2023-05-11 01:55
  • 刘文锋
  • 刘文锋 - 博士 教授 硕导-湖南师范大学-体育学院-个人资料




刘文锋,湖南平江人,中共党员,留美博士后,湖南师范大学教授,本科“世承班”导师,入选湖南省“青年骨干教师”和学校“青年优秀人才”培养计划等。湖南师范大学生物化学与分子生物学专业毕业,研究生学历,理学博士。2017-2019年美国明尼苏达大学双城校区(University of Minnesota-Twin Cites, UMN)神经科学博士后。2020年英国中央兰开夏大学(University of Central Lancashire, UCLan)中外合作项目体育与健康科学助理教授。拥有运动人体科学、健康管理学、衰老生物医学和神经科学交叉学科背景,负责脑健康与衰老性慢病运动研究室。
主持国家级、省部级和厅局科研与教改项目10余项。在SCI期刊J NEUROPATH EXP NEUR, GERONTOLOGY和EXP GERONTOL等发表10余篇,以及在国内CSSCI/CSCD期刊《体育科学》和《中国运动医学杂志》等发表30余篇科研论文;出版著作1部《脑纹状体老化与病变的运动适应性机制研究》,参编教材4部;申请国家发明专利2项和授权实用新型专利3项;获湖南省自然科学奖等省、厅级科研与教学奖及论文奖20余项;20余篇学术会议科研论文,参加了2届“International Convention on Science, Education and Medicine in Sport, ICSEMIS” (里约和北京奥林匹克科学大会)、2019年Society of Neuroscience (SfN)年会、国际生理科学(ICPS)年会、2届“The SHAPE America National Convention & Exp”(美国健康与体育教育协会)、国际华人运动生理与体适能学者学会(SCSEPF)、国际华人体育与健康学会(ICSPAH)、中国生理学会和全国体育科学大会等学术会议专题报告与交流。与美国明尼苏达大学、乔治亚南方大学等国际合作发表论文或会议论文10余篇。留美期间,主要开展阿尔茨海默病(AD)转基因动物发病与治疗的机制研究:包括蛋白质异戊烯化(Protein prenylation)和载脂蛋白家族ApoE等在AD发病中的作用与机制,HDL及模拟肽D4F、DapoJ和ApoAI等治疗作用与机制。
主持湖南省教育科学“十二五”规划(省级一般资助)课题“不同项群高校运动员智力结构特征及其与运动水平的相关性研究”(XJK011BTM 003,湘教科规通[2011]004号),2011-2014;
获批湖南省高校青年骨干教师培养对象(湘教通[2020]43号),2020.03- 2023.03,湖南省教育厅;
获美国明尼苏达大学双城校区神经科学博士后项目“The Pathogenesis and Therapeutics of Alzheimer’s Disease in Transgenic Mouse Models” (Code: 9546),2017.12-2019.12,留学回国证明(2019芝 教(文)证字05697号);
主要参与研究NIH/NIA R01 1-AG058081-01, HDL Mimetic Peptide-Mediated Enhancement of Neurovascular Function to Mitigate Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy and Alzheimer's Disease, 2018.03.15- 2023.04.28. Ling Li (PI);
主要参与研究NIH/NIA RF1 1-AG056976-01, Dysregulation of Protein Prenylation in the Pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s Disease, 2017.08.01-2022.06.30. Ling Li (PI);
主要参与研究NIH/NIA R21 1-AG056025-01, Testing a Unique HDL Mimetic Peptide to Reverse ApoE4 Lipidation Deficiency and Alzheimer’s Neuropathology, 2017.05.01-2019.04.30. Ling Li (PI);
主要参与湖南省重点研发计划项目“运动促进中学生体质健康关键技术与方法的研究及应用” (2020SK2104,湘科计[2020]52号),2020-2022;
刘文锋,夏艳,旷何玉,王志源,刘少鹏,汤长发,印大中. Proteomic profile of carbonylated proteins screen the regulation of calmodulin-dependent protein kinases-AMPK-Beclin1 in aerobic exercise-induced autophagy in middle-aged rat hippocampus.获湖南省生理科学会一等奖(证书编号:2020-Y-18), 2020.11.
