华中农业大学副教授、硕士生导师,华中农业大学农学博士。所属学科领域为动物生产学。2003年加入国际山羊协会,同时担任中国畜牧兽医学会养羊分会常务理事。多次参加国内重要学术交流会。曾主持和参加科研课题4项。教育经历1987.09 - 1991.06, 华中农业大学,畜牧专业毕业,农学学士。1993.09 - 1996.06, 华中农业大学,动物遗传育种与繁殖专业毕业,农学硕士1999.09 - 2003.06, 华中农业大学,动物遗传育种与繁殖专业毕业,农学博士工作经历1991.07-1993.08,湖北省郧阳地区畜牧局工作,科员1996.07-2001.11,华中农业大学,讲师2001.12- 华中农业大学,副教授研究领域
1.RAPD Variation and Genetic Distances among Tibetan, Inner Mongolia and Liaoning Cashmere Goats. ASIAN-AUSTRALASIAN JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCES 2001Genetic variation analysis within and among Chinese indigenous swine populations using microsatellite markers. Animal Genetics 20022.Genetic Variations of 13 Indigenous Chinese Goat Breeds Based on Cytochrome b Gene Sequences. 20063.Phylogenetic relationships among Chinese indigenous goat breedsinferred from mitochondrial control region sequence. 20074.Individual-breed assignments in caprine populations using microsatellite DNA analysis. 2007 相关热点
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