学习经历:2007/09/01~2018/06/30:河南师范大学 本/硕/博工作经历:2018/07/03:河南师范大学教学工作:大学物理I科研活动:对次最小超对称模型中若干问题的研究青年科学基金研究领域
Testing the light dark matter scenario of the MSSM at the LHC Journal of High Energy Physics, 2016, (3).Natural NMSSM after LHC Run I and the Higgsino dominated dark matter scenarioJournal of High Energy Physics, 2016, (8).Strong constraints of LUX-2016 results on the natural NMSSMJournal of High Energy Physics, 2016, (10).Diphoton signal of the light Higgs boson in natural NMSSMPHYSICAL REVIEW D, 2017, 95(11).Sneutrino DM in the NMSSM with inverse seesaw mechanismJournal of High Energy Physics, 2017, (10). 相关热点
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