教育经历2009.09-2013.06 郑州大学 生物技术专业 理学学士2013.09-2018.06 浙江大学 微生物学专业 理学博士工作经历2018.08至今 华中农业大学 植物科学技术学院 副研究员研究领域
1. Cai Q, Wang JJ, Fu B, Ying SH, Feng MG*. Gcn5-dependent histone H3 acetylation and gene activity is required for the asexual development and virulence of Beauveria bassiana. Environmental Microbiology, 2018, 20(4):1484–1497.2. Cai Q#, Wang ZK#, Shao W, Ying SH, Feng MG*. Essential role of Rpd3-dependent lysine modification in the growth, development and virulence of Beauveria bassiana. Environmental Microbiology, 2018, 20(4):1590–1606.3. Cai Q, Tong SM, Shao W, Ying SH, Feng MG*. Pleiotropic effects of the histone deacetylase Hos2 linked to H4-K16 deacetylation, H3-K56 acetylation and H2A-S129 phosphorylation in Beauveria bassiana. Cellular Microbiology, 2018, 15: e12839.4. Cai Q#, Wang JJ#, Shao W, Ying SH, Feng MG*. Rtt109-dependent histone H3K56 acetylation and gene activity are essential for the biological control potential of Beauveria bassiana. Pest Management Science, 2018, 74: 2626–2635.5. Wang ZK#, Cai Q#, Tong SM, Ying SH, Feng MG*. C-terminal Ser/Thr residues are vital for the regulatory role of Ste7 in the asexual cycle and virulence of Beauveria bassiana. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2018, 102(16):6973–6986.6. Wang JJ#, Cai Q#, Qiu L, Ying SH, Feng MG*. The histone acetyltransferase Mst2 sustains the biological control potential of a fungal insect pathogen through transcriptional regulation. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2017, 102(3):1343–1355.7. Wang JJ#, Cai Q#, Qiu L, Ying SH, Feng MG*. Additive roles of two TPS genes in trehalose synthesis, conidiation, multiple stress responses and host infection of a fungal insect pathogen. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2017, 101(9):3637–3651.8. Wang ZK, Cai Q, Liu J, Ying SH, Feng MG*. Global insight into lysine acetylation events and their links to biological aspects in Beauveria bassiana, a fungal insect pathogen. Scientific Reports, 2017, 7:44360.9. Wang JJ, Qiu L, Cai Q, Ying SH, Feng MG*. Transcriptional control of fungal cell cycle and cellular events by Fkh2, a forkhead transcription factor in an insect pathogen. Scientific Reports, 2015, 5:10108.10. Wang JJ, Qiu L, Cai Q, Ying SH, Feng MG*. Three α-1, 2-mannosyltransferases contribute differentially to conidiation, cell wall integrity, multistress tolerance and virulence of Beauveria bassiana. Fungal Genetics and Biology, 2014, 70:1–10. 相关热点
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