2023-05-11 03:25
  • 葛晓虎
  • 葛晓虎 - 教授 博士生导师-华中科技大学-电子信息与通信学院-个人资料




湖北省武汉人。华中科技大学电子信息与通信学院副院长,教授,博士生导师,华中卓越学者特聘教授,澳大利亚悉尼科技大学兼职教授(Adjunct Professor),国家绿色通信与网络国际联合研究中心主任,华中科技大学——悉尼科技大学移动通信联合研究中心主任。2003年毕业于华中科技大学获信息与通信工程博士学位, 2005年获意大利伽利略奖(Galilei Grant)。近年来主持承担了20余项国家级科研课题和多项国际高水平科技合作项目。担任国际信息处理联合会(IFIP)中国代表和联合国咨商信息与通信技术专委会委员,国家科技部和国家自然基金委会评专家,湖北省科技厅评审专家,IET Fellow,中国通信学会会士。担任IEEE Wireless Communications,IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology等10份 国际期刊编委,担任General Chair of the 2015 IEEE International Conference on Green Computing and Communications (GreenCom2013)以及IEEE ICC 2016-2018, CMC 2009-2012,ICCT 2011, VTC 2012,CITS 2012,IWCMC 2008等30多 个国际会议的Symposium chair和TPC成 员和审稿人。多篇代表性论文被评为IEEE通信学会领域最佳论文,研究成果荣获2016年度湖北省自然科学二等奖。
1) 国际信息处理联合会中国代表,2021年至今
2) IEEE杰出讲师,2019-2020
3) 中国通信学会会士,2019年至今
4) IET FELLOW,2016年至今
5、华为GIFT项目:WIFI IRS智能反射面关键技术研究”,研究周期:2020~2022年。
12、欧盟地平线2020计划项目:EU-China Study on IoT and 5G,项目编号:723227,研究周期:2016/7/01~2018/06/30。
13、芬兰TEKES国际合作项目:Energy-Efficient Wireless Networks and Connectivity of Device - Densification,项目编号:DNRO:195/31/2013,研究周期:2013~2015。
14、英国EPSRC国际合作项目:UK-China Science Bridges: R&D on 4G Wireless Mobile Communications, 项目编号:EP/G0427/1,研究周期:2009年4月~2012年5月。
15、欧盟第7框架计划项目:Security, services, networking and performance of next generation IP-based multimedia wireless networks, 项目编号:PIRSES-GA-2009-247083,研究周期:2010/06/14~2014/06/15。
16、欧盟第7框架计划项目:Towards Pervasive Indoor Wireless Networks, 项目编号:PIRSES-GA-2012-318992,研究周期:2012/10/01~2016/09/30。
17、欧盟第7框架计划项目:Cross-layer Research on Green Cooperative Cognitive Radio Networks and Services, 项目编号:PIRSES-GA-2013-610524,研究周期:2014/4/1~2018/3/30。
18、意大利外交部国际合作项目:Coordination techniques for multi-cell cooperative MIMO networks, 项目编号:PGR00195,研究周期:2013~2015年。
19、欧盟国际合作项目Erasmus Mundus External Cooperation Window (EMECW) program: Connecting Europe and China through Interuniversity Exchange (CONNEC)”,研究周期:2009~2012年。




[1] Xiaohu Ge, J. Thompson, Y. Li, X. Liu, W. Zhang and T. Chen, “Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Wireless Communications,” IEEE Communications Magazine, Vol. 57, No. 3, pp. 12-13, March 2019.
[2] Xiaohu Ge, Y. Sun, H. Gharavi and J. Thompson, “Joint Optimization of Computation and Communication Power in Multi-user Massive MIMO Systems,” IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Vol. 17, No. 6, pp. 4051-4063, June 2018. (ESI High Cited Paper, among top 1% most cited papers in last ten years)
[3] Xiaohu Ge, X. Tian, Y. Qiu, G. Mao, T. Han, “Small Cell Networks With Fractal Coverage Characteristics,” IEEE Transactions on Communications, Vol. 66, No. 11, pp. 5457 - 5469, Nov. 2018.
[4] Xiaohu Ge, S. Tu, G. Mao, Vincent K. N. Lau, L. Pan, “Cost Efficiency Optimization of 5G Wireless Backhaul Networks,” IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, Vol. 18, No. 12, pp. 2796-2810, Dec. 2019.
