国家自然科学基金优青项目获得者。2009年本科毕业于西南大学心理学部,随后被保送到北京大学心理与认知科学学院,并于2014年获得博士学位。博士毕业后,前往美国国立卫生研究院心理健康研究所(NIH/NIMH)进行博士后研究,于2018年加入华南师范大学心理学院。相关研究成果已以第一或通讯作者身份发表于Neuron、PNAS、PLoS Biology、Current Biology、NeuroImage等国际权威期刊上。实验室密切结合认知科学、神经科学和计算科学的方法和理论,试图回答人类认知过程中的四个重要问题: 一、为什么人脑具有极其巨大的潜能,而我们却只有非常有限的知觉能力?二、视觉系统是如何从双眼视网膜上的二维图像构建出对三维世界的表征?三、大脑如何对外部世界形成有意识的感知?四、情绪如何影响大脑的认知加工过程?研究手段行为研究(心理物理学和眼动)脑成像研究(功能性磁共振成像fMRI、脑电EEG及经颅磁刺激TMS等)计算模型研究领域
Huang, L., Wang, L., Shen, W., Li, M., Wang, S., Wang, X., Ungerleider, L.G. and Zhang, X*. (2020). A source for awareness-dependent figure–ground segregation in human prefrontal cortex. PNAS 117, 30836–30847.Han, J., Wu, X., Wu, H., Wang, D., She, X., Xie, M., Zhang, F., Zhang, D., Zhang, X*. and Qin, P*. (2020). Eye-Opening Alters the Interaction Between the Salience Network and the Default-Mode Network. Neuroscience Bulletin, 36, 1547-1551.Huang L#., Li M#., Wang L#., and Zhang X*. (2019) Neural mechanisms of visual selective attention. Acta Physiol Sin 71 (1): 11–21. (# Co-first author)Zhang X*., Mlynaryk N., Ahmed S., Japee S., and Ungerleider L.G. (2018). The role of inferior frontal junction in controlling the spatially global effect of feature-based attention in human visual areas. PLoS Biology 16(6), e2005399.Zhang X*., Mlynaryk N., Japee S., and Ungerleider L.G. (2017) Attentional selection of multiple objects in the human visual system. NeuroImage 163, 231–243.Zhang X*., Japee S., Safiullah Z., Mlynaryk N., and Ungerleider L.G. (2016) A normalization framework for emotional attention. PLoS Biology 14(11), e1002578.Chen C., Zhang X., Wang Y., Zhou T., and Fang F*. (2016) Neural representation of the bottom-up saliency map of natural scenes in human primary visual cortex. Experimental Brain Research 234, 1769–1780.Zhang Y., Zhang X., Wang Y., and Fang F*. (2016) Misbinding of color and motion in human early visual cortex: Evidence from event-related potentials. Vision Research 22, 51–59.Zhang X., Qiu J., Zhang Y., Han S., and Fang F*. (2014) Misbinding of color and motion in human visual cortex. Current Biology 24(12), 1354–1360.Chen J., He Y., Zhu Z., Zhou T., Peng Y., Zhang X., and Fang F*. (2014) Attention-dependent early cortical suppression contributes to crowding. Journal of Neuroscience 34(32), 10465–10474.Chen C., Zhang X., Wang Y., and Fang F*. (2013) Measuring the attentional effect of the bottom-up saliency map of natural images. In J. Yang, F. Fang, and C. Sun (Eds): IScIDE 2012, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) 7751, pp. 539-548, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.Zhang X., and Fang F*. (2012) Object-based attention guided by an invisible object. Experimental Brain Research 223(3), 397–404.Zhang X., Zhaoping L., Zhou T., and Fang F*. (2012) Neural activities in V1 create a bottom-up saliency map. Neuron 73(1), 183–192. 相关热点
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