1. Ruoxi Wang,Shangfeng Tang,Ian Shaw,Zhanchun Feng, Zhuo Chen,Yuxiong Luo, Hongxun Song, Tailai Wu, Qian Fu,Hang Fu,Yueying Huang, Xiaoyu Chen,Da Feng(通讯作者).Integrated decision-making model for community-based rehabilitation service utilisation among persons with severe mental illness in China: protocol for a cross-sectional, mixed-methods study. BMJ open.2018, 8:e021528. 2. Da Feng, Yuan-xi Xiang, Shang-feng Tang, et al. Satisfaction of Village Doctors with Township and Village Health Services Integration Policy in the Minority-inhabited Areas of Western China. Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology (Medical Sciences). 2017, 37(1):11-19. 3. Da Feng, Dong-lan Zhang, Yan Zhang, et al. Does having a usual primary care provider reduce patients’ self-referral behavior within China’s two-tiered health delivery system? Evidence from a southwest region of China. BMC Health Service Research. 2017, 17:778. 4. Ghose Bishwajit, Da Feng(并列第一), Shangfeng Tang, Sanni Yaya, et al. Women’s decision making autonomy and utilization of maternal healthcare services: Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey. BMJ open. 2017, 7:e017142. 5. Shangfeng Tang, Da Feng(并列第一), Ruoxi Wang, Ghose Bishwajit, et al. Economic burden of malaria cases during National Malaria Elimination Progress: estimation of admission cost and its intra-country variation. Malaria Journal. 2017, 16:291. 6. Da Feng, Ray Serrano, Ting Ye, et al. Determinants of regular clinical visits of patients with hypertension or diabetes in China: a pilot study in Hubei province. Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2016, 13(12): 1268, doi: 10.3390. 相关热点
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