教育背景美国北伊利诺伊大学,经济学,博士华南农业大学,国际贸易学,硕士华南农业大学,信息管理与信息系统,学士工作经历2017年11月至今,华南师范大学经济与管理学院讲师(特聘副研究员) 开设课程博士生课程:高级计量经济学(中文)、高级计量经济学实验课(中文)硕士生课程:应用微观计量经济学(英文),商务数据分析及应用(中文)本科生课程:经济学原理(中文和英文),区域经济学(中文),经典文献选读(英文) 科研项目广东省哲学社会科学“十三五”规划2020年度一般项目,主持广东省教育厅广东高校科研项目(哲学社会科学类)青年创新人才类项目,主持研究领域
劳动经济学 发展经济学 农业经济学""近期论文
[1] Pan, Z., Jiang, X., & Zhao, N. Does birth spacing affect female labor market participation? Evidence from urban China. China Economic Review. Accepted. (SSCI)[2] Li, C., & Pan, Z.* (2020). How do extremely high temperatures affect labor market performance? Evidence from rural China. Empirical Economics, 1-27. (SSCI)[3] Luo, Y., & Pan, Z. * (2020). Peer effects on student weight: randomization evidence from China. Applied Economics, 52(58), 6360-6371. (SSCI)[4] Zheng, X., Pan, Z. *, & Zhuang, L. (2020). Price volatility and price transmission in perishable commodity markets: evidence from Chinese lychee markets. Applied Economics Letters, 27(9), 748-752. (SSCI)[5] Feng, W., Han, W., & Pan, Z. (2020). A reformulated Shapley-like value for cooperative games with interval payoffs. Operations Research Letters, 48(6), 758-762. (SSCI)[6] Jiang, X., Pan, Z., & Zhao, N. Relative value vs absolute value: Housing wealth and labor supply. Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics. Conditionally accepted. (SSCI)[7] 潘正, 郑旭云, 庄丽娟. 高价值农产品价格的波动特征与传导效应——基于中国荔枝市场的经验研究. 价格月刊, 2021, (01), 16-23.[8] 潘正, 王晓飞. 农业与生产性服务业互动关系的实证研究——以广东为例. 广东农业科学, 2011, 38(19): 164-166+180.[9] 潘正. 我国服务业技术效率影响因素及区域差异演化实证分析. 现代商贸工业, 2010, 22(23): 3-5.[10] Jiang, X., Pan, Z., & Zhao, N. Relative Housing wealth and labor market behavior. 3rd round Revise & Resubmit at Journal of Housing Economics.[11] Pan. Z., Lien, D., & Wang, H. Don't let children lose at the starting line: Peer effects and shadow education. Revise & Resubmit at Economic Modelling.[12] Pan, Z., Zheng, X., & Zhuang, L. Price volatility in perishable agricultural product: What can we learn from the lychee market chain?. [13] Zheng, X., Pan, Z., & Zhang, X. Responding to import surges: Price transmission from international to local markets. Under Review.[14] Pan, Z., & Luo, Y. It's not as bad as you think: externalities of special needs students on regular classmates in China[15] Pan, Z., Han, X., Wang, H. Watch the company you keep! Externalities of strong willpower peers on students' cognitive and non-cognitive outcomes潘正, 张旭贤, 韩卫彬, 张天华. 近朱者赤?同伴效应与青少年体育锻炼. 潘正, 张旭贤, 李承政, 岑燕. 道路交通管制与城市空气质量——基于广州市“开四停四”的准自然实验研究.潘正, 朱浩铭. 融合教育与正常儿童认知能力.工作论文(Working Papers) 相关热点
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