2018年于河北工业大学获得工学博士学位。2013年6月至2018年3月在中国科学院物理研究所进行联合培养。2018年4月在杭州电子科技大学浙江(杭电)创新材料研究院磁学与磁性材料中心任职。已在APL Materials、Advanced Electronic Materials、Applied Physics Letters、Journal of Applied Physics等国内外主流杂志上发表SCI论文14篇,其中第一作者SCI论文7篇。参与完成国家基金委项目、北京市科委项目等各类研究项目。研究领域
Y. Li, G. D. Liu, X. T. Wang, E. K. Liu, X. K. Xi, W. H. Wang, G. H. Wu, and X. F. Dai*, Half-metallicity of the bulk and (001) surface of NbFeCrAl and NbFeVGe Heusler compounds: a first-principles prediction. RSC Advances, 2017, 7, 31707.Y. Li, Z. Y. Wei, H. G. Zhang, E. K. Liu*, H. Z. Luo, G. D. Liu, X. K. Xi, S. G. Wang, W. H. Wang, and M. Yue, G. H. Wu, and X. X. Zhang, Windows open for highly tunable magnetostructural phase transitions. APL Materials, 2016, 4, 071101.Y. Li, Z. Y. Wei, E. K. Liu*, G. D. Liu, S. G. Wang, W. H. Wang, and G. H. Wu, Structural transitions, magnetic properties, and electronic structures of Co(Fe)-doped MnNiSi compounds. Journal of Applied Physics, 2015, 117, 17C117.Z. Y. Wei, E. K. Liu*,Y. Li, X. L. Han, Z. W. Du, H. Z. Luo, G. D. Liu, X. K. Xi, H. W. Zhang, W. H. Wang, and G. H. Wu, Magnetostructural martensitic transformations with large volume changes and magneto-strains in all-d-metal Heusler alloys. Applied Physics Letters, 2016, 109, 071904.Z. Y. Wei, E. K. Liu*, Y. Li,G. Z. Xu, X. M. Zhang, G. D. Liu, X. K. Xi; H. W. Zhang, W. H. Wang*, G. H. Wu, and X. X. Zhang, Unprecedentedly Wide Curie-Temperature Windows as Phase-Transition Design Platform for Tunable Magneto-Multifunctional Materials. Advanced Electronic Materials, 2015, 1, 1500076.E. K. Liu, Z. Y. Wei, Y. Li, G. D. Liu, H. Z. Luo, W. H. Wang, H.W. Zhang, and G. H. Wu*, A coupling of martensitic and metamagnetic transitions with collective magneto-volume and table-like magnetocaloric effects. Applied Physics Letters, 2014, 105, 062401. 相关热点
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