[5] Xiaohu Ge, Y. Qiu, J. Chen, M. Huang, et. al, “Wireless Fractal Cellular Networks,” IEEE Wireless Communications, Vol. 23, No. 5, pp. 110-119, Oct. 2016
[6] Xiaohu Ge, J. Yang, H. Gharavi, Y. Sun, “Energy Efficiency Challenges of 5G Small Cell Networks,” IEEE Communications Magazine, Vol. 55, No. 5, pp. 184-191, May 2017. (ESI High Cited Paper, among top 1% most cited papers in last ten years)
[7] Xiaohu Ge, Z. Li, S. Li, “5G Software Defined Vehicular Networks,” IEEE Communications Magazine, Vol. 55, No. 7, pp. 87-93, July. 2017
[8] Xiaohu Ge, R. Zi, X. Xiong, Q. Li and L. Wang, “Millimeter Wave Communications with OAM-SM Scheme for Future Mobile Networks,” IEEE Journal Selected Areas in Communications, Vol. 35, No. 9, pp. 2163-2177, Sept. 2017.
[9] Xiaohu Ge, L. Pan, Q. Li, G. Mao and S. Tu, “Multi-Path Cooperative Communications Networks for Augmented and Virtual Reality Transmission,” IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, Vol 19, Issue 10, pp. 2345-2358, 2017.
[10] Xiaohu Ge, “Ultra-Reliable Low-Latency Communications in Autonomous Vehicular Networks,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol 68, Issue 5, pp. 5005-5016, May, 2019.
[11] Xiaohu Ge, H. Jia, Y. Zhang, Y. Xiao, Y. Li and B. Vucetic, “Energy Efficient Optimization of Wireless-powered 5G Full Duplex Cellular Networks: A Mean Field Game Approach,” IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 455-467, June, 2019.
[12] Xiaohu Ge, R. Zhou, Q. Li, “5G NFV-Based Tactile Internet for Mission-Critical IoT Services,” IEEE Internet of Things, Vol. 7, No. 7, pp. 6150-6163, July, 2020.
[13] Q. Zhang, J. Jiang, Xiaohu Ge (corresponding author), Y. Li, “Resource allocation based on optimal transmission theory in IoT edge computing,” Vol. 5, No. 2, Chinese Jounal on Internet of Things, May, 2021
[14] J. Zhang, W. Wu, Xiaohu Ge, “Time Reverse Equalization Algorithm for 16 QAM Coherent Optical Communication Systems,” IEEE Access, Vol. 9, pp. 60753--60763, 2021.
[15] J. Yang, Xiaohu Ge (corresponding author), Y. Li, “Principle of Computation Power Optimization in Millimeter Wave Massive MIMO Systems,” IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, publication online, DOI: 10.1109/TMC.2020.3048718.
[16] Y. Zhong, G. Mao, Xiaohu Ge (corresponding author), F. Zheng, “Spatio-temporal Modeling for Massive and Sporadic Access,” IEEE Journal Selected Areas in Communications, Vol. 39, No. 3, pp. 638-651, March. 2021.
[17] J. Yang, Xiaohu Ge(corresponding author), J. Thompson and H. Gharavi, “Power-Consumption Outage in Beyond Fifth Generation Mobile Communication Systems,” IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Vol. 20, No. 2, pp. 897-910, Feb. 2021.
[18] K. Chen, J. Yang, Q. Li, Xiaohu Ge (corresponding author), “Sub-array Hybrid Precoding for Massive MIMO Systems: A CNN-based Approach,” IEEE Communication Letter, Vol. 25, No. 1, pp. 191-195, Jan. 2021.
[19] Y. Jiang, Xiaohu Ge (corresponding author), Y. Yang, C.-X. Wang, J. Li, “6G Oriented Blockchain based Internet of Things Data Sharing and Storage Mechanism,” Journal on Communications, Vol. 41, No. 10, Oct. 2020.
[20] X. Xiong, Q. Li, Xiaohu Ge (corresponding author), H. Lou, “Capacity Modelling and Performance Analysis of OAM-OFDM Wireless Communication Systems,” IEEE Access, Vol. 8, pp. 163129--163139, 2020.
[21] Z. Li, L. Xiang, Xiaohu Ge (corresponding author), G. Mao, H.-C. Chao, “Latency and Reliability of mmWave Multi-hop V2V Communications under Relay Selections”, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol. 69, No. 9, pp. 9807-9821, Sept. 2020.
