2023-05-11 01:40
  • 田雪
  • 田雪 - 副教授-河南师范大学-水产学院-个人资料




田雪,女,河北邢台人,博士。2013年获博士学位,2018-2019美国弗吉尼亚大学访问学者。长期以来主要从事水产动物体色调控、水产动物遗传育种等相关领域的研究工作。在“BMC Genomics”、“Gene”“ 水产学报”等国内外重要期刊上发表相关学术论文。
招生专业:水产养殖学(090801) 渔业(095108)
招生人数: 1-2人/年




1. Tian X, Pang X, Wang L, Li M, Dong C, Ma X, Wang L, Song D, Feng J, Xu P, Li X. Dynamic regulation of mRNA and miRNA associated with the developmental stages of skin pigmentation in Japanese ornamental carp. Gene, 2018, 666: 32-43.
2. Tian X, Meng X, Wang L, Song Y, Zhang, D, Ji, Y, Li X, Dong, C. 2014. Molecular cloning, mRNA expression and tissue distribution analysis of Slc7a11 gene in alpaca (Lama paco) skins associated with different coat colors. Gene, 2015, 555(2): 88-94.
3. Tian X, Jiang J, Fan R, Wang H, Meng X, He X, He J, Li H, Geng J, Yu X, Zhang D, Yao J, Smith George, Dong C*. Identification and characterization of microRNAs in white and brown alpaca skin. BMC Genomics 2012, 13(1): 555.
4. Ma X, Cen S, Wang L, Zhang C, Wu L, Tian X, Wu Q, Li X, Wang X. Genome-wide identification and comparison of differentially expressed profiles of miRNAs and lncRNAs with associated ceRNA networks in the gonads of Chinese soft-shelled turtle, Pelodiscus sinensis. BMC Genomic, 2020, 21(1): 443.
5. Wu L, Li Y, Xu Y, Wang L, Ma X, Dong C, Zhao X, Tian X, Li X, Kong X. The roles of two myostatins and immune effects after inhibition in Qi river crucian carp (Carassius auratus). Fish and Shellfish Immunolpgy. 2020, 98: 710-719.
6. 胡菊, 冯彩, 马晓, 吴利敏, 刘慧芬, 宋红梅, 胡隐昌, 田雪*, 李学军. 锦鲤墨蝶呤还原酶基因 (sepiapterin reductase, spr) 的克隆, 表达和定位分析. 水产学报 2020, 44(4): 551-561.
7. 庞小磊,田雪*,王良炎,李梦荣,胡菊,马晓,刘慧芬,李学军. 饲料中n-3/n-6多不饱和脂肪酸水平对黄河鲤幼鱼生长性能及生长相关基因mRNA表达的影响. 水产学报 2019, 43(2): 492-504.
8. 李梦荣, 田雪*, 庞小磊, 王良炎, 胡菊, 董传举, 李学军, 王团记. 基于线粒体 COI 和 Cytb 基因序列的 6 种锦鲤 (Cyprinus carpio Koi) 遗传多样性分析. 淡水渔业 2018, 48(3): 13-18.
9. 田雪,王良炎,刘洋洋,胡灿灿,庞小磊,吴利敏,李学军*. 淇河鲫肌肉生长抑制素基因的克隆与表达. 水产学报, 2017, 41 (1): 11-20.
10. 田雪,王良炎,陈琳,王磊,马晓,胡灿灿,孔祥会,聂国兴,李学军*. SOST基因在淇河鲫肌间骨骨化过程中的表达研究. 水产学报, 2016, 40(5): 673-678.

