亚洲开发银行咨询专家教育背景南开大学 经济学,学士南开大学 经济学,硕士香港大学 经济学,博士学术经历荷兰乌特勒支大学,访问学者新加坡国立大学, 访问学者美国匹兹堡大学, 访问学者主讲课程本科生:微观经济学,财政学硕士生:微观经济学、宏观经济学、经济学研究方法论主持的科研项目1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,交通基础设施建设对企业绩效的微观影响机制:机理研究与实证检验(71703043)2.广东省软科学项目,环境规制对广东省产业转型升级和吸引外资的理论与实证研究:基于企业异质性的视角(2015A070704047)3.广州市科信局项目,广州市产业集聚对企业社会保障支出的影响机制(2014Y4300024)研究领域
1. “Does Environmental Regulation Drive away Inbound Foreign Direct Investment? Evidence from a Quasi-Natural Experiment in China” (with X. Cai, Y. Lu and L. Yu), Journal of Development Economics 2016 (123): 73-85, (SSCI,Q1区)2. “Industrial Agglomeration and Firm Size: Evidence from China” (with D. Li and Y. Lu), Regional Science and Urban Economics, 2012 (42): 135-143,(SSCI,Q2区)3. “Industrial Agglomeration and Employer Compliance with Social Security Contribution: Evidence from China” (with B. Chen), Journal of Regional Science, 2014 54(4):586-605,(SSCI,Q1区)4. “Home Care for the Elderly: the Role of Relatives, Friends and Neighbors” (with A. Kalwij and G. Pasini), Review of Economics of the Household, 2014 (12):379-404, (SSCI,Q2区)5. “Estimating the Incidences of the Recent Pension Reform in China: Evidence from 100,000 Manufacturers” (with Z. Li), Contemporary Economic Policy, 2013 31(2): 332-344, (SSCI,Q3区)6. “Assignment of Provincial Officials Based on Economic Performance: Evidence from China” (with B. Chen), China Economic Review, 2016 (38): 60-75, (SSCI,Q2区)7. \ 相关热点
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