[22] G. Wang, Y. Zhong, R. Li, Xiaohu Ge, T. Quek, G. Mao, “Effect of Spatial and Temporal Traffic Statistics on the Performance of Wireless Networks,” IEEE Transactions on Communications, Vol. 68, No. 11, pp. 7083-7097, Nov. 2020.
[23] Q. Li, Y. Zhang, Y. Li(corresponding author), Y. Xiao, Xiaohu Ge, “Capacity-Aware Edge Caching in Fog Computing Networks,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol. 69, No. 8, pp. 9244 - 9248, Aug. 2020.
[24] S. Zheng, T. Han (corresponding author), Xiaohu Ge, “Smart Contract-based Spectrum Sharing Transactions for Multi-Operators Wireless Communication Networks,” IEEE Access, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 88547--88557, 2020.
[25] Y. Jiang, Y. Zhong, Xiaohu Ge (corresponding author), “Smart Contract-Based Data Commodity Transactions for Industrial Internet of Things,” IEEE Access, Vol. 7, pp. 180856--180866, 2019.
[26] Y. Jiang, Xiaohu Ge (corresponding author), Y. Zhong, G. Mao, Y. Li, “A New Small-World IoT Routing Mechanism based on Cayley Graphs,” IEEE Internet of Things, Vol. 6, No. 6, pp. 10384-10395, Dec., 2019.
[27] H. Lou, Xiaohu Ge, Q. Li, “The New Purity and Capacity Models for the OAM-mmWave Communication Systems under Atmospheric Turbulence,” IEEE Access, Vol. 7, pp. 129988--129996, 2019.
[28] K. Wang, J. Yu, L. Chen, P. Zhou, Xiaohu Ge, M. Win, “Opportunistic Scheduling Revisited Using Restless Bandits: Indexability and Index Policy,” IEEE Transactions on Communications, Vol. 18, No. 10, pp. 4997-5010, Oct. 2019.
[29] R. Dong, W. Hardjawana, A. Li, Y. Li, Xiaohu Ge, B. Vucetic, “Joint Beamforming and User Association Scheme for Full-Dimension Massive MIMO Networks,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 68, No. 8, pp. 7733-7746, Aug. 2019.
[30] J. Yang, Xiaohu Ge (corresponding author), Y. Zhong, “How Much of Wireless Rate Can Smartphones Support in 5G Networks?” IEEE Network, Vol. 33, No. 3, pp. 122-129, June, 2019.
[31] R. Zi, J. Liu, L. Gu, Xiaohu Ge, “Enabling Security and High Energy Efficiency in the Internet of Things with Massive MIMO Hybrid Precoding,” IEEE Internet of Things, Vol. 6, No. 5, pp. 8615-8625, Oct. 2019.
[32] Y. Yang, Z. Liu, X. Yang, K. Wang, X. Hong, Xiaohu Ge, “POMT: Paired Offloading of Multiple Tasks in Heterogeneous Fog Networks,” IEEE Internet of Things, Vol. 6, No. 5, pp. 8658-8669, Oct. 2019.
[33] K. Wang, L. Chen, K. Bian, Xiaohu Ge, W. Chen, Q. Ai, “Multi-radio Channel Rendezvous in Cognitive Radio Networks,” IET Communications, Vol. 13, No. 10, pp. 1433 – 1442, June, 2019.
[34] L. Xiang, D. W. Kwan-Ng, Xiaohu Ge (corresponding author), Z. Ding, V. W.S. Wong, and R. Schober, “Cache-Aided Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access,” IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, Vol. 13, No. 3, pp.436-451, June, 2019.
[35] J. Chen, Xiaohu Ge (corresponding author), Q. Ni, “Coverage and Handoff Analysis of 5G Fractal Small Cell Networks,” IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Vol 18, Issue 2, pp. 1263-1276, Feb. 2019.
[36] Q. Li, X. Zhang, A. Pandharipande, Xiaohu Ge (corresponding author), H. Gharavi, “An Energy-Aware Retransmission Approach in SWIPT-Based Cognitive Relay Systems,” IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking, Vol 5, Issue 3, pp. 580-594, Sept. 2019.
[37] X. Wang, Y. Zhong, G. Wang, T. Han, M. Wu, Xiaohu Ge, “QoE and Cost for Wireless Networks with Mobility under Spatio-Temporal Traffic,” IEEE Access, Vol. 7, pp. 47206-47220, 2019.
