知识(产权)管理 创新管理 企业战略管理"创新管理,知识(产权)管理"近期论文
1、Ding X-H*, Huang R-H. Effects of knowledge spillover on inter-organizational resource sharing decision in collaborative knowledge creation[J]. European Journal of Operational Research, 2010, 201(3):949-959.2、Ding X-H, Huang R-H, Liu D-L*. Resource allocation for open and hidden learning in learning alliances[J]. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 2012, 29 (1): 103-127.3、Ding X-H, Liu H*, Song Y. Are internal knowledge transfer strategies double-edged swords?[J]. Journal of Knowledge Management, 2013, 17 (1): 69-86.4、Wu J, Ding X-H*. Author name disambiguation in scientific collaboration and mobility cases[J]. Scientometrics, 2013, 96 (3): 683-697.5、Liu H, Ding X-H*, Guo H, Luo J. How does slack affect product innovation in high-tech Chinese firms: The contingent value of entrepreneurial orientation[J]. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 2014, 31 (1): 47-68.6、He Y, Ding X-H*, Zhang K. Unpacking the relationships between conflicts and team innovation: Empirical evidence from China[J]. Management Decision, 2014, 52 (8): 1533-1548.7、Wu J, Jin M, Ding X-H*. Diversity of individual research disciplines in scientific funding [J]. Scientometrics, 2015, 103 (2): 669-686.8、Ding X-H, He Y*, Wu J, Cheng C. Effects of positive incentive and negative incentive in knowledge transfer: Carrot and stick[J]. Chinese Management Studies, 2016, 10(3): 593-614.9、Gao H, Ding X-H*, Li S. EPC Renewable Project Evaluation: A Fuzzy Real Option Pricing Model[J]. Energy Sources, Part B: Economics, Planning, and Policy, 2018, 13 (9-10): 404-413.10、丁秀好, 武素明. IT能力对开放式创新绩效的影响:知识整合能力的中介效应 [J]. 管理评论, 录用. 相关热点
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