刘文锋,王志源,夏艳,旷何玉,刘少鹏,李立,汤长发,印大中. The balance of apoptosis and autophagy via regulation of the AMPK signal pathway in aging rat striatum during regular aerobic exercise.获湖南省生理科学会一等奖(证书编号:2020-Y-17), 2020.11.
Liu Wenfeng, Yin Dazhong, Tang Changfa, Tang Lihua, Chen Zongping & Wei Xia. “Proteomic profile of carbonylated proteins in rat striatum: The regulatory role and mechanism of AMPK/mTOR/CaMK pathway in Parkinson's in response to regular aerobic exercise” was awarded a prize for “Scholarly Poster Presentation Award” at the SHAPE America National Convention & Expo. 20/03/2018, USA.
Liu Wenfeng, Yin Dazhong, Tang Changfa, Tang Lihua, Chen Zongping, Wei Xia. “Proteomic profile of carbonylated proteins in aged rats soleus: The regulatory role and mechanism of TNNI1 in response to regular aerobic exercise” was awarded a prize for “Best Paper Award” at the 16th Annual Conference for SCSEPF. 23/08/2017
瞿树林,林喜秀,刘文锋,李善妮,龚晓明.“低氧刺激提高机体运动能力的分子适应性机制”获湖南省自然科学奖三等奖(证书编号:20142032-Z1- 212-R03),2015/01/21.
刘文锋,旷何玉.一种模拟雪橇运动装置(专利号:ZL 201921019837.5),国家专利(实用新型),申请时间2019.7.2,授权公告时间2020.04.03.
刘文锋,夏艳,旷何玉,高迎霞,吴枫.生长发育测试仪(专利号:ZL 201820012657.3),国家专利(实用新型),申请时间2018.1.4,授权公告时间2018.09.25.
刘文锋,旷何玉,夏艳.一种用于组织包埋的容器(专利号:ZL 201721846582.0),国家专利(实用新型),申请时间2017.12.26,授权公告时间2018.08.14.
Wenfeng Liu, David Hottman, Andrea Gram, Venkatramana D. Krishna, Maxim C-J Cheeran, Walter C. Low, Ling Li. Modulation of Alzheimer’s neuropathology through peripheral circulation, a poster presentation. 2019SfN, Oct 19-23,Chicago, IL, USA.
Brianna Greiskalns, Rui Zhong,Wenfeng Liu, Ling Li.Impact of Diabetic Hyperglycemia on Neuropathology in a Transgenic Mouse Model of Alzheimer’s Disease. Life Sciences Summer Undergraduate Research Program (LSSURP), University of Minnesota, May 30-August 9, 2019, Minneapolis, MN, USA.
Wenfeng Liu, Changfa Tang, Dazhong Yin, Yan Xia, Heyu Kuang, Zhiyuan Wang, Shaopeng Liu. “Proteomic profile of carbonylated proteins screening the regulation of CaMK-AMPK-Beclin1 in aerobic exercise-induced autophagy in middle-aged rats’ hippocampus”, an oral presentation at the SHAPE America National Convention & Expo. April 9-13, 2019, Tampa, Florida, USA.
Wenhui Qu, David. A. Hottman,Wenfeng Liu, Liyuan Li, Ling Li. Two protein prenylation pathways differentially affect synaptic plasticity and cognitive function, a poster presentation. 2018-S-14001-SfN, Nov3-7, San Diego, CA, USA.
Wenfeng Liu. Proteomic profile of carbonylated proteins in rat striatum: AMPK/mTOR/CaMK pathway in Parkinson's in response to regular aerobic exercise. A poster presentation at the 3 rd Annual Wallin Neuroscience Discovery Day in University of Minnesota on May 2, 2018, Minneapolis, MN, USA.