[38] J. Yang, M. Ding, G. Mao, Z. Lin, Xiaohu Ge, “Analysis of Underlaid D2D-Enhanced Cellular Networks: Interference Management and Proportional Fair Scheduler,” IEEE Access, Vol. 7, pp. 35755–35768, 2019.
[39] S. Li, Z. Li, Xiaohu Ge (corresponding author), Y. Li, “Uplinks Analysis and Optimization of Hybrid Vehicular Networks,” KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, Vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 473-493, Feb. 2019.
[40] Q. Li, Y. Zhang, A. Pandharipande, Xiaohu Ge (corresponding author), J. Zhang, “D2D-Assisted Caching on Truncated Zipf Distribution,” IEEE Access, vol. 7, pp. 13411-13421, Jan. 2019.
[41] B. Yang, X. Yang, Xiaohu Ge (corresponding author), Q. Li, “Coverage and Handover Analysis of Ultra-Dense Millimeter-Wave Networks With Control and User Plane Separation Architecture,” IEEE Access, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 54739-54750, Dec. 2018.
[42] J. Chen, Xiaohu Ge, X. Song, Y. Zhong, “Base Station Switch-off with Mutual Repulsion in 5G Massive MIMO Networks,” IET Communications, Vol. 12, No. 16, pp. 2038 - 2045, Dec. 2018.
[43] Y. Zhong, Xiaohu Ge (corresponding author), H.-H. Yang, T. Han, Q. Li, “Traffic Matching in 5G Ultra-dense Networks,” IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 56, No.8, pp. 100 - 105, August, 2018.
[44] A. Al-Kinani, J. Sun, C-X. Wang, W. Zhang, Xiaohu Ge, H. Haas “A 2D Non-Stationary GBSM for Vehicular Visible Light Communication Channels,” IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Vol. 17, No. 12, pp. 7981-7992, Dec. 2018.
[45] W. Zhang, C-X. Wang, Xiaohu Ge, Y. Chen, “Enhanced 5G Cognitive Radio Networks Based on Spectrum Sharing and Spectrum Aggregation,” IEEE Transactions on Communications, Vol. 66, No. 12, pp. 6304-6316, Dec. 2018.
[46] Y. Zhong, Xiaohu Ge, T. Han, Q. Li, J. Zhang, “Tradeoff between Delay and Physical Layer Security in Wireless Networks,” IEEE Journal Selected Areas Communications, Vol. 36, No. 7, pp. 1635-1647, July, 2018.
[47] S. Naqvi, H. Pervaiz, S. Hassan, L. Musavian, Q. Ni, M. Imran, Xiaohu Ge, R. Tafazolli, “Energy-Aware Radio Resource Management in D2D-Enabled Multi-Tier HetNets,” IEEE Access, vol. 6, pp. 16610 - 16622, 2018.
[48] J. Ye, Xiaohu Ge (corresponding author), G. Mao, Y. Zhong, “5G ultra-dense networks with non-uniform distributed users,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol. 67, No. 3, pp. 2660-2670, March 2018.
[49] P. Patcharamaneepakorn, C-X. Wang, Y. Fu, E. Aggoune, M. Alwakeel, X. Tao, Xiaohu Ge, “Quadrature Space-Frequency Index Modulation for Energy-Efficient 5G Wireless Communication Systems,” IEEE Transactions on Communications, Vol. 66, No. 7, pp. 3050-3064, July 2018.
[50] B. Yang, G. Mao, M. Ding, Xiaohu Ge (corresponding author), X. Tao, “Dense Small Cell Networks: From Noise-Limited to Dense Interference-Limited,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol. 67, No. 5, pp. 4262 - 4277, May, 2018.
1) IEEE Wireless Communications 编委(2017-)
2) IEEE Transactions on Vehicle Technology 编委(2017-)
3) IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking 编委(2016-)
4) IEEE Access Journal编委(2015-)
5) IEEE China Communications(SCI期刊)编委(2016-2020)
6) International of Communication Systems (John Wiley) 编委(SCI期刊)(2012-)
7) KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems(SCI期刊)领域编委(2016-)
8) International of Internet Technology(SCI期刊)编委(2015-)
9) IET Networks 编委(2015-)
10)IET Wireless Sensor Systems编委(2015-)
11)Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Journal(John Wiley & Sons)编委(2014-2016)

