2023-05-11 03:52
  • 杨欣
  • 杨欣 - 副教授-华中科技大学-电子信息与通信学院-个人资料




I am an Associate Professor in the Department of Electronics and Information Engineering at Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST). I received my PhD degree in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at UC Santa Barbara in March 2013. I worked under the supervision of Professor Kwang-Ting (Tim) Cheng.
My research interest lies in mobile computer vision, mobile augmented reality (AR) and medical image analysis. My earlier work designed computer vision and AR algorithms which can run in real-time on low power mobile devices, such as smartphones. More specifically, I focus on: 1) designing new light-weight and robust algorithms, 2) adapting existing algorithms to mobile CPU and/or GPU, for fundamental computer vision components, such as feature extraction, recognition and tracking, etc, 3) using mobile hetegeneous parallel computing , and 4) fusing multi-model sensor data (e.g. accelerometer, gyroscope and magnetometer). In the area of medical image analysis, I am especially interested in image segmentation and registration.
My current projects include:
1. Medical Image Analysis (collaborated with HKUST, Beijing Tiantan Hospital)
2. Monocular Simutanous Localization and Mapping and Augmented Reality (collaborated with Shanghai HISCENE)
3. 3D Facial Landmark Detection (collaborated with HKUST and Naver)
Previous projects:
1. High quality and ultrafast feature desgin for mobile augmented reality
2. Accelerating SURF detector on mobile devices
3. Mobile image retrieval
4. Fusing multi-model sensor data for mobile object tracking (collaborated with Prof. Cheng and Prof. Huan, UCSB)
5. Automated comparison of 3D CTA Images (collaborated with Prof. Chien, UCLA Medical School)
6. Functional analysis in MR Urography images (collaborated with Prof. Sung, UCLA Medical School)
[2018 Fall] Data Structure
[2018 Fall] Image Analysis and Understanding
[2017 Fall] Programming Language C
[2017 Winter] Image Analysis and Understanding
[2016 Fall] Programming Language C
[2016 Winter] Image Analysis and Understanding
[2015 Summer] Mobile Embedded System: Platforms, Software and Applications
[2015 Fall] Image Analysis and Understanding
Selected Publications
Year 2018
Accurate Face Alignment and Adaptive Patch Selection for Heart Rate Estimation from Video under Realistic Scenarios Wang Z. W., Yang X.*, Cheng K.-T. PLOS ONE, (PLOS ONE) 2018 Impact factor: 2.805
A Joint Space-angle Regularization Approach for Single 4D Diffusion Image Super-resolution Yin S. You X. G.*, Yang X., Peng Q. M., Zhu Z. Q., Jing X. Y. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, (MRM) 2018 Impact factor: 3.942
Joint Segment-level and Pixel-wise Losses for Deep Learning based Retinal Vessel Segmentation Yan Z. Q., Yang X.*, Cheng K.-T. IEEE Trans. on Biomedical Engineering, (TBME) 2018 Impact factor: 3.577
An Autonomous Drone Cinematography System for Action Scenes Huang C., Gao F., Yang Z. Y., Qiu W. H., Kong Y., Chen P., Yang X., Shen S. J., Cheng K. T International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2018
A Deep Model with Shape-preserving Loss for Gland Instance Segmentation  Yan Z. Q., Yang X., Cheng K.-T.
International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Interventions (MICCAI), 2018
Year 2017
Automated Detection of Clinically Significant Prostate Cancer in mp-MRI Images based on an End-to-End Deep Neural Network Wang Z. W., Liu C. Y., Wang L., Yang X.*, Cheng K.-T.
IEEE Trans. on Medical Imaging, (TMI) 2017Impact factor: 3.942
A Skeletal Similarity Metric for Quality Evaluation of Retinal Vessel Segmentation Yan Z. Q., Yang X.*, Cheng K.-T. IEEE Trans. on Medical Imaging, (TMI) 2017
Impact factor: 3.942
Co-trained Convolutional Neural Networks for Automated Detection of Prostate Cancer in Multi-parametric MRI Yang X., Liu C. Y., Wang Z. W.*, Yang J., Le M. H., Wang L., Cheng K. –T.