Wenfeng Liu, Dazhong Yin, Changfa Tang, Lihua Tang, Zongping Chen & Xia Wei. “Proteomic profile of carbonylated proteins in rat striatum: The regulatory role and mechanism of AMPK/mTOR/CaMK pathway in Parkinson's in response to regular aerobic exercise”, a poster presentation at theSHAPE America National Convention & Expo. 19-24/03/2018, Nashville, TN, USA.
Wenfeng Liu, Dazhong Yin, Changfa Tang, Lihua Tang, Zongping Chen, Xia Wei. “Proteomic profile of carbonylated proteins in aged rats soleus: The regulatory role and mechanism of TNNI1 in response to regular aerobic exercise”, an oral presentation and awarded a prize for “Best Paper Award” at the 16th Annual Conference for the Society of Chinese Scholars on Exercise Physiology and Fitness (SCSEPF). 22-23/08/2017. Changsha, Hunan.
Zeng Nan, Li Xianxiong, Yang Huimin,Liu Wenfeng, Xiong Hui, Chen Yanting, Li Jiao, He Wei, Gao Zan. The Effects of Different Types of Exercise on Chinese College Students' Energy Expenditure. MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE (supplement). 2017, 49(5): 887-887. DOI: 10.1249/01. mss.0000519406. 35200.7a. Annual Meeting of the American-College- of-Sports-Medicine (ACSM). MAY 2017. (SCI)
Gao Zan, Li Xianxiong, Zeng Nan, Pope, Zachary, Yang Huimin,Liu Wenfeng, Xiong Hui, Chen Yanting, Li Jiao, He Wei. Accuracy of Smartwatches in Assessing College Students' Energy Expenditure in Exercise with Different Intensities. MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE (supplement). 2017, 49(5):474-474 DOI: 10.1249/01.mss.0000518190.73055.5a. Annual Meeting of the American-College-of-Sports-Medicine (ACSM). MAY 2017. (SCI)
Liu Wenfeng,Tang Changfa, Yin Dazhong. “miRNA207 and miRNA542” was accepted for ICPS (The International Conference of Physiological Sciences), China National Convention Center (CNCC), Beijing, September 25th-28th– 2016.
Wenfeng Liu, Changfa Tang, Dazhong Yin. “The expression of miRNA207 and miRNA542 in aging rat striatum on regular aerobic exercise”(ID:2277), a/an Free paper (oral or poster) Presentation forInternational Convention on Science, Education and Medicine in Sport-ICSEMIS 2016, 8.31-9.4/2016. Santos, São Paulo-Brazil.
Wenfeng Liu,Changfa Tang, Dazhong Yin. “The Stress Resilience Mechanism and Signal Regulation of Regular Aerobic Exercise for Aging Rats in Soleus Apoptosis and Autophagy” (ID:993), a/an Free paper (oral or poster) Presentation for ICSEMIS 2016, 8.31-9.4/2016. Santos, São Paulo-Brazil.
指导刘俊微同学等湖南省大学生研究性学习和创新性实验计划项目“补肾益元中药提取物介导mTOR通路对运动性低血睾酮大鼠股四头肌蛋白质合成的影响研究” (湘教通[2016]283号),2016-2018,湖南省教育厅。
Liu WenfengPh.D. & Post Doc, Professor, Supervisor
Professor and Supervisor, Hunan Provincial Distinguished Young Scholar, Kinesiology in College of Physical Education, Hunan Normal University, China.
Post Doc, Neuroscience in Department of Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology (ECP), University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, USA.
Ph.D., Biochemistry and Molecular Biology in College of Life Science, Hunan Normal University, China.
Dr. Liu’s laboratory (PI): The lab in Nutrition and Exercise Intervention for Chronic Diseases of Metabolism and Aging.
Aging Neuroscience and Kinesiology
Physical Fitness and Physical Activity




Wenfeng Liu*, Rang Fu, Shaopeng Liu, Zhiyuan Wang, Changfa Tang, Li Li, Dazhong Yin.Regular Aerobic Exercise-Alleviated Dysregulation of CAMKII alpha Carbonylation to Mitigate Parkinsonism via Homeostasis of Apoptosis with Autophagy.Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology. 2020, 79(1): 46-61. https://doi.org/10.1093/jnen/nlz106. (SCI).
