L.) and Abs. terminalis (Olivier) (Coleoptera: Lampyridae: Luciolinae).\ 相关热点
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