Medical Image Analysis, (MIA) 2017 Impact factor: 4.188
Automated Diagnosis of Prostate Cancer in Multi-parametric MRI based on Multimodal Convolutional Neural NetworksLe M. H., Chen J. Y., Wang L., Cheng K.-T., Yang X.*
Physics in Medicine and Biology, (PMB) 2017 Impact factor: 2.811
Automated Method for Accurate Vessel Segmentation Yang X.*, Le M. H., Liu C. Y., Chien A., Cheng K.-T.Physics in Medicine and Biology, (PMB) 2017  Impact factor: 2.811
Robust and Real-Time Pose Tracking for Augmented Reality on Mobile Devices Yang X.*, Guo J. B., Xue T. L., Cheng K.-T.Multimedia Tools and Applications, (MTA) 2017 Impact factor: 1.530
Fast and Accurate Visual Odometry from a Monocular Camera Yang X*, Xue T. L., Luo H. C., Guo J. B.Frontiers in Computer Science, (FCS) 2017 Impact factor: 1.039
Real-Time Monocular Dense Mapping for Augmented RealityXue T. L., Luo H. C., Cheng D. P., Yuan Z. K., Yang X.* ACM Multimedia (MM, Oral, acceptance rate: 7.5%), 2017
Real-Time Dense Monocular SLAM for Augmented Reality  Luo H. C., Xue T. L., YangX.*ACM Multimedia (MM, Demo), 2017
DeepCADx: Automated Prostate Cancer Detection and Diagnosis in mp-MRI based on Multimodal Convolutional Neural Networks Wang, Z. W., Liu C. Y., Bai X., Yang X.* ACM Multimedia (MM, Demo), 2017
Joint Detection and Diagnosis of Prostate Cancer in Multi-parametric MRI based on Multimodal Convolutional Neural Networks Yang X*, Wang Z.W., Liu C. Y., Le M.H., Chen J. Y., Wang L., Cheng K. -T. International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Interventions (MICCAI), 2017
REDBEE: A Visual-Inertial Drone System for Real-Time Moving Object DetectionHuang C., Chen P., Yang X., Cheng, K.-T. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2017.
Year 2016
Renal Compartment Segmentation in DCE-MRI Images Xin Yang, Hung Le Minh, Chaoyu Liu, Tim Cheng, Kyung Hyun Sung, Wenyu Liu Medical Image Analysis, (MIA) 2016 Impact factor: 4.188
Year 2015
Accurate and Efficient Pulse Measurement from Facial Videos on Smartphones
Chong Huang, Xin Yang, Tim Cheng IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), 2015
Fusion of Vision and Inertial Sensing for Accurate and Efficient Pose Tracking on Smartphones Xin Yang, Xun Si, Tangli Xue, Liheng Zhang, Tim Cheng International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR), 2015
Vision-Inertial Hybrid Tracking for Robust and Efficient Augmented Reality on Smartphones Xin Yang, Xun Si, Tangli Xue, Liheng Zhang, Tim Cheng
ACM Multimedia (MM), 2015
Automatic Segmentation of Renal Compartments in DCE-MRI Images Xin Yang, Hung Le Minh, Tim Cheng, Kyun Sung
International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Interventions (MICCAI), 2015
Measurement of Intracranial Aneurysm Growth Qianyi Yu, Xin Yang, Tim Cheng, F Liang, Aichi Chien Stroke, 2015 Acceptance rate: 10%, Impact factor: 6.158
OGB: A Distinctive and Efficient Feature for Mobile Augmented Reality
Xin Yang, Xinggang Wang, Tim Cheng International Conference on Multimedia Modeling (MMM), 2015
Location-Aware Image Classification Xinggang Wang, Xin Yang, Wenyu Liu, Chen Duan, Longin LateckiInternational Conference on Multimedia Modeling (MMM), 2015
Year 2014
Accurate Vessel Segmentation with Progressive Contrast Enhancement and Canny Refinement Xin Yang, Tim Cheng and Aichi Chien Aisian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV), 2014 Acceptance rate: 27%[pdf]
libLDB: A Library for Extracting Ultrafast and Distinctive Binary Feature Description
Xin Yang, Chong Huang and Tim Cheng ACM International Conference on Multimedia (MM), Open Source Software Competition, 2014.
Project Website
Geodesic Active Contours with Adaptive Configuration for Cerebral Vessel and Aneurysm Segmentation
Xin Yang, Tim Cheng and Aichi Chien
International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), Stockholm, Sweden, Aug 24-28, 2014.
Local Difference Binary for Ultra-fast and Distinctive Feature Description
Xin Yang and Tim Cheng
IEEE Transaction on Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI), 2014.
Impact factor: 4.795
Learning Optimized Local Difference Binary for Scalable Augmented Realtiy on Mobile Devices
Xin Yang and Tim Cheng
IEEE Transaction on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG), 2014.
Impact factor: 2.215
Year 2012
LDB: An Ultra-Fast Feature for Scalable Augmened Reality on Mobile Device
Xin Yang and Tim Cheng
International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR), Atlanta, Georgia, Novermber 5-8, 2012.
Oral presentation; Acceptance rate: 18% [pdf]ISMAR Best Paper Nomination, 2012
Accelerating SURF Detector on Mobile Devices Xin Yang and Tim Cheng ACM International Conference on Multimedia (MM), Nara, Japan, October 29-31, 2012
Oral presentation; Acceptance rate: 20.2% [pdf]


Mobile Computer vision, mobile augmented reality (AR), medical image analysis, large-scale image retrieval""