Wenfeng Liu, Yan Xia, Heyu Kuang, Zhiyuan Wang, Shaopeng Liu, Changfa Tang*, Dazhong Yin. Proteomic profile of carbonylated proteins screen the regulation of calmodulin-dependent protein kinases-AMPK-Beclin1 in aerobic exercise-induced autophagy in middle-aged rat hippocampus. Gerontology, 2019, 65(6): 620-633. https://doi.org/10.1159/000500742.(SCI).
Wenfeng Liu*, Zhiyuan Wang, Yan Xia, Heyu Kuang, Shaopeng Liu, Li Li, Changfa Tang*, Dazhong Yin*. The balance of apoptosis and autophagy via regulation of the AMPK signal pathway in aging rat striatum during regular aerobic exercise. Experimental Gerontology, 2019(124):1-11. https://doi.org/ 10.1016/j.exger.2019.110647. (SCI).
Wenfeng Liu*, Li Li, Shaopeng Liu, Zhiyuan Wang, Heyu Kuang, Yan Xia, Changfa Tang*, Dazhong Yin*. MicroRNA expression profiling screen miR-3557/324-targeted CaMK/mTOR in the rat striatum of Parkinson’s disease in regular aerobic exercise. BioMed Research International. 2019, 1-12, 7654798. https://doi.org/10.1155/2019/7654798. (SCI).
Wenfeng Liu, Heyu Kuang, Yan Xia, Zachary C. Pope, Zhiyuan Wang, Changfa Tang*, Dazhong Yin. Regular aerobic exercise-ameliorated troponin I carbonylation to mitigate aged rat soleus muscle functional recession. Experimental Physiology, 2019, 104(5):715-728. https://doi.org/10.1113/ EP087564.(SCI).
Zachary C Pope, Nan Zeng, Xianxiong Li,Wenfeng Liu, Zan Gao. Accuracy of Commercially Available Smartwatches in Assessing Energy Expenditure During Rest and Exercise. Journal for the Measurement of Physical Behaviour, 2019,2(2), 73-81. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1123/jmpb.2018-0037.
Wenfeng Liu*, Li Li, Heyu Kuang, YanXia, Zhiyuan Wang, Shaopeng Liu, Dazhong Yin*.Proteomic profile of carbonylated proteins screen regulation of apoptosis via CaMK signaling in response to regular aerobic exercise.BioMed Research International, 2018:1-13, 2828143. https://doi.org /10.1155/ 2018/2828143.(SCI).
Wenfeng Liu, Gan Chen, Fanling Li, Changfa Tang*, Dazhong Yin. Calcineurin- NFAT signaling and neurotrophins control transformation of Myosin heavy chain isoforms in rat soleus muscle in response to aerobic treadmill training.Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 2014,13 (4):934-944.(SCI).
Wenhui Qu, Kiall F Suazo,Wenfeng Liu, Shaowu Cheng, Angela Jeong, David Hottman, LiLian Yuan, Mark D Distefano, Ling Li*.Neuronal Protein Farnesylation Regulates Hippocampal Synaptic Plasticity and Cognitive Function. Molecular Neurobiology. 2021,58:1128-1144. DOI: 10.1007/s12035- 020-02169- w. (SCI).
刘文锋,宋海霞,傅让.有氧耐力运动对增龄大鼠肝细胞氧化应激和炎性因子及其AMPKα/Beclin1通路的影响.北京体育大学学报,2019,42(7):145-156. 2019.07.15,https://doi.org/10.19582/j.cnki.11-3785/g8.2019.07.016.
刘文锋*,刘少鹏,傅让,王志源,旷何玉,夏艳,汤长发*.耐力运动对增龄大鼠脑皮层突触可塑性的影响及相关调控机制.中国应用生理学杂志,2019,35(4):339-345,2019.07.28,https://doi.org/10.12047/j.cjap.5803.2019.072. PMID:31701719.

