Kevin Lynch
2023-05-11 02:42
  • Kevin Lynch
  • Kevin Lynch - 教授-华侨大学-哲学与社会发展学院-个人资料




Professor of Philosophy, School of Philosophy and Social Development, Huaqiao University, Xiamen campus
Educational Details
PhD: Oct 2007 - Aug 2011, Philosophy, University of Warwick, U.K.
M.A: Sept. 2003 - June 2004, Philosophy, University College Dublin, Ireland.
B.A: Sept 1997 - June 2002, Philosophy and Sociology, Maynooth University, Ireland.
(Book Reviews)
· 2020. Review of Self-Deception by Eric Funkhouser. Philosophy 95(1), pp. 147-151.
· 2016. Review of The Myth of the Intuitive by Max Deutsch. Philosophical Psychology 29(7), pp. 1088-1091.
· 2016. Review of Self-Knowledge for Humans by Quassim Cassam. Dialectica 70(1), pp. 113-119.
· 2015. Review of Subliminal: How your Unconscious Mind Rules your Behavior by Leonard Mlodinow. Journal of Consciousness Studies 22(9-10), pp. 229-234.
· 2015. Review of Irrationality by Lisa Bortolotti. International Journal of Philosophical Studies 23(4), pp. 605-609.
· 2015. Review of The Intellectual Powers: A Study of Human Nature by P.M.S. Hacker. Philosophy 90(2), pp. 332-336.
Conference presentations and invited talks:
· Nov. 21st 2019. Self-deception and the belief/acceptance distinction. Invited talk. Shanghai Normal University.
· Nov. 17th 2019. The structure of the paradigm case argument. Workshop on logic and ontology. Sun Yat-Sen University. Guangzhou, China.
· Mar. 2019. The structure of the paradigm case argument. Invited talk. Reading University. UK.
· Mar. 2019. The structure of the paradigm case argument. Invited talk. Warwick University. UK.
· Jan. 2019. Agency and intention in self-deception. Invited talk. Lingnan University. Hong Kong, China.
· Sep. 2018. Knowing how and basic actions. Kinds of Knowledge workshop. Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China.
· May 2018. The divisibility of basic actions. Invited talk. Shenyang University. Jinan, China.
· Dec. 2017. Knowing what an experience is like and the standard theory of knowledge-wh. Workshop on intentionality. China University of Political Science and Law. Beijing, China.
· Dec. 2017. Knowing what an experience is like and the standard theory of knowledge-wh. International workshop on philosophical methodology. Huaqiao University, Xiamen, China.
· Feb. 2016. Knowing how, basic actions, and ways of doing things. Meeting of the Korean Society for Analytic Philosophy, Chungang University, Seoul, South Korea.
· July 2014. Knowing what an experience is like and the standard theory of knowledge-wh. European Epistemology Network Meeting, Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain.
· July 2013. Is knowing what an experience is like reducible to propositional knowledge? Aristotelian Society Joint Session, University of Exeter, UK.
· Feb. 2013. The vagaries of psychoanalytic interpretation. Invited talk, Department of Philosophy, Maynooth University, Ireland.
· Sept. 2012. The role of intentional action in self-deception. 1st International Krakow Conference in Cognitive Science, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland.
· Sept. 2012. Response to Ema Sullivan-Bissett: “Why it’s contingent that you can’t believe at will”. 16th Annual Conference of the British Postgraduate Philosophy Association, University of Edinburgh, UK.
· Aug. 2012. Self-deception and stubborn belief. 20th Meeting of the European Society for Philosophy and Psychology, Senate House, London, UK.
· Feb. 2011. The traditional understanding of self-deception. 18th International Meeting of the Hongo Metaphysics Club, University of Tokyo, Japan.
· Oct. 2010. Self-deception and degrees of conviction. The Nature of Belief: The Ontology of Doxastic Attitudes, University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark.
· Dec. 2009. Response to Alva Noë. Mindgrad, University of Warwick, Coventry, UK.
· July 2009. Multiple realization for mental and natural kinds. 13th Annual Conference of the British Postgraduate Philosophy Association, King's College, London, UK. Paper published in conference proceedings.
· July 2009. Multiple realization for mental and natural kinds. Metaphysics of Mind Graduate Conference, University of Edinburgh, UK.
· July 2009. Alfred Mele's criticism of the intentionalist account of self-deception. Open Minds IV graduate conference, University of Manchester, UK.
· March 2009. Self-deception and the control of attention. Second European Graduate School, Internationales Begegnungszentrum der Ruhr-Universität, Bochum, Germany.
Employment History (Selected
September 2019 – Present Professor of Philosophy, Huaqiao University, Xiamen, China
April 2017 – September 2019 Associate Professor of Philosophy, Huaqiao University, Xiamen, China
Feb 2015 – Feb 2017 Assistant Professor of English, Woosong University, Daejeon, South Korea
Oct. 2013 – Sept 2014 Irish Research Council Postdoctoral Fellow, University College Dublin, Ireland
Oct. 2012 – June 2013 Teaching Assistant in Philosophy, Maynooth University, Ireland.
October 2008 – April 2011 Teaching Assistant in Philosophy, University of Warwick, U.K.
September 2004 - December 2005 Lecturer in Philosophy (PT), All Hallows College, Dublin City University, Ireland.
Awards, grants and fellowships
· 13th – 20th January 2019, Sino-British Fellowship, Lingnan University
· March 2011, Postgraduate Award: Introduction to Academic and Professional Practice
· March 2009, €100 prize for best presentation at the Second European Graduate School graduate conference, Internationales Begegnungszentrum der Ruhr-Universität, Bochum, Germany.
· Oct. 2008, 3 year Warwick Postgraduate Research Scholarship (used for 2 years)


Epistemology, Metaphysics, Philosophy of Science, Ethics"Philosophy of psychology and mind"


· 2020. Knowing what an experience is like and the reductive theory of knowledge-wh. Analytic Philosophy 61(3), pp. 252-275.
· 2019. Paradigm Case Arguments. Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. URL: www.iep.utm.edu/paracase/
· 2019. Knowing How, Basic Actions, and Ways of Doing Things. Inquiry 62(6), pp. 956-977.
· 2017. An Agentive Non-Intentionalist Theory of Self-Deception. Canadian Journal of Philosophy 47(6), pp. 779-798.
· 2017. The Divisibility of Basic Actions. Analysis 77(2), pp. 312-318.
· 2016. Willful Ignorance and Self-Deception. Philosophical Studies 173(2), pp. 505-523.
· 2014. The Vagaries of Psychoanalytic Interpretation: An Investigation into the Causes of the Consensus Problem in Psychoanalysis. Philosophia 42(3): pp. 779-799.
· 2014. Self-Deception and Shifts of Attention. Philosophical Explorations 17(1), pp. 63-75.
· 2013. Self-Deception and Stubborn Belief. Erkenntnis 78(6), pp. 1337-1345.
· 2012. A Multiple Realization Thesis for Natural Kinds. European Journal of Philosophy 20(3), pp. 389-406.
· 2012. On the ‘Tension’ Inherent in Self-Deception. Philosophical Psychology 25(3), pp. 433-450.
· 2010. Self-Deception, Religious Belief, and the False Belief Condition. The Heythrop Journal 51(6), pp. 1073-1074.
· 2009. Prospects for an Intentionalist Theory of Self-Deception. Abstracta 5(2), pp. 126-138.

